System Progaramming -7- Integer Arithmetic

Shy·2023년 5월 31일


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Shift and Rotate Instructions

  • Bit shifting means to move bits right and left inside an operand
  • x86 processors provide a particularly rich set of instructions in this area
    • All affect the Overflow and Carry flags
SHLShift Left
SHRShift Right
SALShift arithmetic left
SARShift arithmetic right
ROLRotate left
RORRotate Right
RCLRotate carry left
RCRRotate carry right
SHLDDouble-precision shift left
SHRDDouble-precision shift right

1.Logical Shifts and Arithmetic Shifts

  • Two ways to shift an operand’s bits

1.Logical shift

  • This shift fills the newly created bit position with zero
  • A byte is logically shifted one position to the right
  • Each bit is moved to the next lowest bit position
  • Note that bit 7 is assigned 0
  • E.g.) A single logical right shift on the binary value 11001111, producing 01100111
    • The lowest bit is shifted into the Carry flag

2.Arithmetic shift

  • The newly created bit position is filled with a copy of the original number’s sign bit
  • E.g.) Binary 11001111 which has a 1 in the sign bit
    • When shifted arithmetically 1 bit to the right, it becomes 11100111

2.SHL (shift left) Instruction

  • Performs a logical left shift on the destination operand, filling the lowest bit with 0

  • The highest bit is moved to the Carry flag, and the bit that was in the Carry flag is discarded

  • E.g.) If you shift 11001111 left by 1 bit, it becomes 10011110

  • Instruction format

    SHL destination, count
    SHL reg, imm8
    SHL mem, imm8
    SHL reg, CL
    SHL mem, CL
    • x86 processors permit imm8 to be any integer between 0 and 255
    • Alternatively, the CL register can contain a shift count
  • Example

    mov bl, 8Fh		; BL = 10001111b
    shl bl, l			; CF - 1, BL - 00011110b
    • BL is shifted once to the left
    • The highest bit is copied into the Carry flag and the lowest bit position is assigned zero
    mov al,10000000b
    shl al,2					; CF = 0, AL - 00000000b
    • When a value is shifted leftward multiple times, the CF contains the last bit to be shifted out of the MSB
    • Bit 7 does not end up in the CF because it is replaced by bit 6 (a zero)
    • Similarly, when a value is shifted rightward multiple times, the CF contains the last bit to be shifted out of the LSB
  • Bitwise Multiplication

    • Bitwise multiplication is performed when you shift a number’s bits in a leftward direction (toward the MSB)
      • E.g.) SHL can perform multiplication by powers of 2
    • Shifting any operand left by 𝑛𝑛 bits multiplies the operand by 2^𝑛
      - E.g.) Shifting the integer 5 left by 1 bit yields the product of 5 × (2^1) = 10

      - E.g.) If binary 00001010 (decimal 10) is shifted left by two bits, the result is the same as multiplying 10 by 2^2
      mov dl,10			; before 00001010
      shl dl,2			; after 00101000

3.SHR (shift right) Instruction

  • performs a logical right shift on the destination operand, replacing the highest bit with a 0
  • The lowest bit is copied into the Carry flag, and the bit that was previously in the Carry flag is lost
  • SHR uses the same instruction formats as SHL
  • Examples
    mov al,0D0h			; AL = 11010000b
    shr al,1				; AL = 01101000b, CF = 0 
    • The 0 from the lowest bit in AL is copied into the CF, and the highest bit in AL is filled with a zero
    mov al,00000010b
    shr al,2				; AL = 00000000b, CF = 1
    • In a multiple shift operation, the last bit to be shifted out of position 0 (the LSB) ends up in the Carry flag
  • Bitwise Division
    • Bitwise division is accomplished when you shift a number’s bits in a rightward direction (toward the LSB)
    • Shifting an unsigned integer right by 𝑛𝑛 bits divides the operand by 2^𝑛
    • E.g.) 32 is divided by 2^1, producing 16
    • E.g.) 32 is divided by 2^3
    mov al,01000000b			; AL = 64
    shr al,3					; divide by 8, AL = 00001000b
    • Division of signed numbers by shifting is accomplished using the SAR instruction because it preserves the number’s sign bit

