1. Spring REST Docs 사용하는 이유
  2. Spring REST Docs 시작하기
    1. build.gradle
    2. 전체 흐름
    3. 테스트 작성
      • 테스트 세팅 방법
      • 테스트 코드에서 문서 작성 방법
    4. adoc(asciidoc) 작성 방법
  3. Spring REST Docs 심화편 (추후 업데이트 예정)

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2.4 adoc(asciidoc) 작성 방법

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= Spring REST Docs JUnit 5 Sample
Andy Wilkinson;
:doctype: book
:icons: font
:source-highlighter: highlightjs

Sample application demonstrating how to use Spring REST Docs with JUnit 5.

`SampleJUnit5ApplicationTests` makes a call to a very simple service and produces three
documentation snippets.

One showing how to make a request using cURL:


One showing the HTTP request:


And one showing the HTTP response:


출력 화면

자주 쓰이는 포맷 예시(열어서 읽어보세요)

출처 : baeldung asciidoc tutorials

= RESTful Notes API Guide
:doctype: book
:icons: font
:source-highlighter: highlightjs
:toc: left
:toclevels: 4

= Overview

== HTTP verbs

RESTful notes tries to adhere as closely as possible to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its
use of HTTP verbs.

| Verb | Usage

| `GET`
| Used to retrieve a resource

| `POST`
| Used to create a new resource

| Used to update an existing resource, including partial updates

| Used to delete an existing resource

RESTful notes tries to adhere as closely as possible to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its
use of HTTP status codes.

| Status code | Usage

| `200 OK`
| The request completed successfully

| `201 Created`
| A new resource has been created successfully. The resource's URI is available from the response's
`Location` header

| `204 No Content`
| An update to an existing resource has been applied successfully

| `400 Bad Request`
| The request was malformed. The response body will include an error providing further information

| `404 Not Found`
| The requested resource did not exist

== Hypermedia

RESTful Notes uses hypermedia and resources include links to other resources in their
responses. Responses are in http://stateless.co/hal_specification.html[Hypertext Application
from resource to resource.
Language (HAL)] format. Links can be found beneath the `_links` key. Users of the API should
not create URIs themselves, instead they should use the above-described links to navigate

= Resources

== Index

The index provides the entry point into the service.

=== Accessing the index

A `GET` request is used to access the index

==== Request structure


==== Example response


==== CURL request


==== Links


== CRUD REST Service 

The CRUD provides the entry point into the service.

=== Accessing the crud GET

A `GET` request is used to access the CRUD read.

==== Request structure


==== Example response


==== CURL request


=== Accessing the crud POST

A `POST` request is used to access the CRUD create.

==== Request structure


==== Example response


==== CURL request


=== Accessing the crud DELETE

A `DELETE` request is used to access the CRUD delete.

==== Request structure


==== Path Parameters

==== Example response


==== CURL request


=== Accessing the crud PATCH

A `PATCH` request is used to access the CRUD update.

==== Request structure


==== Example response


==== CURL request


=== Accessing the crud PUT

A `PUT` request is used to access the CRUD update.

==== Request structure


==== Example response


==== CURL request


더 자세한 문법은 이 사이트에 가서 알아보자. (한글 번역판)
Asciidoc 기본 사용법

Spring REST Docs 심화편

(추후 업데이트 예정)

참고 사이트

Spring Rest Docs 적용 - 우아한형제들 기술 블로그

Spring Rest Docs 사용해보기

Spring REST Docs(1) - 기초 환경설정

spring boot RestDocs 코드 리팩토링과 Spring RestDocs 적용

Spring Rest Docs를 이용한 API 문서 만들기 | Carrey`s 기술블로그

Spring REST Docs



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