상속 없이 행동이나 기능을 특정한 객체에 추가할 수 있게 하는 것
class CodeBuilder : CustomStringConvertible
private var buffer: String = ""
init() {}
init(_ buffer: String)
self.buffer = buffer
func append(_ s: String) -> CodeBuilder
return self
func appendLine(_ s: String) -> CodeBuilder
return self
static func +=(cb: inout CodeBuilder, s: String)
var description: String
return buffer
func main()
var cb = CodeBuilder()
// cb.append("glass").append("grass")
cb.appendLine("class glass")
cb += " // testing!\n"
protocol ICanFly
func fly()
protocol ICanCrawl
func crawl()
class Bird: ICanFly
func fly(){}
class Lizard: ICanCrawl
func crawl(){}
class Dragon: ICanFly, ICanCrawl
private let bird = Bird()
private let lizard = Lizard()
func fly()
bird.fly() // delegation
func crawl()
protocol Shape : CustomStringConvertible
var description: String { get }
class Circle: Shape
private var radius: Float = 0
init(_ radius: Float)
self.radius = radius
func resize(_ factor: Float)
radius *= factor
var description: String
return "A circle of radius \(radius)"
class Square : Shape
private var side : Float = 0
init(_ side: Float)
self.side = side
var description: String
return "A square with side \(side)"
class ColoredShape : Shape
var shape : Shape
var color : String
init(_ shape: Shape, _ color: String)
self.shape = shape
self.color = color
var description: String
return "\(shape) has color \(color)"
class TransparentShape: Shape
var shape: Shape
var transparency: Float
init(_ shape: Shape, _ transparency: Float)
self.shape = shape
self.transparency = transparency
var description: String
return "\(shape) has \(transparency*100) % transparency"
func main()
let square = Square(1.89)
let blueSquare = ColoredShape(square, "blue")
let blueHalfTransparentSquare = TransparentShape(square, 0.5)
protocol Shape : CustomStringConvertible
var description: String { get }
class Circle: Shape
private var radius: Float = 0
required init() {}
init(_ radius: Float)
self.radius = radius
func resize(_ factor: Float)
radius *= factor
var description: String
return "A circle of radius \(radius)"
class Square : Shape
private var side : Float = 0
required init(){}
init(_ side: Float)
self.side = side
var description: String
return "A square with side \(side)"
class ColoredShape<T> : Shape where T : Shape
private var shape : T = T()
private var color : String = "black"
required init(){}
init(_ color: String)
self.color = color
var description: String
return "\(shape) has color \(color)"
class TransparentShape<T>: Shape where T : Shape
private var shape: T = T()
private var transparency: Float = 0
required init(){}
init(_ transparency: Float)
self.transparency = transparency
var description: String
return "\(shape) has \(transparency*100) % transparency"
func main()
let purpleCircle = ColoredShape<Circle>("purple")
let purpleHalfSquare = TransparentShape<ColoredShape<Square>>(0.4)
protocol shape: CustomStringConvertible
var description: String { get }
protocol canFly : shape
func fly() -> String
protocol canCrawl : shape
func crawl() -> String
class Bird: canFly
var age = 0
required init() {}
func fly() -> String
return (age < 10) ? "flying" : "too old"
var description: String
return "Bird's age is \(age) and \(fly())"
class Lizard: canCrawl
var age = 0
required init() {}
func crawl() -> String
return (age > 1) ? "crawling" : "too young"
var description: String
return "Lizard's age is \(age) and \(crawl())"
class Dragon<T>: canFly, canCrawl where T : shape
// todo: reuse bird/lizard functionality here
private var shape : T = T()
required init() {}
var age: Int = 0
func fly() -> String { return "dragon Flying" }
func crawl() -> String { return "dragon Crawling" }
var description: String
return "\(shape)"
func main()
let LizardDragon = Dragon<Lizard>()
let BirdDragon = Dragon<Bird>()
class Dragon
private var _age = 0
private let bird = Bird()
private let lizard = Lizard()
// todo: reuse bird/lizard functionality here
var age: Int {
get { return _age }
lizard.age = value
bird.age = value
_age = value
func fly() -> String { return bird.fly() }
func crawl() -> String { return lizard.crawl() }
func main()
let dragon = Dragon()
print("age: "+"\(dragon.age)")
dragon.age = 10
print("age: "+"\(dragon.age)")
Swift 에선 제약사항이 있어서 특정한 Decorator 방식을 C++에서와 같이 효율적이게 쓰는 건 힘들다.