4.SAL (shift arithmetic left) and SAR (shift arithmetic right) Instructions

  • The SAL instruction works the same as the SHL instruction

    • For each shift count, SAL shifts each bit in the destination operand to the next highest bit position
    • The lowest bit is assigned 0
    • The highest bit is moved to the Carry flag, and the bit that was in the Carry flag is discarded
    • E.g.) If you shift binary 11001111 to the left by one bit, it becomes 10011110
  • The SAR instruction performs a right arithmetic shift on its destination operand

  • Example

    • This example shows how SAR duplicates the sign bit
    • AL is negative before and after it is shifted to the right
    mov al, 0F0h			; AL = 11110000 (-16)
    sar al, 1				; AL = 11111000 (-8), CF = 0
  • Signed Division

    • You can divide a signed operand by a power of 2, using the SAR instruction
    • In the following example, −128 is divided by 23. The quotient is −16
    mov dl,-128			; DL = 10000000b
    sar dl,3				; DL = 11110000b
  • Sign-Extend AX into EAX

    • Suppose AX contains a signed integer and you want to extend its sign into EAX
    • First shift EAX 16 bits to the left, then shift it arithmetically 16 bits to the right
    mov ax,128			; EAX = ????FF80h
    shl eax,16			; EAX = FF800000h
    sar eax,16			; EAX = FFFFFF80h

5.ROL (rotate left) Instruction

  • Bitwise rotation occurs when you move the bits in a circular fashion
    • In some versions, the bit leaving one end of the number is immediately copied into the other end
    • Another type of rotation uses the Carry flag as an intermediate point for shifted bits
  • The ROL instruction shifts each bit to the left
  • The highest bit is copied into the Carry flag and the lowest bit position
  • Bit rotation does not lose bits
    • A bit rotated off one end of a number appears again at the other end
  • The following example shows how the high bit is copied into both the Carry flag and bit position 0
mov al,40h		; AL = 01000000b,
rol al,1		; AL = 10000000b, CF = 0
rol al,1		; AL - 00000001b, CF = 1
rol al,1		; AL - 00000010b, CF = 0

6.ROR (rotate right) Instruction

  • The ROR instruction shifts each bit to the right and copies the lowest bit into the Carry flag and thehighest bit position
  • Example
mov al,01h			; AL = 00000001b
ror al,1			; AL = 10000000b, CF = 1
ror al,1			; AL = 01000000b, CF = 0
  • Multiple Rotations
    • When using a rotation count greater than 1, the CF contains the last bit rotated out of the LSB position
    mov al,00000100b
    ror al,3					; AL = 10000000b, CF = 1

7.RCL (rotate carry left) and RCR (rotate carry right) Instructions

  • RCL shifts each bit to the left, copies the CF to the LSB, and copies the MSB into the CF
  • If we imagine the CF as an extra bit added to the high end of the operand, RCL looks like a rotate left operation
  • Example
    clc					; CF = 0
    mov bl,88h				; CF,BL=0 10001000b
    rcl bl,1				; CF,BL=1 00010000b
    rcl bl,1				; CF,BL=0 00100001b
    • The CLC instruction clears the CF
    • The first RCL instruction moves the high bit of BL into the CF and shifts the other bits left
    • The second RCL instruction moves the CF into the lowest bit position and shifts the other bits left
  • Recover a Bit from the Carry Flag
    • RCL can recover a bit that was previously shifted into the Carry flag
    • The following example checks the lowest bit of testval by shifting its lowest bit into the CF
      • If the lowest bit of testval is 1, a jump is taken
      • If the lowest bit is 0, RCL restores the number to its original value
  • RCR Instruction
    • The RCR instruction shifts each bit to the right, copies the CF into the MSB, and copies the LSB into the CF
    • The following code example uses STC to set the CF; then, it performs a rotate carry right operation on the AH register
    stc				; CF = 1
    mov ah,10h			; AH, CF = 00010000 1
    rcr ah,1			; AH, CF = 10001000 0

8.Signed Overflow

  • The Overflow flag is set if the act of shifting or rotating a signed integer by one bit position
    generates a value outside the signed integer range of the destination operand
    • To put it another way, the number’s sign is reversed
  • The value of the Overflow flag is undefined when the shift or rotation count is greater than 1
  • Examples
    • A positive integer (+127) stored in an 8-bit register becomes negative (−2) when rotated left
    mov al,+127			; AL = 01111111b		
    rol al,1				; OF = 1, AL = 11111110b
    • Similarly, when – 128 is shifted one position to the right, the Overflow flag is set
    • The result in AL (+64) has the opposite sign
    mov al,-128			; AL = 10000000b
    shr al,1				; OF = 1, AL = 01000000b

