13.6 Overloading unary operators +, -, and !

주홍영·2022년 3월 18일


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Overloading uary operators

positive (+), negative (-) and logical not (!) operators 는
모두 unary operator (단항 연산자) 이다


#include <iostream>

class Cents
    int m_cents {};

    Cents(int cents): m_cents(cents) {}

    // Overload -Cents as a member function
    Cents operator-() const;

    int getCents() const { return m_cents; }

// note: this function is a member function!
Cents Cents::operator-() const
    return -m_cents; // since return type is a Cents, this does an implicit conversion from int to Cents using the Cents(int) constructor

int main()
    const Cents nickle{ 5 };
    std::cout << "A nickle of debt is worth " << (-nickle).getCents() << " cents\n";

    return 0;

단항 연산자 -를 operator overloadin으로 member function으로 구현하고 있음을 볼 수 있다

이번에는 not 연잔자와 함께 구현된 예시를 보자

#include <iostream>

class Point
    double m_x {};
    double m_y {};
    double m_z {};

    Point(double x=0.0, double y=0.0, double z=0.0):
        m_x{x}, m_y{y}, m_z{z}

    // Convert a Point into its negative equivalent
    Point operator- () const;

    // Return true if the point is set at the origin
    bool operator! () const;

    double getX() const { return m_x; }
    double getY() const { return m_y; }
    double getZ() const { return m_z; }

// Convert a Point into its negative equivalent
Point Point::operator- () const
    return { -m_x, -m_y, -m_z };

// Return true if the point is set at the origin, false otherwise
bool Point::operator! () const
    return (m_x == 0.0 && m_y == 0.0 && m_z == 0.0);

int main()
    Point point{}; // use default constructor to set to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

    if (!point)
        std::cout << "point is set at the origin.\n";
        std::cout << "point is not set at the origin.\n";

    return 0;

return 값은 bool로 point의 모든 member variable이 0.0이면 참을 반환한다


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