Let's compare "var" vs "let" vs "const". And why we should not use var anymore?

권민재·2023년 10월 14일


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Good bye "var"

Today, I assume most of programmers don't use the "var" variable type anymore. Replacing it by "let" and "const". But why? Just because of "var" is just from old version?
This post is to make everybody clear what is difference between them and why "var" is depreciated.

before we start

For those who is new to javascript. There are 3 terminologies we should know when creating a variable.

  • Declaration : define variables using const, let, and var.
var name;
let age;
const address;
  • Initialization : value is added through the assign operator (=) after the variable is declared.
var name;
name = 'minjae'

let age;
age = 30
  • Assigning : means declaring a variable and assigning a value at the same time.
var name = 'minjae';
let age = 30;
const married = false;

1. Redeclaring variables

var can be declared again with same variable name.
let and const can not be declared again with same name.

var name = 'Santa';
var name = 'Pikachu'; // OK

let age = 20;
let age = 30; //SyntaxError: Identifier 'age' has already been declared

const character = 'Mario';
const character = 'Bumble Bee'; //SyntaxError: Identifier 'character' has already been declared

2. Unassigning variables

"var" and "let" can be unassigned during declaration.
"const" must be assigned during declaration.

var cat //OK
let squirrel //OK

const spider //SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration

3. Reassigning

"var" and "let" can be reassigned.
"const" can not be reassigned.

var name = "Elgol"
let country = "Germany"
const age = 5

name = "minjae" //OK
country = "Korea" //OK

age = 30 //TypeError: Assignment to constant variable.

4. Accessing variables before declaring

what is so bizzare about javascript is that you can access variables before declaring it.

"var" can be accessed before declaring variables.
"let" and "const" can not be accessed before declaring variables.


var cat //OK
let dog 
ReferenceError: Cannot access 'dog' before initialization


The phenomenon above is called Hoisting. It works as if the variables have been lifted to the top.

Hoisting is JavaScript's default behavior of moving all declarations to the top of the current scope.

Variables declared by var are subject to the declaration and initialization stages at once. That is, the variable is declared in the very first line of code (Actually, space for the variable is secured in the memory) and then initialized to undefined.

// var hoisting example
console.log(movie); //undefined 
var movie = 'Forest Gump';

The let and const variables are also hosted, but they are not initialized to undefined. Therefore it emits error when accessed before them.

// let const hoisting example

let music = 'Wonderwall';
const music2 = 'Summer';

//ReferenceError: Cannot access 'music' before initialization


As we saw on previous example how each variable type is working, var has high chance of causing errors.

It is recommened using let and const to prevent hoisting and redeclaring problems that you can run application more reliable and safe.

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