9.SHLD (shift left double) / SHRD (shift right double) Instructions

  • The SHLD instruction

    SHLD dest, source, count
    • The SHLD shifts a destination operand a given number of bits to the left
    • The bit positions opened up by the shift are filled by the MSBs of the source operand
    • The source operand is not affected, but the Sign, Zero, Auxiliary, Parity, and Carry flags are affected
      • The illustration shows the execution of SHLD with a shift count of 1
      • The highest bit of the source operand is copied into the lowest bit of the destination operand
      • All the destination operand bits are shifted left
  • The SHRD instruction

    SHRD dest, source, count
    • The SHRD shifts a destination operand a given number of bits to the right
    • The bit positions opened up by the shift are filled by the LSBs of the source operand
      • The illustration shows the execution of SHRD with a shift count of 1
  • Instruction formats

    • The destination operand can be a register or memory operand
    • The source operand must be a register
    • The count operand can be the CL register or an 8-bit immediate operand
    SHLD reg16,reg16,CL/imm8
    SHLD mem16,reg16,CL/imm8
    SHLD reg32,reg32,CL/imm8
    SHLD mem32,reg32,CL/imm8
  • Example 1

    • The following statements shift wval to the left 4 bits and insert the high 4 bits of AX into the low 4 bit positions of wval
    wval WORD 0BA6h
    mov ax,0AC36h
    shld wval,ax,4		; wval = BA6Ah

  • Example 2

    • AX is shifted to the right 4 bits, and the low 4 bits of DX are shifted into the high 4 positions of AX
    mov ax,234Bh
    mov dx,7654h
    shrd ax,dx,4

  • Applications

    • SHLD and SHRD can be used to manipulate bit-mapped images, when groups of bits must be shifted left and right to reposition images on the screen
    • Another potential application is data encryption, in which the encryption algorithm involves the shifting of bits
    • Finally, the two instructions can be used when performing fast multiplication and division with very long integers
    • E.g.) shifting an array of doublewords to the right by 4 bits
array DWORD 648B2165h, 8C943A29h, 6DFA4B86h, 91F76C04h, 8BAF9857h
		mov bl,4						;shift count
  		mov esi,OFFSET array			; offset of the array
  		mov ecx,(LENGTHOF array) - 1	; number of array elements
L1: 	push ecx						; save loop counter
		mov eax,[esi + TYPE DWORD]
        mov cl,bl						; shift count
        shrd [esi],eax,cl				; shift EAX into high bits of [ESI]
        add esi,TYPE DWORD				; point to next doubleword pair
        pop ecx							; restore loop counter
        loop L1
        shr DWORD PTR [esi],COUNT		; shift ther last doubleword

Shift and Rotate Applications

1.Shifting Multiple Doublewords

  • You can shift an extended-precision integer that has been divided into an array of bytes, words, or doublewords
  • A common way to store the integer (little-endian order)
    • Place the low-order byte at the array’s starting address
    • Then, working your way up from that byte to the high-order byte, store each in the next sequential memory location
    • Instead of storing the array as a series of bytes, you could store it as a series of words or doublewords
    • If you did so, the individual bytes would still be in little-endian order, because x86 machines store words and doublewords in little-endian order
  • How to shift an array of bytes 1 bit to the right
  • Step 1: Shift the highest byte at [ESI+2] to the right, automatically copying its lowest bit into the CF
  • Step 2: Rotate the value at [ESI+1] to the right, filling the highest bit with the value of the CF, and shifting the lowest bit into the CF
  • Step 3: Rotate the value at [ESI] to the right, filling the highest bit with the value of the CF, and shifting the lowest bit into the CF
  • After Step 3 is complete, all bits have been shifted 1 position to the right
  • Assembly language code
    ArraySize = 3
    array BYTE ArraySize DUP(99h)	; 1001 pattern in each nybble
    main PROC
    	mov esi,0
        shr array[esi+2],1			; high byte
        rcr array[esi+1],1			; middle byte, include Carry flag
        rcr array[esi],1			; low byte, include Carry flag
    • Although this example only shifts 3 bytes, the example could easily be modified to shift an array of words or doublewords
    • Using a loop, you could shift an array of arbitrary size

