1210-TIL(pintos project2 arg passing)-작성중

그로밋·2023년 12월 11일

krafton jungle

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  • process_exec()

    • file_name문자열을파싱
    • 첫번째토큰을thread_create()함수에스레드이름으로전달
  • start_process()

    • file_name문자열파싱 <- 여기서 또?
    • argument_stack()함수를이용해스택에토큰들을저장
  • arguement_stack()

    • 유저스택에프로그램이름과인자들을저장하는함수
    • parse: 프로그램이름과인자가저장되어있는 메모리공간, count: 인자의개수, esp: 스택포인터를가리키는주소

한양대 슬라이드 내용인데 왜 process-exec에서 첫번쨰 토큰을 thread_create()함수에 전달하나?

음..큰그림을 모르겠다. 이해를 돕기 위해 블로그 참고 블로그

→ int main(void)
→ run_actions(argv)
→ run_task(char **argv)
→ process_wait(process_create_initd (task));

→ processcreate_initd(task)
→ thread_create(file_name, PRI_DEFAULT, initd, fn_copy)
→ initd()
→ process_exec()
→ load(입력값, if)
load에서 입력값 parsing, _if에 주소저장, load 성공 후 실행할 명령어 주소저장
// 이진 파일을 디스크에서 메모리로 로드한다.
// 로드된 후 실행할 메인 함수의 시작 주소 필드 초기화 (if
// user stack의 top 포인터 초기화 (if_.rsp)
// 위 과정을 성공하면 실행을 계속하고, 실패하면 스레드가 종료된다.

잠깐, 조금 더 큰 그림으로 프로그램의 전체 흐름을 다시 제대로 짚고 넘어가자

처음 시도한 코드

#include "userprog/process.h"
#include <debug.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <round.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "userprog/gdt.h"
#include "userprog/tss.h"
#include "filesys/directory.h"
#include "filesys/file.h"
#include "filesys/filesys.h"
#include "threads/flags.h"
#include "threads/init.h"
#include "threads/interrupt.h"
#include "threads/palloc.h"
#include "threads/thread.h"
#include "threads/mmu.h"
#include "threads/vaddr.h"
#include "intrinsic.h"
#ifdef VM
#include "vm/vm.h"

static void process_cleanup(void);
static bool load(const char *file_name, struct intr_frame *if_);
static void initd(void *f_name);
static void __do_fork(void *);

/* General process initializer for initd and other process. */
static void
	struct thread *current = thread_current();

/* Starts the first userland program, called "initd", loaded from FILE_NAME.
 * The new thread may be scheduled (and may even exit)
 * before process_create_initd() returns. Returns the initd's
 * thread id, or TID_ERROR if the thread cannot be created.
tid_t process_create_initd(const char *file_name)
	char *fn_copy;
	tid_t tid;

	/* Make a copy of FILE_NAME.
	 * Otherwise there's a race between the caller and load(). */
	fn_copy = palloc_get_page(0);
	if (fn_copy == NULL)
		return TID_ERROR;
	strlcpy(fn_copy, file_name, PGSIZE);

	/* --------------project 2 : arguemnt passing------------ */
	char *save_ptr;
	strtok_r(file_name, " ", &save_ptr);
	/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* Create a new thread to execute FILE_NAME. */
	tid = thread_create(file_name, PRI_DEFAULT, initd, fn_copy);
	if (tid == TID_ERROR)
	return tid;

/* A thread function that launches first user process. */
static void
initd(void *f_name)
#ifdef VM


	if (process_exec(f_name) < 0)
		PANIC("Fail to launch initd\n");

/* Clones the current process as `name`. Returns the new process's thread id, or
 * TID_ERROR if the thread cannot be created. */
tid_t process_fork(const char *name, struct intr_frame *if_ UNUSED)
	/* Clone current thread to new thread.*/
	return thread_create(name,
						 PRI_DEFAULT, __do_fork, thread_current());

#ifndef VM
/* Duplicate the parent's address space by passing this function to the
 * pml4_for_each. This is only for the project 2. */
static bool
duplicate_pte(uint64_t *pte, void *va, void *aux)
	struct thread *current = thread_current();
	struct thread *parent = (struct thread *)aux;
	void *parent_page;
	void *newpage;
	bool writable;

