Oracle vs MSSQL

이기현·2021년 2월 3일


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  • Oracle schemas are like My Documents folders in the Windows OS. A user can grant permissions to other users to see things in their schema but an Oracle schema is essentially a user's workspace.
  • MS SQL Server's schemas are namespaces. While you can have Accounting and Marketing schemas, they are not tightly-coupled to individual users. Objects in an Accounting schema contain accounting information and objects in the Marketing schema have marketing information.
  • Oracle schemas are tightly-coupled to users and MS SQL Server schemas are primarily for classification.


  • In Oracle, the users and the schema are one thing. You can create two different tables with the same name, belonging to different users.
  • In SQL Server, schema and user are separate things. The users are only used to log in and define permissions.

오라클은 User 로 로그인을 하면 해당 Schema(User)를 사용할 수 있지만, MS-SQL은 로그인과 사용자가 나위어져 있다. "MS-SQL은 인스턴스 단위의 로그인 유저와 데이터베이스 단위의 사용자 유저로 나눠저 있다.
Login : MS-SQL에 로그인 하기 위한 계정
User : MS-SQL 인스턴스 내의 특정 데이터베이스에 접근하기 위한 계정"

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