2.Binary Multiplication

  • Sometimes programmers squeeze every performance advantage they can into integer multiplication by using bit shifting rather than the MUL instruction
  • The SHL instruction performs unsigned multiplication when the multiplier is a power of 2
    • Shifting an unsigned integer 𝑛𝑛 bits to the left multiplies it by 2𝑛𝑛
    • Any other multiplier can be expressed as the sum of powers of 2^n
    • E.g.) To multiply unsigned EAX by 36, we can write 36 as 2^5 + 2^2 and use the distributive property of multiplication
  • The following example shows the multiplication 123 × 36, producing 4428
    • Bits 2 and 5 are set in the multiplier (36), and the integers 2 and 5 are also the required shift counters
    • Using this information, the following code multiplies 123 by 36, using SHL and ADD instructions
      mov eax,123
      mov ebx,eax
      shl eax,5			; multiply by 2^5
      shl ebx,2			; multiply by 2^2
      add eax,ebx		; add the products

3. Displaying Binary Bits

  • Converting a binary integer to an ASCII binary string, allowing the latter to be displayed
    • The SHL instruction is useful in this regard because it copies the highest bit of an operand into the CF each time the operand is shifted left
    • The following procedure is a simple implementation
;BitToAsc Proc
;Converts 32-bit binary integer to ASCⅡ binary
;Receives: EAX = binary integer, ESI points to bufer
;Returns: buffer filled with ASCⅡ binary digits
	push ecx
	push esi
	mov ecx, 32					;number of bits in EAX

L1;	shl eax,1					; shift high bit into Carry flag
	mov BYTE PTR [esi], '0'		;choose 0 as default digit
    jnc L2						; if no Carry, jump to L2
    mov BYTE PTR [esi], '1		; else move 1 to buffer

L2: inc esi						; next buffer position
	loop L1						; shift another bit to left
    pop esi
    pop ecx


4.Extracting File Date Fields

  • When storage space is at a premium, system-level software often packs multiple data fields into a single integer
  • To uncover this data, applications often need to extract sequences of bits called bit strings
  • E.g.) in real-address mode, MS-DOS function 57h returns the date stamp of a file in DX
    • The date stamp shows the date on which the file was last modified
    • Bits 0 through 4 represent a day number between 1 and 31
    • Bits 5 through 8 are the month number
    • Bits 9 through 15 hold the year number
    • If a file was last modified on March 10, 1999, the file’s date stamp would appear as follows in the DX register (the year number is relative to 1980)
  • E.g.) in real-address mode, MS-DOS function 57h returns the date stamp of a file in DX
  • To extract a single bit string, shift its bits into the lowest part of a register and clear the irrelevant bits
    • Extracting the day number field
    mov al,dl				; make a copy of DL
    and al,00011111b		; clear bits 5-7
    mov day,al				;save in day
    • Extracting the month number field
    mov ax,dx				; make a copy of DX
    shr ax,5				; shift right 5 bits
    and al,00001111b		; clear bits 4-7
    mov month,al			; save in month
    • Extracting the year number field
    mov al,dh				; make a copy of DH
    shr al,1				; shift tight one position
    mov ah,0				; clear AH to zeros
    add ax,1980			; yeat is relative to 1980
    mov year,ax			; save in year

Multiplication and Division Instructions

1.MUL (unsigned multiply) Instruction

  • The MUL instruction comes in three versions
    • The 1st version multiplies an 8-bit operand by the AL register
    • The 2nd version multiplies a 16-bit operand by the AX register
    • The 3rd version multiplies a 32-bit operand by the EAX register
  • The three formats accept register and memory operands, but not immediate operands
MUL reg/mem8
MUL reg/mem16
MUL reg/mem32
  • The multiplier and multiplicand must always be the same size, and the product is twice their size

    • So, overflow cannot occur
  • MUL sets the Carry and Overflow flags if the upper half of the product is not equal to zero

    • E.g.) When AX is multiplied by a 16-bit operand, the product is stored in the combined DX and AX registers
      • The CF is set if DX is not equal to zero, which lets us know that the product will not fit into the lower half of the implied destination operand
  • MUL Examples

