데이터 사이언스 논문 모음

isitcake_yes·2023년 4월 12일

논문 읽기는 "효과가 확실한 맛없는 약" 이라는 글을 본 적이 있다..
쓰더라도 효과가 확실함을 믿고 열심히 차근차근 읽어보자!

- Attention Is All You Need

[Paper on arXiv]

- BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

[Paper on DeepMind's site]

- A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks

[Paper on arXiv]

- Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision

[Paper on arXiv]

[Paper on DeepMind's site]

- Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations

[Paper on Google Research]

출처 : 6 Papers Every Modern Data Scientist Must Read

- Documentation Matters: Human-Centered AI System to Assist Data Science Code Documentation in Computational Notebooks

[Paper on ACM]

- Assessing the effects of fuel energy consumption, foreign direct investment and GDP on CO2 emission: New data science evidence from Europe & Central Asia

[Paper on Sciencedirect]

- Impact on Stock Market across Covid-19 Outbreak

[Paper on iJRASET]

- Exploring the political pulse of a country using data science tools

[Paper on arXiv]

- VeridicalFlow: a Python package for building trustworthy data science pipelines with PCS

[Paper on JOSS]

- From AI ethics principles to data science practice: a reflection and a gap analysis based on recent frameworks and practical experience


- Detection of Road Traffic Anomalies Based on Computational Data Science

[Paper Link]

- Data Science Data Governance [AI Ethics]

[Paper on IEEE]

출처 : Top 10 Must-Read Data Science Research Papers in 2022
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