Blog Day 46: superIncreasing

Inseo Park·2021년 8월 26일

Path to Data Scientist

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1. TIL (Today I Learned)


Coming back to this algorithm question I gave it another try to fix it and guess what, I DID IT! I took around 20 minutes to fix my code and pass through all the tests. First, I will explain what I did to my code compared to the yesterday's blog post.

function superIncreasing(arr) {
let temp = arr[0];
let result;
for (i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
  for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
    if (arr[i] > temp) {
    result = true
    temp = temp + arr[j+1]
  } else if (arr[i] <= temp) {
    return false
return result;

I fixed 2 parts in my code. The first part is

  } else if (arr[i] <= temp) {
  return false

in this part I found out that if the previous number is larger than the current iterated index element which is a number type, I simply returned false right away because there is no need for the loop to go on if there is already a false statement(previous sum of elements in larger than the current number).

The second part was fixing the problem I found yesterday which is regarding the temporary value or initial value which I gave a name 'temp' to it. The code I wrote yesterday failed because there was a error in the part where everytime the loop starts again because the current number was larger than the second number, temp should become a sum of all the elements before the current iterated index value. Let's say in an array [2, 3, 7], temp is 2 because the code states that

let temp = arr[0];

Then because 2 is lesser than arr[1] which is 3, the loop goes again on to the top and comes down to compare arr[2] which is 7 now with the sums of the previous numbers which is arr[0] + arr[1] (2 + 3). This process was quite tricky but I fixed it by addding

 for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
    if (arr[i] > temp) {
    result = true
    temp = temp + arr[j+1]

this part to the code. This part is initiated everytime the previous number is smaller than the current number that is iterated. Temp then also becomes temp + arr[j+1] which is a process to add the next element into the arr[0] which is 2 in the example I showed you. However, the reference code was a better way to solve this algorithm problem but I am still proud of me not giving up. However, I still will love to share the reference code here.

	function superIncreasing(arr) {
        let sum = arr[0];
        for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) {
          if (arr[i] <= sum) {
            return false;
          sum = sum + arr[i];
        return true;

HAHA! much easier but I am still proud and will go to that level of mastering algorithm problems soon! Keep in touch!

2. 3 Things to be Thankful For

  1. I am thankful for having a good futsal game with my colleagues.
  2. I am thankful for being able to buy some food for my colleagues and also receive some money from the government.
  3. I am thankful for being able to solve my algorithm problem.

3. Ideas and Things to Think About

  1. Always stay motivated to stay happy. This is something very important, if you're not happy to do something you are doing it wrong. Always choose something you enjoy!
my journey to become a data scientist.

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