    • Multiplying AL by BL, storing the product in AX
      • The Carry flag is clear (CF = 0) because AH (the upper half of the product) equals zero
      mov al,5h
      mov bl,10h
      mul bl			; AX = 0050h, CF = 0
    • Multiplying the 16-bit value 2000h by 0100h
      • The CF is set because the upper part of the product (located in DX) is not equal to zero
      val1 WORD 2000h
      val2 WORD 0100h
      mov ax,val1			; AX = 2000h
      mul val2			; DX:AX = 00200000h, CF = 1
    • Multiplying 12345h by 1000h, producing a 64-bit product in the combined EDX and EAX registers
      • The Carry flag is clear because the upper half of the product in EDX equals zero
      mov eax,12345h
      mov ebx,1000h
      mul ebx					; EDX:EAX = 0000000012345000h, CF = 0

2.IMUL(signed multiply) Instruction

  • The IMUL instruction performs signed integer multiplication

  • Unlike the MUL instruction, IMUL preserves the sign of the product

    • It sign-extends the highest bit of the lower half of the product into the upper bits of the product
  • The x86 instruction set supports three formats for the IMUL instruction

    • One operand, two operands, and three operands
    • In the one-operand format, the multiplier and multiplicand are the same size and the product is twice their size
  • Single-Operand Formats

    • The one-operand formats stroe the product in AX, DX:AX, or EDX:EAX
    IMUL reg/mem8		; AX = AL * reg/mem8
    IMUL reg/mem16		; DX:AX = AX * reg/mem16
    IMUL reg/mem32		; EDX:EAX = EAX * reg/mem32
    • The storage size of the product makes overflow impossible
    • The CF and OF are set if the upper half of the product is not a sign extension of the lower half
      • You can use this information to decide whether to ignore the upper half of the product
  • Two-Operand Formats

    • The two-operand version stores the product in the first operand, which must be a register
    • The second operand (the multiplier) can be a register, a memory operand, or an immediate value
    IMUL reg16,reg/mem16		IMUL reg32,reg/mem32
    IMUL reg16,imm8				IMUL reg32,imm8
    IMUL reg16,imm16			IMUL reg32,imm32
    • The two-operand formats truncate the product to the length of the destination
    • If significant digits are lost, the OF and CF are set
      • Be sure to check one of these flags after performing an IMUL operation with two operands
  • Three-Operand Formats

    • The three-operand formats store the product in the first operand
    • The second operand can be a register or memory operand, which is multiplied by the third operand, an immediate value
    IMUL reg16,reg/mem16,imm8		IMUL reg32,reg/mem32,imm8
    IMUL reg16,reg/mem16,imm16		IMUL reg32,reg/mem32,imm32
    • If significant digits are lost when IMUL executes, the OF and CF are set
      • Be sure to check one of these flags after performing an IMUL operation with three operands
  • Unsigned Multiplication

    • The two-operand and three-operand IMUL formats may also be used for unsigned multiplication because the lower half of the product is the same for signed and unsigned numbers
    • A small disadvantage
      • The Carry and Overflow flags will not indicate whether the upper half of the product equals zero
  • IMUL Examples

    • Multiplying 48 by 4, producing +192 in AX
      • Although the product is correct, AH is not a sign extension of AL, so the Overflow flag is set
      mov al,48
      mov bl,4
      imul bl				; AX = 00C0h, OF = 1
    • Multiplying −4 by 4, producing −16 in AX
      • AH is a sign extension of AL, so the Overflow flag is clear
      mov al,-4
      mov bl,4
      imul bl				; AX = FFF0h, OF = 0
    • 32-bit signed multiplication (−4,823,424 × −423), producing −2,040,308,352 in EDX:EAX
      • The Overflow flag is clear because EDX is a sign extension of EAX
      mov eax, +4823424
      mov ebx,-423
      imul ebx				; EDX:EAX = FFFFFFFF86635D80h, OF = 0
    • Two-operand formats
    word1 SWORD 4
    dword1 SDWORD 4
    mov ax,-16
    mov bx,2
    imul bx,ax				; AX = -16
    imul bx,2					; BX = -2
    imul bx,word1				; BX = -32
    mov eax,-16				; BX = -64
    imul bx,word1				; BX = -256
    mov eax,-16				; EAX = -16
    mov ebx,2					; EBX = 2
    imul ebx,eax				; EBX = -32
    imul ebx,2				; EBX = -64
    imul ebx,dword1			; EBX = -256
  • The two-operand and three-operand IMUL instructions use a destination operand that is the same size as the multiplier

