JavaScript #3 - Object and Class

Haebin Ethan Jeong·2020년 7월 22일


Let's say there's a table:

And the data are saved like this.

  • This is very inefficient way because as the number of variables increases, the code will get very redundant.

If we use Object, we can do something like this:

alert( + "plan costs " + plan2.price + "dollars.")
  • Example: Let's say we're creating an object for plan 1. We need to use {}, curly brackets.
let plan1 = {
  name: "Basic",
  price: 3.99,
  space: 100,
  transfer: 1000,
  pages: 10
  • These name, price, space, and etc are called properties.
  • In order to access these properties of an object, we do {object_name}.{property_name}, or {object_name}["{property_name}"].
  • For example, if you want to access the price, we do plan1.price or plan1["price"]

Scope - the region where a variable can be used

  • Function, for loops, if statements are all called block.
    - If a variable is declared inside these blocks, it can only be used inside the blocks.
  • global variables can be used anywhere.
    - global variables shouldn't be overused.
  • Example of a good block scope:
function logSkyColor() {
  const dusk = true;
  let myColor = 'blue'; 

  if (dusk) {
    let myColor = 'pink';
    console.log(myColor); // pink

  console.log(myColor); // blue 

console.log(myColor); // ERROR!


When you create a class, you need to create a constructor. In a constructor, you will use this. in order to assign the parameter to that very class. This variable is called member variables.

Example 1.

class Car {
  constructor(name, price) { = name;
    this.price = price;

Example 2.

class MyMath {
  constructor(num1, num2) {
    this.num1 = num1;
    this.num2 = num2;
  getNumber(num1, num2) {
    return [num1,num2];
  add(num1, num2) {
    return num1+num2;
  subtract(num1, num2) {
    return num2-num1;
  multiply(num1, num2) {
    return num1*num2;

Object part.2

  • If a key of an object is number, you can't do {object_name}.{property_name}. You need to use {object_name}["{property_name}"].
  • Keys can be spaces and special characters.
    - $special
  • A function inside an object is called method.
  • Example:
let methodObj = {
  do: function() {
    console.log('This is how you define method');
  • When you want to call this method, you do;

Nested Object

let nestedObj = {
  type: {
    year: '2019',
    'comment-type': [{
      name: 'simple'
  • When you want to print simple, you need to do console.log(nestedObj.type['comment-type'][0].name);

When you save an object in a variable, it doesn't save the entire object. Rather, it saves the reference of the memory of the object. is saved as a reference.

  • For example, let's say there are two objects defined.
const hiObj = { 
  name: 'hi' 
const helloObj = {
  name: 'hi'

console.log(hiObj === helloObj);
>> false
console.log( ===;
>> true
  • Judging from outside, we may thing the names are the same, but actually the data that hiObj and helloObj have are different.

const and object

const mutableObj = {
  name: 'object'

mutableObj = {
   name: 'fix'
} = 'can fix';
  • As we all know, const variables cannot be fixed. So, if we assign a new object in mutableObj, it will give you an error.
  • However, we can fix mutableObj with the property values like above.

Object part.3


  • Object.keys() returns the array of the keys of an object.
const obj = {
  name: 'melon',
  weight: 4350,
  price: 16500,
  isFresh: true

Object.keys(obj) // ['name', 'weight', 'price', 'isFresh']


  • Object.values() returns the array of the values of an object.


  • returns both key and value in one list.
const values = Object.values(obj)
// values === ['melon', 4350, 16500, true]

const entries = Object.entries(obj)

entries === [
  ['name', 'melon'],
  ['weight', 4350],
  ['price', 16500],
  ['isFresh', true]

for in loops

const arr = ['coconut', 'banana', 'pepper', 'coriander']

for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++) {
  • This for loop is same as
for (let i in arr) {
I'm a Junior studying Economics and Computer Science at Vanderbilt University.

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