[Navilos] UART PL011 of RealViewPB

Kieun Kim·2022년 1월 18일

I wrote this post while studying the Navilos and ARM UART PL011 of RealViewPB Datasheet from ARM Developer.

The project for My Github

UART PL011 of RealViewPB

UARTDR [Data Register]

  • The data register
  • The write operation initiates transmission from the UART. The data is prefixed with a start bit, appended with the appropriate parity bit (if parity is enabled), and a stop bit. The resultant word is then transmitted.
  • The received data byte is read by performing reads from the UARTDR Register along with the corresponding status information. The staus information can also be read by a read of the UARTRSR/UARTECR Register
typedef union UARTDR_t 
	uint32_t all;
    struct {
    	uint32_t DATA:8; // Read/Write data character
        uint32_t FE:1; // Framing error
        uint32_t PE:1; // Parity error
        uint32_t BE:1; // Break error
        uint32_t OE:1; // Overrun error
        uint32_t reserved:20; // Reserved
    } bits;

UARTSR/UARTECR [Status Register / Error Clear Register ]

  • The receive status reigster/error clear register
  • Receive status can also be read from UARTSR Register. If the status is read from this register, then the status information for break, framing, and parity corresponds to the data character read from the Data Register, UARTDR prior to reading the UARTSR Register. The status information for overrun is set immediately when an overrun condition occurs.
  • A write to UARTTECR Register clears the framing, parity, break, and overrun errors. All the bits are cleared to 0 on reset.
typedef union UARTSR_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t FE:1;		// Framing error 
		uint32_t PE:1;		// Parity error
		uint32_t BE:1;		// Break error
		uint32_t OE:1;		// Overrun error
		uint32_t reserved:28;	// Reserved, unpredictable when read
	} bits;

UARTFR [Flag Register]

  • The flag register
  • After reset TXFF, RXFF, and BUSY are 0, and TXFE and RXFE are 1.
typedef union UARTFR_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t CTS:1;		//  Clear to Send.
		uint32_t DSR:1;		// Data set ready
		uint32_t DCD:1;		// Data carrier detect
		uint32_t BUSY:1;	// UART busy
		uint32_t RXFE:1;	// Receive FIFO empty
		uint32_t TXFF:1;	// Trasmit FIFO full
		uint32_t RXFF:1;	// Receive FIFO full
		uint32_t TXFE:1;	// Trasmit FIFO empty
		uint32_t RI:1;		// Ring Indicator
		uint32_t reserved:23;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTILPR [ IrDA Low-Power Counter Register]

  • The irDA low-power counter reigister
  • This is an 8-bit read/write register that stores the low-power divisor value used to generate the IrLPBaud16 signal by dividing down of UARTCLK.
typedef union UARTILPR_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t ILPDVSR:8;	// 8-bit low poser divisor value
		uint32_t reserved:24;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTIBRD [Integer Baud Rate Register]

  • The integer part of the baud rate divisor value
typedef union UARTIBRD_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t BAUDDIVINT:16;	// The integer baud rate divisor
		uint32_t reserved:16;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTFBRD [Fractional Baud Rate Register]

  • The fractional part of the baud rate divisor value
typedef union UARTFBRD_t 
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t BAUDDIVFRAC:6;	// The fractional baud rate divisor
		uint32_t reserved:26;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTLCR_H [Line Control Register]

  • The line control register
  • This register accesses bits 29 to 22 of the UART Line Control Register, UARTCLR.
typedef union UARTCLR_H_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t BRK:1;		// Send break
		uint32_t PEN:1;		// Parity enable
		uint32_t EPS:1;		// Even Parity Select
		uint32_t STP2:1;	// Two stope bits select
		uint32_t FEN:1;		// Enable FIFOs
		uint32_t WLEN:2;	// Word length
		uint32_t SPS:1;		// Stick parity select
		uint32_t reserved:24;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTCR [Control Register]

  • The control register
typedef union UARTCR_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t UARTEN:1;	// UART enable
		uint32_t SIREN:1;	// SIR enable
		uint32_t SIRLP:1;	// SIR low-power IrDA mode
		uint32_t Reserved1:4;	// Reserved
		uint32_t LBE:1;		// Loopback enable
		uint32_t TXE:1;		// Transmit enable
		uint32_t RXE:1;		// Receive enable
		uint32_t DTR:1;		// Data transmit ready
		uint32_t RTS:1;		// Request to send
		uint32_t Out1:1;	// The complement of the UART Out1
		uint32_t Out2:1;	// The complement of the UART Out2
		uint32_t RTSEn:1;	// RTS hardware flow control enable
		uint32_t CTSEn:1;	// CTS hardware flow control enable
		uint32_t reserved2:16;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTIFLS [Interrupt FIFO Level Select Register]

  • The interrupt FIFO level select register
  • This register is used to define the FIFO level that triggers the assertion of UARTXINTR and UARTXINTR
typedef union UARTIFLS_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t TXIFLSEL:3;	// Transmit interrupt FIFO level select
		uint32_t RXIFLSET:3;	// Receive interrupt FIFO level select
		uint32_t reserved:26;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTIMSC [Interrupt Mask Set/Clear Register]