    • Therefore, it is possible for signed overflow to occur
    • Always check the OF after executing these types of IMUL instructions
  • The following two-operand instructions demonstrate signed overflow because −64,000 cannot fit within the 16-bit destination operand

mov ax,-32000
imul ax,2			; OF = 1
  • The following instructions demonstrate three-operand formats, including an example of signed overflow
word1 SWORD 4
dword1 SDWORD 4
imul bx,word1,-16			; BX = word1 * -16
imul ebx,dword1,-16			; EBX = dword1 * -16
imul ebx,dword1,-2000000000	; signed overflow!

3. Measuring Program Execution Times

startTime DWORD ?
procTime1 DWORD ?
procTime2 DWORD ?
call GetMseconds			; get start time
mov startTime,eax
call FirstProcedureToTest
call GetMseconds			; get stop time
sub eax,startTime			; calcilate the elapsed time
mov procTIme1,eax			; save the elapsed time
get GetMseconds				; get start time
mov startTime,eax
call SecondProcedureToTest
call GetMseconds			; get stop time
sub eax,startTime			; calculate the elapsed time
mov procTime2,eax			; save the elapsed time
  • Comparing MUL and IMUL to Bit Shifting
    • In older x86 processors, there was a significant difference in performance between multiplication by bit shifting vs. multiplication using the MUL and IMUL instructions
mult_by_shifting PROC
; Multiplies EAX by 36 using SHL, LOOP_COUNT times.
	mov ecx, LOOP_COUNT
L1: push 	eax					; save original EAX
	mov		ebx, eax
    shl		eax, 5
    shl		ebx, 2
    add		eax, ebx
    pop		eax
    loop	L1
mult_by_shifting ENDP

mult_by_MUL PROC
; Multiplies EAX by 36 using MUL, LOOP_COUNT times.
	mov 	ecx, LOOP_COUNT
L1:	push	eax					; save original EAX
	mul		ebx
    pop		eax
    loop	L1
mult_by_MUL ENDP
intval DWORD 5
startTime DWORD ?
call		GetMseconds			; get start time
mov			startTime,eax
mov			eax,intval
call		mult_by_shifting
call		GetMseconds			; get stop time
sub			eax, startTime
call		WriteDec			; display elapsed time
  • The resulting timings on a legacy 4-GHz Pentium 4 showed that the SHL approach executed in 6.078 seconds and the MUL approach executed in 20.718 seconds
  • However, when running the same program on a more recent processor, the timings of both function calls were exactly the same
  • This example shows that Intel has managed to greatly optimize the MUL and IMUL instructions in recent processors

4. DIV (unsigned divide) Instruction

  • DIV instruction performs 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit unsigned integer division
  • The single register or memory operand is the divisor
DIV reg/mem8
DIV reg/mem16
DIV reg/mem32

  • DIV Examples
    • 8-bit unsigned division (83h/2), producing a quotient of 41h and a remainder of 1
      mov ax, 0083h				; dividend
      mov bl,2					; divisor
      div bl					; AL = 41h, AH = 01h
    • 16-bit unsigned division (8003h/100h), producing a quotient of 80h and a remainder of 3
      • DX contains the high part of the dividend, so it must be cleared before the DIV instruction executes
      mov dx, 0				; clear dividend, high
      mov ax, 8003h			; dividend, low
      mov cx, 100h			; divisor
      div cx					; AX = 0080h, DX = 0003h
    • 32-bit unsigned division using a memory operand as the divisor
      dividend QWORD 0000000800300020h
      divisor DWORD 00000100h
      mov edx,DWORD PTR dividend + 4 	; high doubleword
      mov eax,DWORD PTR dividend		; low doubleword
      div divisor						; EAX = 08003000h, EDX = 00000020h

