Technical Writing

seungwon·2021년 6월 10일


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멘토 : 김준범 (SK 주식회사)

[ 2021. 06. 10 ]


  • Technical Writing 원칙을 숙지!
  • 좋은 Reference 자료 확보/분석
  • 많이 작성!

Technical Writing 의미

수학,과학,공학 내용을 전달하기 위해 사용하는 문서 작성 총제

수학 vs 과학 : 자연계 실체 여부
과학 vs 공학 : 경제성 관점 적용 여부
공학 : 비용 대비 최대의 이윤 산출이 목표


  • 효율적 지식전달
  • 상대방 설득에 필수적
  • 개인 가치 상승 주요 수단 : 개인 PR / 몸값 상승

Technical Writing은 매우 기본적인 역량이다

개인의 역량을 세분화 한다면
4. ICT 활용 역량 : 전반적 관점의 문제 해결(BIZ/TECH연관을 고려한 적용)
3. ICT 지식 역량 : 알고리즘, 언어, New Tech
2. 이공계 기본역량 : 수학, 과학, 공학
1. 업무 기초역량 : 집중력, 끈기, Logical Thinking, Technical Writing


  1. 내/외 환경 고려
    문서를 작성하는 목적, 문서를 통해 얻고자 하는 바, 독자(독자 환경)파악
    ex) 사장이 매출 총액이 얼마냐 ?
    -> 200억입니다. 세부 항목은 ... (GOOD)
    -> 1번 항목은 얼마, 2번 항목은 얼마 ....... 총 200억입니다 (BAD)
    청자가 원하는 것을 말하는 것이 중요함! (사장이 원한것은 총액!)

  2. 논리적 흐름 고려
    내용 선택 / 체계화, 적절한 분량, 피라미드 구성, 적절한 작성 (맞춤법, 주어 부재 방지, 맺음말), 지루하지 않게 작성

  1. 시각적 상황 고려 : 도식, 도표 -> 이해도 증진
    시각적 접근성 고려(들여쓰기, 줄바꿈), Object(사진, 도표, 차트, 아이콘),
    일관성 유지 - 42이노베이션-> 연수 -> 42서울 -> 교육 ...(X): 한단어로 통일
  2. 윤리적 기반 고려 : 불리한 데이터 숨기지 말것, 거짓 암시 주의, 표절/거짓말 금지, 출처, 최대한 증빙

목차 작성

논리의 기술 (바바라민트)

  • 목차 작성시 어떤 계층에 있는 항목은 하위 그룹의 항목을 요약
  • 그룹내에서는 항상 동일한 유형을 유지 (속성이 동일한 것들끼리 구성)
  • 하위 그룹은 3-4개

  • 이해는 항상 첫번째 목적! : Top down 방식
  • 귀납적 전개 (= 두괄식 표현) : 반전 최소화
    cf. 귀납적 전개(상위개념을 하위 개념으로 등분) vs 연역적(순차적) 전개
  • low depth 표현도 좋은 수단 : detail
    (kiling point 노출은 필수, 문맥상/분량상 구체적이고 생생한 내용기재)


  1. why : 해당 기술 등장 배경, 과거 트랜드
  2. what (object 중심) : 개요,개념,정의,특징
    구성도(중요), 프로세스 / 유형, 종류
  3. how : 구현 과정 관련 사항(일정, 방법, 조작), 긍정적/부정적 기대효과

순서도 및 기호 사용

순서도 기호

도표 작성

제목은 중앙 정렬, 텍스트는 왼쪽 정렬, 숫자는 오른쪽 정렬, 숫자 1000단위 ',' 넣어주기

문서 작성 프로세스

아이디어 구상 : 서비스 구상도
기획 : 기획서, 요구사항 정의서, 기능 정의서
개발 진행: UI WireFrame

  1. 서비스 구성도 : 전체 도식도
  • 개발하고자 하는 시스템을 가운데에 위치하고 boundary 설정
  • 내부 - 주요 object, communication, process 표시
  • 외부 - 주요 actor, 내외 interface
  • 서비스 시작 : 좌측 상단, 종료 : 우측 하단
    object , actor 등이 같은 경우 동일 위치에 표시
    주요 데이터 항목등은 프로세스에 추가 표시
    작성하고자 하는 시스템 전체 바운더리를 기준으로 내외
  1. (요구사항 정의서) : 출처, ID, 제목, 설명, 기능여부(기능/비기능)등을 포함
    외주 작업시 활용
  2. Menu Tree : Pyramid Structure, balanced MECE 구조
  3. UI WireFrame : 실제 화면 구성
  4. System Architecture: 서비스 구성도를 SW 기술/개발 관점에서 업그레이드 한것. 채택/구성 사유가 중요

27개의 댓글

2022년 5월 12일

The technical writing for student can be well altered by tools but if you are looking gunuine content then get to the professional writing company

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2022년 5월 25일

best technical structure based on the idea to create a rectification of technical disability on time

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2022년 7월 2일

Technical writing is filled with a lot of perks descents many other field are associated with them to some intend

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2022년 11월 1일

The services provided by the UK for writing Finance Dissertation Writing Services can be quite helpful to students from all around the world.
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1개의 답글
2022년 11월 2일

Without costing them a hefty amount, Assignments Pro delivers high-quality assignment help at a lot lower cost.

