36-2: Servlet EL

jk·2024년 2월 22일

kdt 풀스택

목록 보기

1. EL 에 대하여 설명하시오.

  • Expression Language
  • It can print java literals.
  • It can set and get with the 4 scopes in jsp.

2. 아래의 EL 객체를 예를 들어 설명하시오.

  • pageContext
  • pageScope
  • sessionScope
  • param
//code1 page1
	application.setAttribute("application_name", "application_value");
	session.setAttribute("session_name", "session_value");
	pageContext.setAttribute("page_name", "page_value");
	request.setAttribute("request_name", "request_value");
//code2 page2
	${applicationScope.application_name} <br/>
	${sessionScope.session_name} <br/>
	${pageScope.page_name} <br/>
	${requestScope.request_name} <br/>

<!-- code3 -->
	String id = request.getParameter("id");
	String pw = request.getParameter("pw");
  • param: It calls the value from the name.
Brave but clumsy

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