LeetCode - 1672(JS, Easy)

진영·2024년 4월 1일


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1672. Richest Customer Wealth

난이도: Easy


You are given an m x n integer grid accounts where accounts[i][j] is the amount of money the ith customer has in the jth bank. Return the wealth that the richest customer has.
A customer's wealth is the amount of money they have in all their bank accounts. The richest customer is the customer that has the maximum wealth.


 * @param {number[][]} accounts
 * @return {number}
var maximumWealth = function(accounts) {
    let row = accounts.length;
    let col = accounts[0].length;
    let max = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < row; i++){
        let temp = 0;
        for(let j = 0; j < col; j++){
            temp += accounts[i][j];
            if(max < temp) max = temp;

    return max;
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