74일차 문제

양진혁·2022년 1월 21일


Greed is a dice game played with five six-sided dice. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to score a throw according to these rules. You will always be given an array with five six-sided dice values.

Three 1's => 1000 points
Three 6's => 600 points
Three 5's => 500 points
Three 4's => 400 points
Three 3's => 300 points
Three 2's => 200 points
One 1 => 100 points
One 5 => 50 point
A single die can only be counted once in each roll. For example, a given "5" can only count as part of a triplet (contributing to the 500 points) or as a single 50 points, but not both in the same roll.

Example scoring

Throw Score

5 1 3 4 1 250: 50 (for the 5) + 2 * 100 (for the 1s)
1 1 1 3 1 1100: 1000 (for three 1s) + 100 (for the other 1)
2 4 4 5 4 450: 400 (for three 4s) + 50 (for the 5)

def score(dice):
   from collections import Counter
   point_dic = {1:1000, 6:600, 5:500, 4:400, 3:300, 2:200}
   dices = Counter(dice)
   total = 0
   for k,v in dices.items():
       if v >= 3:
           total += point_dic[k] * (v // 3)
       if k == 1:
           total += 100 * (v % 3)
       elif k == 5:
           tot += 50 * (v % 3)
   return total

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