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2022년 11월 2일

We have been consistently serving students for over 10 years. And not just that but it is due to our determination that 1000+ students order our Nursing Dissertation Help. We have always made sure to facilitate students in the best way.
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답글 달기
2022년 11월 25일

Even if we choose to believe differently, we can never be completely prepared for every technical writing assignment that comes our way. Alternatively, we may be recruited as technical journalists or tasked with aiding with content marketing activities. As a result, we must ask questions at some point, which requires conducting interviews with one or more subject matter experts (SME) to acquire information. If you're a technical writer who gets stage fright easily or freezes up in conversations with only acquaintances, conducting an interview with a subject matter expert may feel as terrifying as climbing Mount Everest. Interviewing SMEs incorporates elements of art, planning, and social scientific experimentation. It is a profitable soft skill.
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답글 달기
2022년 11월 27일

I was merely testing their service with 10 appointment leads when I received the outcomes I did. well done, guys. I'll purchase more.

답글 달기
2022년 12월 19일

Academic tasks can never be easy for the students whether its for typical physical class in college or any online program. However, it is relevantly a bit logical, easy, and effective when you take online courses. If you are looking for some authentic online courses, check out INFOSEC reviews to get a good understanding along with details.

답글 달기
2023년 3월 28일

Assignment fix is providing technical writing for students at affordable prices. I experienced it by myself.

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2023년 3월 29일

Technical writing is a type of writing that is used to communicate complex and technical information to a specific audience. This type of writing is commonly used in fields such as science, engineering, technology, and business, where clear and precise communication is essential. Technical writing requires a high level of clarity, accuracy, and attention to detail, and may involve the use of diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to help convey information. Effective technical writing can play a crucial role in facilitating understanding, promoting safety, and driving innovation in a wide range of industries. To have an effective technical paper, visit

답글 달기
2023년 3월 29일

Yes, indeed I totally agree with you. technical writing is very essential not for studying but very important for any business to run digitally cause you can't even run without good-quality content.

답글 달기
2023년 3월 30일

Absolutely. Academic tasks cannot be easy for the students. You should trust online courses, because it is easier, logical, and effective. check out link.

답글 달기
2023년 4월 19일

Academic tasks can never be easy for the students whether its for typical physical class in college or any online program. but health is very important and care your skin with best toner for sensitive skin.

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2023년 4월 19일

For more than a decade, we have been dedicatedly providing assistance to students. As a result of our unwavering commitment, we have received orders for our Online Assignment writing service from more than 1000 students. Our topmost priority has always been to provide the best possible support to students.

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2023년 5월 18일

If you are looking for a reliable and affordable assignment help service, I highly recommend Native Assignment Help.

답글 달기
2023년 7월 24일

Business Assignment Help can provide immense benefits to international students pursuing business studies. As these students venture into a new educational environment in a foreign country, they often encounter unique challenges that can impact their academic performance. Availing Business Assignment Help services can be a game-changer for them, offering specialized assistance that caters to their specific needs. One of the significant advantages of Business Assignment Help for international students is overcoming language barriers. English may not be their first language, and expressing complex business concepts in a foreign tongue can be daunting. Professional writers with expertise in business studies can bridge this gap by crafting assignments that are not only academically sound but also written fluently in English. This ensures that international students can effectively communicate their ideas and showcase their understanding of the subject matter.

답글 달기
2023년 8월 14일

As a computer science student in the UK, I often find myself grappling with complex assignments. That's when Assignment Help Online came to my rescue! When I sought their assistance for my assignment, I was amazed by their professionalism and commitment.

The team at Assignment Help Online perfectly understood my requirements and provided tailored solutions that aligned with the UK academic standards. The depth of research they put into my assignment was impressive. They covered every aspect comprehensively, making sure that my concepts were crystal clear.

What stood out was their dedication to delivering quality work within the specified deadline. They didn't just provide me with a solution; they guided me through the entire process, helping me understand the concepts better.

If you're in need of reliable and top-quality computer science assignment help in the UK, Assignment Help Online is the brand to trust. They transformed my academic journey, making it smoother and more successful.

답글 달기
2023년 8월 29일

I frequently visit blogs and websites to read articles, but this website focuses more on features than others.

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2023년 9월 27일

For reference, let’s look at the existing definition. In a narrow sense, it refers to document writing technology to accurately and effectively convey scientific and technological information. In a broad sense, it refers to a format or writing style to convey important facts about a topic with a clear goal.

답글 달기
2023년 11월 24일

It is truly a well-researched content and excellent wording. I got so engaged in this material that I couldn’t wait reading.

답글 달기
2023년 12월 20일

I am really enjoying reading your well written articles. It looks like you spend a lot of effort and time on your blog.

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2024년 1월 31일

I spent many hours challenging myself and improving my skills in this game.

1개의 답글
2025년 1월 14일

Struggling with coursework? Get the assignment help you need from Do-My-Assignment! Their skilled team ensures top-quality results and stress-free learning.

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2025년 3월 1일

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