CodeWars 코딩 문제 2021/01/19 - Loose Change

이호현·2021년 1월 19일


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Welcome young Jedi! In this Kata you must create a function that takes an amount of US currency in cents, and returns a dictionary/hash which shows the least amount of coins used to make up that amount. The only coin denominations considered in this exercise are: Pennies (1¢), Nickels (5¢), Dimes (10¢) and Quarters (25¢). Therefor the dictionary returned should contain exactly 4 key/value pairs.

If the function is passed either 0 or a negative number, the function should return the dictionary with all values equal to 0.
If a float is passed into the function, its value should be be rounded down, and the resulting dictionary should never contain fractions of a coin.


loose_change(56) ==> {'Nickels': 1, 'Pennies': 1, 'Dimes': 0, 'Quarters': 2}
loose_change(-435) ==> {'Nickels': 0, 'Pennies': 0, 'Dimes': 0, 'Quarters': 0}
loose_change(4.935) ==> {'Nickels': 0, 'Pennies': 4, 'Dimes': 0, 'Quarters': 0}


function looseChange(cents){
  const answer = {
    Nickels: 0, 
    Pennies: 0, 
    Dimes: 0, 
    Quarters: 0

  if(cents <= 0) {
    return answer;
  else {
    cents = cents|0;

  const divideFunc = {
    Quarters: c => {
      return [c % 25, c / 25|0];
    Dimes: c => {
      return [c % 10, c / 10|0];
    Nickels: c => {
      return [c % 5, c / 5|0];
    Pennies: c => [0, c]
  for(let k in divideFunc) {
    const [remainder, result] = divideFunc[k](cents);
    result && (answer[k] = result);
    cents = remainder;

    if(!cents) break;

  return answer;

지난번에 했던 시간을 초, 분, 시, 일, 연으로 바꾸는거랑 로직이 거의 같다.
리팩토링 해볼 수 있을듯.

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