	/* 1. TODO: If the parent_page is kernel page, then return immediately. */

	/* 2. Resolve VA from the parent's page map level 4. */
	parent_page = pml4_get_page(parent->pml4, va);

	/* 3. TODO: Allocate new PAL_USER page for the child and set result to
	 *    TODO: NEWPAGE. */

	/* 4. TODO: Duplicate parent's page to the new page and
	 *    TODO: check whether parent's page is writable or not (set WRITABLE
	 *    TODO: according to the result). */

	/* 5. Add new page to child's page table at address VA with WRITABLE
	 *    permission. */
	if (!pml4_set_page(current->pml4, va, newpage, writable))
		/* 6. TODO: if fail to insert page, do error handling. */
	return true;

/* A thread function that copies parent's execution context.
 * Hint) parent->tf does not hold the userland context of the process.
 *       That is, you are required to pass second argument of process_fork to
 *       this function. */
static void
__do_fork(void *aux)
	struct intr_frame if_;
	struct thread *parent = (struct thread *)aux;
	struct thread *current = thread_current();
	/* TODO: somehow pass the parent_if. (i.e. process_fork()'s if_) */
	struct intr_frame *parent_if;
	bool succ = true;

	/* 1. Read the cpu context to local stack. */
	memcpy(&if_, parent_if, sizeof(struct intr_frame));

	/* 2. Duplicate PT */
	current->pml4 = pml4_create();
	if (current->pml4 == NULL)
		goto error;

#ifdef VM
	if (!supplemental_page_table_copy(&current->spt, &parent->spt))
		goto error;
	if (!pml4_for_each(parent->pml4, duplicate_pte, parent))
		goto error;

	/* TODO: Your code goes here.
	 * TODO: Hint) To duplicate the file object, use `file_duplicate`
	 * TODO:       in include/filesys/file.h. Note that parent should not return
	 * TODO:       from the fork() until this function successfully duplicates
	 * TODO:       the resources of parent.*/


	/* Finally, switch to the newly created process. */
	if (succ)

/* Switch the current execution context to the f_name.
 * Returns -1 on fail. */
int process_exec(void *f_name)
	char *file_name = f_name;
	bool success;

	/* We cannot use the intr_frame in the thread structure.
	 * This is because when current thread rescheduled,
	 * it stores the execution information to the member. */
	struct intr_frame _if;
	_if.ds = _if.es = _if.ss = SEL_UDSEG;
	_if.cs = SEL_UCSEG;
	_if.eflags = FLAG_IF | FLAG_MBS;

	/* We first kill the current context */

	/* --------------project 2 : arguemnt passing------------ */
	int argc = 0;
	char *argv[64];
	char *ret_ptr, *next_ptr;

	ret_ptr = strtok_r(file_name, " ", &next_ptr);
	while (ret_ptr) // Until ret_ptr is not NULL
		argv[argc++] = ret_ptr;					  // Store the current token on argv array
		ret_ptr = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &next_ptr); // Find the next token from next_ptr and store at the ret_ptr including NULL
	/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* And then load the binary */
	success = load(file_name, &_if);

	/* --------------project 2 : arguemnt passing------------ */
	argument_stack(argv, argc, &_if); // Create the argument stack
	printf('Im having a nightmare indeed -------------------------!');
	hex_dump(_if.rsp, _if.rsp, USER_STACK - (uint64_t)_if.rsp, true); // Display the contents of the arg stack using hex_dump
	/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

	/* If load failed, quit. */
	if (!success)
		return -1;

	/* Start switched process. */

/* Waits for thread TID to die and returns its exit status.  If
 * it was terminated by the kernel (i.e. killed due to an
 * exception), returns -1.  If TID is invalid or if it was not a
 * child of the calling process, or if process_wait() has already
 * been successfully called for the given TID, returns -1
 * immediately, without waiting.
 * This function will be implemented in problem 2-2.  For now, it
 * does nothing. */
int process_wait(tid_t child_tid UNUSED)
	/* XXX: Hint) The pintos exit if process_wait (initd), we recommend you
	 * XXX:       to add infinite loop here before
	 * XXX:       implementing the process_wait. */
	for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
	} // temeral code to test the argument passing
	return -1;

