210424 JavaScript jQuery Scroll Carousel2 풀이

ITisIT210·2021년 4월 27일


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
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            background-color: lawngreen;

            height: 100vh;
            background-color: dodgerblue;
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            right: 20px;

        .navi li{
            margin-left: 10px;
            color: #fff;

            display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap;
            align-items: center;
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            top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%);
            /* width: calc((270px + 20px) * 20); */

            margin: 0 10px;
            width: 270px;
            height: 380px;
            background-image: url(images/p1.jfif);
            background-size: cover;
            background-position: center top;
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            overflow: hidden;
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        .item .txt{
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            height: 150vh;
            line-height: 150vh;
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            color: linen;
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    <section class="s1">SECTION</section>
    <section class="s">
        <div id="container">
            <ul class="navi">
                <li>Artwork 01~05</li>
                <li>Artwork 06~10</li>
                <li>Artwork 11~15</li>
                <li>Artwork 16~20</li>
            <div class="track">
                <!-- <div class="item">
                    <div class="txt">
                        <h3>Artwork 01</h3>
                        <p>동해물과 백산이 마르고 닳도록 하느님이 보우하사 우리나라 만세</p>
                </div> -->
    <section class="s2">SECTION</section>
    <script src="js/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>
        var src = ["p1.jfif","p2.jfif","p3.jfif","p4.jfif","p5.jfif","p6.jfif","p7.jfif"]
        var num = 0;
        var srcLeng = src.length;

        for(i=0; i<20; i++){
            var idx = num % srcLeng;

            var item = `
                <div class="item">
                    <img src="images/${src[idx]}">
                    <div class="txt">
                        <h3>Artwork ${i+1}</h3>
                        <p>동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록 하느님이 보우하사 우리나라 만세</p>


        var itemLeng = $(".track .item").length;
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        var trackWidth = (itemWidth + itemMarg) * itemLeng
        var fixStart = $("section.s").offset().top;
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        var winHeight = $(window).height();
        var scr;
        $(window).on("scroll", function() {
             scr= $(this).scrollTop();
            if(scr >= fixStart && scr <= fixEnd - winHeight) {
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                    "left" : 0
            } else if(scr > fixEnd - winHeight){
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                    "top" : trackWidth - winHeight
            } else if(scr < fixStart){
                    "position" : "relative",
                    "top" : 0

        function setItem(elem,itemW, itemH) {
            expanded = itemW;
                "width" : 270,
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                "width" : itemW,
                "height" : itemH
                "width" : itemW,
                "height" : itemH
        var expanded; /*확장된 item의 너비값*/
        $(".item").on("click", function() {
            var nW = $(this).find("img")[0].naturalWidth;
            var nH = $(this).find("img")[0].naturalHeight;

            $(".track").width(trackWidth + (nW - itemWidth));

            var rat = nW / nH;
                rat = 1 -> 정방형
                rat > 1 -> 가로가 긴 이미지
                rat < 1 -> 세로가 긴 이미지

            if(rat === 1 && nH >= 700){
            } else if(rat > 1 && nW >= 1000) {
                setItem($(this),1000, 1000*rat);
            } else if(rat < 1 && nH >= 700) {
                setItem($(this),700*rat, 700);
            } else {
                setItem($(this),nW, nH);
            /*확장 된 item을 화면 중앙으로 위치시키기*/
            var i = $(this).index();
            var w = $(window).width() / 2;
            var Y = w - (expanded / 2 + + itemMarg / 2);
            var X = (itemWidth + itemMarg) * i
            var z = fixStart + X - Y;
            if(z > fixStart && z < fixEnd - fixStart){
                $("html, body").stop().animate({
                    "scrollTop" : z

        $(".navi li").on("click", function() {
            var i = $(this).index();

            $("html, body").stop().animate({
                "scrollTop" : fixStart + (itemWidth + itemMarg) * 5 * i
Engineering is the closest thing to magic that exists in the world.

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