pagination 기능 구현 하던 도중 에러가 발생하였다.
읽어보니까 단순 오타인 것 같다..
Error creating bean with name 'studentController': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 'studentRepository': Error creating bean with name 'studentRepository' defined in net.skhu.repository.StudentRepository defined in @EnableJpaRepositories declared on JpaRepositoriesRegistrar.EnableJpaRepositoriesConfiguration: Could not create query for public abstract net.skhu.repository.StudentRepository.findByDepartmentNameStratsWith(java.lang.String,; Reason: Failed to create query for method public abstract net.skhu.repository.StudentRepository.findByDepartmentNameStratsWith(java.lang.String,; No property 'stratsWith' found for type 'String'; Traversed path:
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