/* Exit the process. This function is called by thread_exit (). */
void process_exit(void)
	struct thread *curr = thread_current();
	/* TODO: Your code goes here.
	 * TODO: Implement process termination message (see
	 * TODO: project2/process_termination.html).
	 * TODO: We recommend you to implement process resource cleanup here. */


/* Free the current process's resources. */
static void
	struct thread *curr = thread_current();

#ifdef VM

	uint64_t *pml4;
	/* Destroy the current process's page directory and switch back
	 * to the kernel-only page directory. */
	pml4 = curr->pml4;
	if (pml4 != NULL)
		/* Correct ordering here is crucial.  We must set
		 * cur->pagedir to NULL before switching page directories,
		 * so that a timer interrupt can't switch back to the
		 * process page directory.  We must activate the base page
		 * directory before destroying the process's page
		 * directory, or our active page directory will be one
		 * that's been freed (and cleared). */
		curr->pml4 = NULL;

/* Sets up the CPU for running user code in the nest thread.
 * This function is called on every context switch. */
void process_activate(struct thread *next)
	/* Activate thread's page tables. */

	/* Set thread's kernel stack for use in processing interrupts. */

/* We load ELF binaries.  The following definitions are taken
 * from the ELF specification, [ELF1], more-or-less verbatim.  */

/* ELF types.  See [ELF1] 1-2. */
#define EI_NIDENT 16

#define PT_NULL 0			/* Ignore. */
#define PT_LOAD 1			/* Loadable segment. */
#define PT_DYNAMIC 2		/* Dynamic linking info. */
#define PT_INTERP 3			/* Name of dynamic loader. */
#define PT_NOTE 4			/* Auxiliary info. */
#define PT_SHLIB 5			/* Reserved. */
#define PT_PHDR 6			/* Program header table. */
#define PT_STACK 0x6474e551 /* Stack segment. */

#define PF_X 1 /* Executable. */
#define PF_W 2 /* Writable. */
#define PF_R 4 /* Readable. */

/* Executable header.  See [ELF1] 1-4 to 1-8.
 * This appears at the very beginning of an ELF binary. */
struct ELF64_hdr
	unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT];
	uint16_t e_type;
	uint16_t e_machine;
	uint32_t e_version;
	uint64_t e_entry;
	uint64_t e_phoff;
	uint64_t e_shoff;
	uint32_t e_flags;
	uint16_t e_ehsize;
	uint16_t e_phentsize;
	uint16_t e_phnum;
	uint16_t e_shentsize;
	uint16_t e_shnum;
	uint16_t e_shstrndx;

struct ELF64_PHDR
	uint32_t p_type;
	uint32_t p_flags;
	uint64_t p_offset;
	uint64_t p_vaddr;
	uint64_t p_paddr;
	uint64_t p_filesz;
	uint64_t p_memsz;
	uint64_t p_align;

/* Abbreviations */
#define ELF ELF64_hdr
#define Phdr ELF64_PHDR

static bool setup_stack(struct intr_frame *if_);
static bool validate_segment(const struct Phdr *, struct file *);
static bool load_segment(struct file *file, off_t ofs, uint8_t *upage,
						 uint32_t read_bytes, uint32_t zero_bytes,
						 bool writable);

/* Loads an ELF executable from FILE_NAME into the current thread.
 * Stores the executable's entry point into *RIP
 * and its initial stack pointer into *RSP.
 * Returns true if successful, false otherwise. */
static bool
load(const char *file_name, struct intr_frame *if_)
	struct thread *t = thread_current();
	struct ELF ehdr;
	struct file *file = NULL;
	off_t file_ofs;
	bool success = false;
	int i;

	/* Allocate and activate page directory. */
	t->pml4 = pml4_create();
	if (t->pml4 == NULL)
		goto done;

	/* Open executable file. */
	file = filesys_open(file_name);
	if (file == NULL)
		printf("load: %s: open failed\n", file_name);
		goto done;

	/* Read and verify executable header. */
	if (file_read(file, &ehdr, sizeof ehdr) != sizeof ehdr || memcmp(ehdr.e_ident, "\177ELF\2\1\1", 7) || ehdr.e_type != 2 || ehdr.e_machine != 0x3E // amd64
		|| ehdr.e_version != 1 || ehdr.e_phentsize != sizeof(struct Phdr) || ehdr.e_phnum > 1024)
		printf("load: %s: error loading executable\n", file_name);
		goto done;

