TIL / git vs github

Agnes Shin·2022년 2월 23일

git vs github

  • git is local code version 관리,
  • github 원격 저장소, online-server

github keyword
termail에서 사용

  • init (first project 파일 관리, 한번에 사용)
  • add (장바구니에 담는 것, 중간 저장)
  • status (add된 내용들 branch, change된는지)
  • commit (이럭을 기록을 준비한다) , git commit -m "메시지", go-back to history, commit constantly
  • push (최종적으로 변경된 git을 GitHub에 업로드하는 것, commit한 파일을 최종적으로 업로드


기존에 있었던 파일들 repository 저장된 -> clone 관리, create folder....

  • flow

  • create new project - mkdir (directory)

  • git init

  • readymade git file -> find -> project

0223 update
Recap for Git & GitHub

// git is at local status
// the -m means message when you commit
// github master where the approved codes are located (repostiory)

  1. npm start (runs the terminal)
  2. git add .
  3. git status
  4. git commit -m "Add: Login, Main"
  5. git push origin feature/yunsook
  6. request PR to mentor regarding to be reviewed
  7. when request is reviewed and verified, mentor will then approve
    to be posted in github which is the master where the codes are approved
  8. git pull
  9. git clone from master
  10. git status (check to see location)

git status (on branch feature/yunsook -> changes to be. commited
/ use "git restore --staged ..." to unstage)
/ to distinguish the new files to be loaded will be in green marked as new files, or modified
git add .
git status >>> git commit -m “Add: Login, Main”
(when you commit,this status is still in the temporary local, before going to the master of Github)
git push origin feature/yunsook (local working location)
next step is to send
git branch (this is to locate the branch)
git branch master (branch is located in the master)
git checkout master (is to leave and switch to the master local)
git branch (git branch)
git checkout feature/yunsook (switched to branch 'feature/yunsook'
(it's switched to brand 'feature/yunsook')

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