Ch 5- Overfitting

JW·2023년 6월 4일

Intro to Data Science

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This note is based on lecture by Professor 최영우 @ Sookmyung Women's University

Ch 5 - Overfitting

Overfitting meaning

  • When a model does not generalize beyond the training dataset

  • A model should predict well for instances that the model has not yet seen

A Fundamental Trade-Off

  • More complex, increase the possibility of overfitting

How to Recognize Overfitting

  1. holdout (=test) data
  • "hold out" some data for which we know the target value
  • Not used to build the model, but used to estimate the generalization performance of the model

  • When the model is not complex enough

    not very accuarte on both training & test data >> Underfitting

  • As the model gets too complex,

    • more accurate on the training data
    • less accurate on the test(=holdout) data

Case 1) Overfitting in Tree Induction

  • The complexity of tree = # of nodes

  • node=100 넘어가면, overfitting이 된다고 판단할 수 있음. >> tree size를 제한함
  • "sweet spot"을 정확히 찾는 방법은 이론상 존재하지 않음.

Case 2) Overfitting in Mathematical Functions

  • more terms or variables

  • To avoid overfitting,

  1. select only informative attributes
  2. holdout technique(test data 가지고) to check for overfitting

Holdout Evaluation, Cross-Validation

1-1. Holdout evaluation

  • train(Model builing), test(model evaluation)로 나누기
  • goal: estimate the generalization performance of a model

1-2. 문제점

  • test data 한 번 가지고 평가하는 것
  • 그래서 여러번 평가하는 cross validation 사용

2-1. Cross-Validation

  • A more sophisticated holdout evaluation procedure
  • Performs holdout evaluation multiple times over the dataset

2-2. k-fold Cross-Validation

Learning Curve

  • Flexibility

    Decision tree > Logistic Regression

  • Logistic Regression: can't model the full complexity of the data ase the data becomes larger (but it overfits less)

  • Decision tree: can model more complex regularities with larger training sets (but it overfits more)

Regularization (Important!)

  • Rein the complexity of the model to avoid overfitting

Case1) Regularization for Tree Induction

  • Stop growing the tree before it gets too complex
  • Grow the tree until it's too large, then "prune" it back to reduce its size
  • Build trees with different number of nodes and pick the best

1. Limit Tree Size

  • Specify a minimum number of instances to be split

2. Prune an Overly Large Tree

  • Cut off leaves and branches, replacing them with leaves

If this replacement does not reduce its accuracy

3. Build Many Trees and Pick the Best

  • The tree with the best accuracy

Case 2) Regularization for Linear Models

Sequential forward selection (SFS)

Case 3) Nested Cross-Validation

  • Used when we don't know the best value of a complexity parameter

  • Cross-validation

    Used when the value of the complexitiy parameter is fixed

  • Nested cross-validation

    Used when we want to find the best value of a complexity parameter

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