	/* Read program headers. */
	file_ofs = ehdr.e_phoff;
	for (i = 0; i < ehdr.e_phnum; i++)
		struct Phdr phdr;

		if (file_ofs < 0 || file_ofs > file_length(file))
			goto done;
		file_seek(file, file_ofs);

		if (file_read(file, &phdr, sizeof phdr) != sizeof phdr)
			goto done;
		file_ofs += sizeof phdr;
		switch (phdr.p_type)
		case PT_NULL:
		case PT_NOTE:
		case PT_PHDR:
		case PT_STACK:
			/* Ignore this segment. */
		case PT_DYNAMIC:
		case PT_INTERP:
		case PT_SHLIB:
			goto done;
		case PT_LOAD:
			if (validate_segment(&phdr, file))
				bool writable = (phdr.p_flags & PF_W) != 0;
				uint64_t file_page = phdr.p_offset & ~PGMASK;
				uint64_t mem_page = phdr.p_vaddr & ~PGMASK;
				uint64_t page_offset = phdr.p_vaddr & PGMASK;
				uint32_t read_bytes, zero_bytes;
				if (phdr.p_filesz > 0)
					/* Normal segment.
					 * Read initial part from disk and zero the rest. */
					read_bytes = page_offset + phdr.p_filesz;
					zero_bytes = (ROUND_UP(page_offset + phdr.p_memsz, PGSIZE) - read_bytes);
					/* Entirely zero.
					 * Don't read anything from disk. */
					read_bytes = 0;
					zero_bytes = ROUND_UP(page_offset + phdr.p_memsz, PGSIZE);
				if (!load_segment(file, file_page, (void *)mem_page,
								  read_bytes, zero_bytes, writable))
					goto done;
				goto done;

	/* Set up stack. */
	if (!setup_stack(if_))
		goto done;

	/* Start address. */
	if_->rip = ehdr.e_entry;

	/* TODO: Your code goes here.
	 * TODO: Implement argument passing (see project2/argument_passing.html). */

	success = true;

	/* We arrive here whether the load is successful or not. */
	return success;

/* Checks whether PHDR describes a valid, loadable segment in
 * FILE and returns true if so, false otherwise. */
static bool
validate_segment(const struct Phdr *phdr, struct file *file)
	/* p_offset and p_vaddr must have the same page offset. */
	if ((phdr->p_offset & PGMASK) != (phdr->p_vaddr & PGMASK))
		return false;

	/* p_offset must point within FILE. */
	if (phdr->p_offset > (uint64_t)file_length(file))
		return false;

	/* p_memsz must be at least as big as p_filesz. */
	if (phdr->p_memsz < phdr->p_filesz)
		return false;

	/* The segment must not be empty. */
	if (phdr->p_memsz == 0)
		return false;

	/* The virtual memory region must both start and end within the
	   user address space range. */
	if (!is_user_vaddr((void *)phdr->p_vaddr))
		return false;
	if (!is_user_vaddr((void *)(phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz)))
		return false;

	/* The region cannot "wrap around" across the kernel virtual
	   address space. */
	if (phdr->p_vaddr + phdr->p_memsz < phdr->p_vaddr)
		return false;

	/* Disallow mapping page 0.
	   Not only is it a bad idea to map page 0, but if we allowed
	   it then user code that passed a null pointer to system calls
	   could quite likely panic the kernel by way of null pointer
	   assertions in memcpy(), etc. */
	if (phdr->p_vaddr < PGSIZE)
		return false;

	/* It's okay. */
	return true;

#ifndef VM
/* Codes of this block will be ONLY USED DURING project 2.
 * If you want to implement the function for whole project 2, implement it
 * outside of #ifndef macro. */

/* load() helpers. */
static bool install_page(void *upage, void *kpage, bool writable);

