[Project Log] AllThatWord

Juyeon.it·2022년 7월 18일

You can check this website on Github repo or this link.

Day 1

What I did

  1. Set up for the project: Install React, Typescript, Tailwind, react-router-dom, ESLint, Prettier
  2. Update README.md
  3. Style Header, Footer using tailwind



  • VSCode prettier format on save doesn't work, So I followed this stackoverflow answer and changed 'Editor: Default Formatter' to 'esbenp.prettier-vscode' on setting.json file.

Day 2

What I did

  1. Create SearchBar component
  2. Install react-qurey, axios
  3. Create Search page and fetch data using react-query and axios
  4. Install react-icon
  5. Style isLoading and isError using tailwind



  • I got an error message said "Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'". But I know that it is string, so I used non-null assertion operator. TypeScript Documentation

Day 3

What I did

  1. Style Search page
  2. Install firebase for login function
  3. Implement 'log in with google', 'log in with github' function



  • I want something to handle login status.

Day 4

What I did

  1. Implement 'save word' function and connect to firebase Realtime Database
  2. Implement Admin page to show saved words



  • I want to add key(string type)-value(object) object to 'words' object, but I got an error message said 'Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'string' can't be used to index type '{}'.' And I realized that I need to define the key type of the object. So I made an interface called LooseObj. index Signature
  export interface LooseObj {
    [key: string]: object;

Day 5

What I did

  1. Implement change viewmode function on admin page
  2. Implement flashcard function on admin page



  • I want to get blue box element(the parent elemenept) whenever I click that element. But when I clicked green box part, I got green box instead of blue box. I need kind of the opposite function of e.stopPropagation(). I couldn't find the exact function that works exactly what I want. But I can implement by checking the element has specific class that I assigned to the blue box element manually.

Day 6

What I did

  1. Style responsive design
  2. Fix minor errors


  • I made a function that moves to another page when I clicked synonyms or antonyms. But when I move to another page with a different keyword, the input value on the search bar doesn't change to the changed keyword. So I made an optional prop called 'query' and used useEffect to change the input value whenever the query changed.
	type Prop = {
  		query?: string;

	const SearchBar: React.FC<Prop> = ({ query }) => {
  		const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(query || '');

  		useEffect(() => {
    		setInputValue(query || '');
  		}, [query]);


Day 7

What I did

  1. Implement dark mode
  2. Deploy using vercel
  3. Update README.md



  • I deployed using vercel but got an error about firebase api keys. So I googled 'how to add environment variables on vercel' and I set some firebase api keys by following this article.

Day 8

What I did

  1. Fix minor errors


  • When I searched 'sp', the result was like the image under this paragraph. There were many Noun definition. So I made an empty array. And when I mapped definitions of word, I pushed 'part of speech' of one definition to array. After that, I checked if this part of speech is already in the array. If so, I didn't return that definition.
	{data.meanings.map((meaning: Meaning, index: number) => {
		if (index > 0) {
            arr.push(data.meanings[index - 1].partOfSpeech);

          return (
			!arr.includes(meaning.partOfSpeech) && (
              <div key={meaning.partOfSpeech}>

Day 9, 10, 11

What I did

  1. Implement multiple folder function
  2. Deploy using vercel
  3. Update README.md


  • I used firebase realtime database to save users' words. When I deleted all words, the database deleted all data including userId. So that makes a lot of errors on my app. So I saved 'isSignin' data when the user signs in at first. It prevents deleting all data of the user.

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