5.Signed Integer Division

  • Signed integer division is nearly identical to unsigned division, with one important difference:
    • The dividend must be sign-extended before the division takes place
  • Sign Extension Instructions (CBW, CWD, CDQ)
    • The CBW (convert byte to word) extends the sign bit of AL into AH, preserving the number’s sign
    • The CWD (convert word to doubleword) instruction extends the sign bit of AX into DX
    • The CDQ (convert doubleword to quadword) instruction extends the sign bit of EAX into EDX
byteVal SBYTE -101		; 9Bh
mov  al, byteVal		; AL = 9Bh
wordVal SWORD -101		; FF9Bh
mov ax, wordVal			; AX = FF9Bh
cwd						; DX:AX = FFFFFF9Bh
dwordVal SDWORD -101 	; FFFFFF9Bh
mov eax, dwordVal
  • The IDIV (signed divide) Instruction
    • The IDIV instruction performs signed integer division, using the same operands as DIV
    • Before executing 8-bit division, the dividend (AX) must be completely sign-extended
    • The remainder always has the same sign as the dividend
    • Example 1
      • The following instructions divide -48 by 5
      • After IDIV executes, the quotient in AL is -9 and the remainder in AH is -3
byteVal SBYTE -48			; D0 hexadecimal
mov al,byteVal				; lower half of dividend
cbw							; extend AL into AH
bov bl, +5					; divisor
idiv bl						; AL = -9, AH = -3

  • The IDIV (signed divide) Instruction

    • Example 2
      • 16-Bit division requires AX to be sign-extended into DX
      • The next example divides -5000 by 256
      wordVal SWORD -5000
      mov ax,wordVal				; dividend, low
      cwd							; extend AX into DX
      mov bx, +256				; divisor
      idiv bx						; quotient AX = -19, rem DX = -136
    • Example 3
      - 32-Bit division requires EAX to be sign-extended into EDX
      - The next example divides 50,000 by -256
      dwordVal SDWORD +50000
      mov eax,dwordVal			; dividend, low
      cdq							; extend EAX into EDX
      mov ebx, -256				; divisor
      idiv ebx					; quotient EAX = 195, rem EDX = +80
      All arithmetic status flag values are undefined after executing DIV and IDIV
  • Divide Overflow

    • If a division operand produces a quotient that will not fit into the destination operand, a divide overflow condition results
      • This causes a processor exception and halts the current program
      • E.g.) A divide overflow: the quotient (100h) is too large for the 8-bit AL destination register
  • If a division operand produces a quotient that will not fit into the destination operand, a divide overflow condition results

    • This causes a processor exception and halts the current program
    • E.g.) A divide overflow: the quotient (100h) is too large for the 8-bit AL destination register
  • A suggestion

    • Use a 32-bit divisor and 64-bit dividend to reduce the probability of a divide overflow condition
    • E.g.) The divisor is EBX, and the dividend is placed in the 64-bit combined EDX and EAX registers
    mov eax, 1000h
    mov ebx, 10h
    div ebx				; EAX = 00000100h
  • To prevent division by zero, test the divisor before dividing

mov ax,dividend
mov bl,divisor
cmp bl,0			; check the divisor
je NoDivideZero		; zero? display error
div bl				; not zero: continue
NoDivideZero		; (display "Attempt to divide by zero")

6. Implementing Arithmetic Expressions

  • The benefits of implementing arithmetic expressions
    • You can learn how compilers optimize code
    • Also, you can implement better error checking than a typical compiler by checking the size of the product following multiplication operations
      • Most high-level language compilers ignore the upper 32 bits of the product when multiplying two 32-bit operands
      • In assembly language, however, you can use the Carry and Overflow flags to tell you when the product does not fit into 32 bits
  • Example 1
    • A C++ statement using unsigned 32-bit integers: var4 = (var1 + var2) * var3;
	mov eax,var1
	add eax,var2
	mul var3			; EAX = EAX * var3
	jc tooBig			; unsigned overflow?
	mov var4,eax
	jmp next
tooBig:					; display error message
  • Example 2
    • A C++ statement using unsigned 32-bit integers: var4 = (var1 * 5) / (var2 - 3);
mov eax, var1			; left side
mov ebx, 5
mul ebx					; EDX:EAX = product
mov ebx, var2			; right side
sub ebx,3
div ebx					; final division
mov var4,eax
  • Example 3
    • A C++ statement using signed 32-bit integers: var4 = (var1 * -5) / (-var2 % var3);
mov eax,var2			; begin right side
neg eax
cdq						; sign-extend dividend
idiv var3				; EDX = remainder
mov ebx, edx			; EBC = right side
mov eax, -5				; begin left side
imul var1				; EDX:EAX = left side
idiv ebx				; final division
mov var4, eax			; quotient


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