/* Loads a segment starting at offset OFS in FILE at address
 * UPAGE.  In total, READ_BYTES + ZERO_BYTES bytes of virtual
 * memory are initialized, as follows:
 * - READ_BYTES bytes at UPAGE must be read from FILE
 * starting at offset OFS.
 * - ZERO_BYTES bytes at UPAGE + READ_BYTES must be zeroed.
 * The pages initialized by this function must be writable by the
 * user process if WRITABLE is true, read-only otherwise.
 * Return true if successful, false if a memory allocation error
 * or disk read error occurs. */
static bool
load_segment(struct file *file, off_t ofs, uint8_t *upage,
			 uint32_t read_bytes, uint32_t zero_bytes, bool writable)
	ASSERT((read_bytes + zero_bytes) % PGSIZE == 0);
	ASSERT(pg_ofs(upage) == 0);
	ASSERT(ofs % PGSIZE == 0);

	file_seek(file, ofs);
	while (read_bytes > 0 || zero_bytes > 0)
		/* Do calculate how to fill this page.
		 * We will read PAGE_READ_BYTES bytes from FILE
		 * and zero the final PAGE_ZERO_BYTES bytes. */
		size_t page_read_bytes = read_bytes < PGSIZE ? read_bytes : PGSIZE;
		size_t page_zero_bytes = PGSIZE - page_read_bytes;

		/* Get a page of memory. */
		uint8_t *kpage = palloc_get_page(PAL_USER);
		if (kpage == NULL)
			return false;

		/* Load this page. */
		if (file_read(file, kpage, page_read_bytes) != (int)page_read_bytes)
			return false;
		memset(kpage + page_read_bytes, 0, page_zero_bytes);

		/* Add the page to the process's address space. */
		if (!install_page(upage, kpage, writable))
			return false;

		/* Advance. */
		read_bytes -= page_read_bytes;
		zero_bytes -= page_zero_bytes;
		upage += PGSIZE;
	return true;

/* Create a minimal stack by mapping a zeroed page at the USER_STACK */
static bool
setup_stack(struct intr_frame *if_)
	uint8_t *kpage;
	bool success = false;

	kpage = palloc_get_page(PAL_USER | PAL_ZERO);
	if (kpage != NULL)
		success = install_page(((uint8_t *)USER_STACK) - PGSIZE, kpage, true);
		if (success)
			if_->rsp = USER_STACK;
	return success;

/* Adds a mapping from user virtual address UPAGE to kernel
 * virtual address KPAGE to the page table.
 * If WRITABLE is true, the user process may modify the page;
 * otherwise, it is read-only.
 * UPAGE must not already be mapped.
 * KPAGE should probably be a page obtained from the user pool
 * with palloc_get_page().
 * Returns true on success, false if UPAGE is already mapped or
 * if memory allocation fails. */
static bool
install_page(void *upage, void *kpage, bool writable)
	struct thread *t = thread_current();

	/* Verify that there's not already a page at that virtual
	 * address, then map our page there. */
	return (pml4_get_page(t->pml4, upage) == NULL && pml4_set_page(t->pml4, upage, kpage, writable));

/* --------------project 2 : arguemnt passing------------ */
| Address      | Name         | Data        | Type        |
| -------------|--------------|-------------|-------------|
| 0x4747fffc   | argv[3][...] | 'bar\0'     | char[4]     |
| 0x4747fff8   | argv[2][...] | 'foo\0'     | char[4]     |
| 0x4747fff5   | argv[1][...] | '-l\0'      | char[3]     |
| 0x4747ffed   | argv[0][...] | '/bin/ls\0' | char[8]     |
| 0x4747ffe8   | word-align   | 0           | uint8_t[]   |
| 0x4747ffe0   | argv[4]      | 0           | char *      |
| 0x4747ffd8   | argv[3]      | 0x4747fffc  | char *      |
| 0x4747ffd0   | argv[2]      | 0x4747fff8  | char *      |
| 0x4747ffc8   | argv[1]      | 0x4747fff5  | char *      |
| 0x4747ffc0   | argv[0]      | 0x4747ffed  | char *      |
| 0x4747ffb8   | return addr  | 0           | void (*)()  |

<argument stack downwards using rsp stack pointer>
if_->rsp:   struct intr_frame 구조체의 rsp 멤버 변수는 스택 포인터
if_->R:     struct intr_frame 구조체의 R 멤버 변수는 레지스터의 값
if_->R.rdi: R.rdi는 함수 호출 시 첫 번째 인수를 전달하는 레지스터
if_->R.rsi: R.rsi는 함수 호출 시 두 번째 인수를 전달하는 레지스터
void argument_stack(char **argv, int argc, struct intr_frame *if_)
	/* Copy the argument string to the stack. */
	for (int i = argc - 1; i >= 0; i--) // Minus i to store the elements from the end of the array.
		int N = strlen(argv[i]) + 1;  // Plus 1 to consider sentinel(`\0`) which need to be located at the end of string.
		if_->rsp -= N;				  // Decrement the stack pointer to make space for the argument string.
		memcpy(if_->rsp, argv[i], N); // Copy the argument string to the stack.
		argv[i] = (char *)if_->rsp;	  // Update the argument pointer to point to the copied string on the stack.