  • The interrupt mask set/clear register and it is a read/write register
  • On a read this register returns the current value of the mask on the relevant interrupt. On a write of 1 to the particular bit, it sets the corresponding mask of that interrupt. A write of 0 clears the corresponding mask.
typedef union UARTIMSC_t 
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t RIMIM:1;	// nUARTRI modem interrupt mask for UARTRINTR
		uint32_t CTSMIM:1;	// nUARTCTS modem interrupt mask for UARTCTSINTR
		uint32_t DCDMIM:1;	// nUARTDCD modem interrupt mask for UARTDCDINTR
		uint32_t DSRMIM:1;	// nUARTDSR modem interrupt mask for UARTDSRINTR
		uint32_t RXIM:1;	// Receive interrupt mask for UARTRXINTR
		uint32_t TXIM:1;	// Transmit interrupt maskfor UARTTXINTR
		uint32_t RTIM:1;	// Receive timeout interrupt mask for UARTRTINTR
		uint32_t FEIM:1;	// Framing error interrupt mask for UARTFEINTR
		uint32_t PEIM:1;	// Parity error interrupt mask for UARTPEINTR
		uint32_t BEIM:1;	// Break error interrupt mask for UARTBEINTR
		uint32_t OEIM:1;	// Overrun error interrupt mask for UARTOEINTR
		uint32_t reserved:21;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTRIS [Raw Interrupt Status Register]

  • The raw interrupt status register and it is a read-only register
  • This register returns the current raw status value, prior to masking, of the corresponding interrupt. A write has no effect.
typedef union UARTRIS_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t RIRMIS:1;	// nUARTRI modem interrupt status for UARRITINTR
    	uint32_t CTSRMIS:1;	// nUARTCTS modem interrupt status for UARTCTSINTR
        uint32_t DCDRMIS:1;	// nUARTDCD modem interrupt status for UARTDCDINTR
        uint32_t DSRRMIS:1;	// nUARTDSR modem interrupt status for UARTDSRINTR
        uint32_t RXRIS:1;	// Receive interrupt status for UARTRXINTR
        uint32_t TXRIS:1;	// Trasmit interrupt status for UARTTXINTR
        uint32_t RTRIS:1;	// Receive timeout interrupt status for UARTRTINTR
        uint32_t FERIS:1;	// Framing error interrupt status for UARTFEINTR
        uint32_t PERIS:1;	// Parity error interrupt status for UARTPEINTR
        uint32_t BERIS:1;	// Break error interrupt status for UARTBEINTR
        uint32_t OERIS:1;	// Overrun error interrupt status for UARTOEINTR
        uint32_t reserved:21; 	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTMIS [Masked Interrupt Register]

  • The masked interrupt status register and it is a read-only register.
  • This register returns the current masked status value of the corresponding interrupt. A write has no effect.
typedef union UARTMIS_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t RIMMIS:1;	// nUARTRI modem masked interrupt status for UARTRIINTR
		uint32_t CTSMMIS:1;	// nUARTCTS modem masked interrupt status for UARTCTSINTR
		uint32_t DCDMMIS:1;	// nUARTDCD modem masked interrupt status for UARTDCDINTR
		uint32_t DSRMMIS:1;	// nUARTDSR modem masked interrupt status for UARTDSRINTR
		uint32_t RXMIS:1;	// Received masked interrupt status for UARTRXINTR
		uint32_t TXMIS:1;	// Transmit masked interrupt status for UARTTXINTR
		uint32_t RTMIS:1;	// Received timeout masked interrupt status for UARTRTINTR
		uint32_t FEMIS:1;	// Framing error masked interrupt status for UARTFEINTR
		uint32_t PEMIS:1;	// Parity error masked interrupt status for UARTPEINTR
		uint32_t BEMIS:1;	// Break error masked interrupt status for UARTBEINTR
		uint32_t OEMIS:1;	// Overrun error masked interrupt status for UARTOEINTR
		uint32_t reserved:21;	// Reserved
 	} bits;

UARTICR [Interrupt Clear Register]

  • The interrupt clear register and is write-only
typedef union UARTICR_t 
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t RIMIC:1;	// nUARTRI modem interrupt clear for UARTRIINTR
		uint32_t CTSMIC:1;	// nUARTCTS modem interrupt clear for UARTCTSINTR
		uint32_t DCDMIC:1;	// nUARTDCD modem interrupt clear for UARTDCDINTR
		uint32_t DSRMIC:1;	// nUARTDSR modem interrupt clear for UARTDSRINTR
		uint32_t RXIC:1;	// Receive interrupt clear for UARTRXINTR
		uint32_t TXIC:1;	// Transmit interrupt clear for UARTTXINTR
		uint32_t RTIC:1;	// Receive timeout interrupt clear for UARTRTINTR
		uint32_t FEIC:1;	// Framing error interrupt clear for UARTFEINTR
 		uint32_t PEIC:1;	// Parity error interrupt clear for UARTPEINTR
		uint32_t BEIC:1;	// Break error interrupt clear for UARTBEINTR
		uint32_t OEIC:1;	// Overrun error interrupt clear for UARTOEINTR
		uint32_t reserved:21;	// Reserved
	} bits;

UARTDMACR [DMA Control Register]

  • The DMA control register is a read/write register.
  • All the bits are cleared to 0 on reset.
typedef union UARTDMACR_t
	uint32_t all;
	struct {
		uint32_t RXDMAE:1;	// Receive DMA enable
		uint32_t TXDMAE:1;	// Transmit DMA enable
		uint32_t DMAONERR:1;	// DMA on error
		uint32_t reserved:29;	// Reserved
	} bits;
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