AEStudy at zoom(11th)


English Study

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We have studied at zoom today because Korea is in the rainy season. It was good but we like meet together.


Today's lesson is just two part.
1. Exercise of verb('Cover')
2. Work book('How+adverb')
3. Reading <<A little prince chepter 9>>


We have excercised a verb 'Cover'. It is so useful verb. because it can make lots of sentence by just one word. Why don't you guess the meaning of 'Cover' in the next sentences.

  1. A policeman covers his face with his handkerchief during the protest.
  2. Cover the chicken with foil.
  3. Snow cover the ground.
  4. Cover the food until you are ready to eat it.
  5. The player were soon covered in mud.
  6. cover a wall with paper.
  7. Students cover their faces from tear gas.
  8. The suits cover up the whole body.
  9. Cover eggs
  10. He laughes to cover his nervousness.
  11. The cave cover them from the snow.
  12. He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.
  13. Cover me while I move forward.


Let's make question with 'How + adverb'

  1. How early can you come?
  2. How late did you get here?
  3. How long did you wait?
  4. How long are you gonna wait?
  5. How long has it been since we met last time?
  6. How long are you gonna stay here?
  7. How long did you work? at the library?
  8. How long does this class last?
  9. How many hours did you sleep last night?
  10. How long do you think

Reading Chapter 9

It's story of that a little prince leaved from a flower.

I want to be digital nomad!

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