	/* word alignment */
	if (if_->rsp % 8)
		int padding = if_->rsp % 8;
		if_->rsp -= padding;		  // Align the stack pointer to an 8-byte boundary if needed.
		memset(if_->rsp, 0, padding); // Fill the padding bytes with zeros.

	/* for NULL sentinel of argv array */
	if_->rsp -= 8;
	memset(if_->rsp, 0, 8); // Place a NULL sentinel at the bottom of the stack.

	/* Copy the argument pointer to the stack */
	for (int i = argc - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		if_->rsp -= 8;				   // Decrement the stack pointer to make space for the argument pointer.
		memcpy(if_->rsp, &argv[i], 8); // Copy the argument pointer to the stack.

	/* fake return address */
	if_->rsp -= 8;
	memset(if_->rsp, 0, 8); // Place a fake return address (0) at the bottom of the stack.

	if_->R.rdi = argc;				   // Set rdi (the first function parameter) to argc.
	if_->R.rsi = (char *)if_->rsp + 8; // Set rsi (the second function parameter) to &argv[0] which is the stack pointer's next address.
/* ------------------------------------------------------ */

/* From here, codes will be used after project 3.
 * If you want to implement the function for only project 2, implement it on the
 * upper block. */

static bool
lazy_load_segment(struct page *page, void *aux)
	/* TODO: Load the segment from the file */
	/* TODO: This called when the first page fault occurs on address VA. */
	/* TODO: VA is available when calling this function. */

/* Loads a segment starting at offset OFS in FILE at address
 * UPAGE.  In total, READ_BYTES + ZERO_BYTES bytes of virtual
 * memory are initialized, as follows:
 * - READ_BYTES bytes at UPAGE must be read from FILE
 * starting at offset OFS.
 * - ZERO_BYTES bytes at UPAGE + READ_BYTES must be zeroed.
 * The pages initialized by this function must be writable by the
 * user process if WRITABLE is true, read-only otherwise.
 * Return true if successful, false if a memory allocation error
 * or disk read error occurs. */
static bool
load_segment(struct file *file, off_t ofs, uint8_t *upage,
			 uint32_t read_bytes, uint32_t zero_bytes, bool writable)
	ASSERT((read_bytes + zero_bytes) % PGSIZE == 0);
	ASSERT(pg_ofs(upage) == 0);
	ASSERT(ofs % PGSIZE == 0);

	while (read_bytes > 0 || zero_bytes > 0)
		/* Do calculate how to fill this page.
		 * We will read PAGE_READ_BYTES bytes from FILE
		 * and zero the final PAGE_ZERO_BYTES bytes. */
		size_t page_read_bytes = read_bytes < PGSIZE ? read_bytes : PGSIZE;
		size_t page_zero_bytes = PGSIZE - page_read_bytes;

		/* TODO: Set up aux to pass information to the lazy_load_segment. */
		void *aux = NULL;
		if (!vm_alloc_page_with_initializer(VM_ANON, upage,
											writable, lazy_load_segment, aux))
			return false;

		/* Advance. */
		read_bytes -= page_read_bytes;
		zero_bytes -= page_zero_bytes;
		upage += PGSIZE;
	return true;

/* Create a PAGE of stack at the USER_STACK. Return true on success. */
static bool
setup_stack(struct intr_frame *if_)
	bool success = false;
	void *stack_bottom = (void *)(((uint8_t *)USER_STACK) - PGSIZE);

	/* TODO: Map the stack on stack_bottom and claim the page immediately.
	 * TODO: If success, set the rsp accordingly.
	 * TODO: You should mark the page is stack. */
	/* TODO: Your code goes here */

# 	return success;
#endif /* VM */


Work as though your strength were limitless. <S. Bernhardt>

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