[leetCode] 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node

GY·2021년 11월 11일

알고리즘 문제 풀이

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🍰 Description

You are given a perfect binary tree where all leaves are on the same level, and every parent has two children. The binary tree has the following definition:

struct Node {
  int val;
  Node *left;
  Node *right;
  Node *next;

Populate each next pointer to point to its next right node. If there is no next right node, the next pointer should be set to NULL.

Initially, all next pointers are set to NULL.

Example 1:

Input: root = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
Output: [1,#,2,3,#,4,5,6,7,#]
Explanation: Given the above perfect binary tree (Figure A), 
your function should populate each next pointer to point to its next right node, just like in Figure B. 
The serialized output is in level order as connected by the next pointers, with '#' signifying the end of each level.

Example 2:

Input: root = []
Output: []

🍰 Solution

 * // Definition for a Node.
 * function Node(val, left, right, next) {
 *    this.val = val === undefined ? null : val;
 *    this.left = left === undefined ? null : left;
 *    this.right = right === undefined ? null : right;
 *    this.next = next === undefined ? null : next;
 * };

 * @param {Node} root
 * @return {Node}
var connect = function(root) {
    if (root === null) return null;
    if (root.left) {
        root.left.next = root.right;
        if (root.next) {
            root.right.next = root.next.left;

    return root;

🍰 Result


92 ms, faster than 89.50% of JavaScript online submissions for Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node.

Memory Usage

45.2 MB, less than 80.63% of JavaScript online submissions for Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node.

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