Big Data Fundamentals with PySpark

All We Need is Data, itself !·2022년 6월 11일


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What is Big Data?

Big Data concepts and Terminology

  • clustered computing: collection of resources of multiple machines
  • parallel computingL simultaneous computation
  • distributed computing: collection of nodes (networked computers) that run in parallel

Big Data processing systems

  • Hadoop/MapReduce: salable and fault tolerant framework written in Java
    • open source
    • batch processing
  • Apache Spark: general purpose and lightning fast cluster computing system
    • open source
    • both batch and real-time data processing

Features of Apache Spark framework

  • distributed cluster computing framework
  • efficient in-memory computations for large data sets
  • lightning fast data processing framework
  • provides support for Java, Scala, Python, R and SQL

Spark modes of deployment

  • Local mode: Single machine (ex. laptop)
    • local model convenient for testing, debugging and demonstration
  • cluster mode: set of pre-defined machines
    • good for production
  • workflow: local -> clusters
  • no code change necessary

PySpark: Spark with Python

What is Spark shell?

  • interactive environment for running Spark jobs
  • Helpful for fast interactive prototyping
  • Spark's shells allow interacting with data on disk or in memory
  • Three different Spark shells:
    • Spark-shell for Scala
    • PySpark-shell for Python
    • SparkR for R

Understanding SparkContext

  • PySpark has a default SparkContext called sc

  • Loading data in PySpark: parallelize() , textFile()

rdd = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4,5])
rdd2 = sc.textFile("text.txt")

Review of functional programming in Python

  • Lambda functions are anonymous function in Python

  • very powerful and used in Python. Quite efficient with map() and filter()

  • Lambda functions create functions to be called later similar to def

  • it returns the functions without any name (i.e anonymous)

  • lambda x: x*2

  • filter(function, list)

  • map(function, list)

Abstracting Data with RDDs

What is RDD?

  • 분산 변경 불가능한 객체의 모음

  • Spark는 map reduce 작업을 RDD 개념을 통해서 사용함

  • map reduce는 데이터의 공유가 느리다는 단점이 있다.

    • map reduce: 계산된 데이터를 재사용하기 위해 파일 스토리지 시스템에 저장하고 읽는 구조로 되어있음
    • 복제, 직렬화, 디스크 io때문에 데이터 공유가 느려지게 됨
    • 예를 들어, hadoop 시스템의 대부분은 hdfs 읽기 쓰기 작업을 수행하는데 90퍼센트 이상을 사용하고 있다고 함


  • RDD는 여러 분산 노드에 걸쳐서 저장되는 변경이 불가능한 데이터의 집합.
  • 각각의 RDD는 여러개의 파티션으로 분리가 된다. - 서로 다른 노드에서 분리되어 실행됨
  • 스파크 내에 저장된 데이터를 RDD라고 하고, 변경이 불가능하다. 변경을 하려면 새로운 데이터 셋을 생성해야 한다.
  • RDD에는 Transformation과 Action 오퍼레이션을 지원함.
    • Transformation: 기존의 RDD 데이터를 변경하여 새로운 RDD 데이터를 생성해내는 것. 예를 들어 filter와 같이 특정 데이터만 뽑아내거나 map함수로 데이터를 분산 배치할 수 있음
    • Action: RDD 값을 기반으로 무언가를 계산해서 결과를 생성해 내는 것으로 count()가 예시
  • RDD의 데이터 로딩 방식은 lazy 로딩 컨셉을 사용함.
    • sc.textFile("file") 을 로딩하더라도 실제로 로딩이 되는 게 아니라, action을 이용할 때 그때만 파일이 로딩되어 메모리에 올라감.


Decomposing RDDs

  • resilient distributed datasets
    • resilient: ability to withstand failures
    • distributed: spanning across multiple machines
    • datasets: collection of partitioned data e.g.Arrays, Tables, Tuples etc.,

Creating RDDs. How to do it?

  • parallelizing an existing collection of objects
  • External datasets:
    • files in HDFS
    • Objects in Amazon S3 bucket
    • lines in a text file

  • parallelize() for creating RDDs from python lists
numRDD = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
helloRDD = sc.parallelize("Hello")
  • From external datasets : testFile()
fileRDD = sc.testFile("")

Understanding Partitioning in PySpark

  • A partition is a logical division of a large distributed data set
  • parallelize(), textFile() method
numRDD = sc.parallelize(range(10), minParitions = 6)
fileRDD = sc.textFile("", minParitions = 6)

Basic RDD Transformations and Actions

flatMap() Transformation

  • flatMap() transformation returns multiple values for each element in the original RDD

RDD = sc.parallelize(["hello world", "how are you"])
RDD_flatmap = RDD.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" "))

union() Transformation

pair RDDs in PySpark

reduceByKey() transformation

groupByKey() transformation

SQLs and DataFrames

PySpark DataFrame

  • for Structured and Semi-structured data
  • immutable distributed collection of data with named cols
  • Dataframe API is available in Python, R, Scala and Java
  • support both SQL queries or expression methods(ex.

  • create a DF from reading
    • csv: spark.read_csv("data", header=Boolean, inferSchema=bool)
    • json: spark.read_json("data", header=Boolean, inferSchema=bool)
    • txt: spark.read_txt("data", header=Boolean, inferSchema=bool)

Operating on DF in PySpark

  • select()
  • show()
  • filter()
  • groupby(), count(), orderby()
  • dropDuplicates()
  • printSchema(), describe()

Interacting with DF using PySpark SQL

df = spark.sql("SQL QUERIES")

query = '''SELECT ~ '''
df = spark.sql(query)

PySpark MLlib

from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS
from pyspark.mllib.classification import LogisticRegressionWithBFGS


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