What is Big Data?
Big Data concepts and Terminology
- clustered computing: collection of resources of multiple machines
- parallel computingL simultaneous computation
- distributed computing: collection of nodes (networked computers) that run in parallel
Big Data processing systems
- Hadoop/MapReduce: salable and fault tolerant framework written in Java
- open source
- batch processing
- Apache Spark: general purpose and lightning fast cluster computing system
- open source
- both batch and real-time data processing
Features of Apache Spark framework
- distributed cluster computing framework
- efficient in-memory computations for large data sets
- lightning fast data processing framework
- provides support for Java, Scala, Python, R and SQL
Spark modes of deployment
- Local mode: Single machine (ex. laptop)
- local model convenient for testing, debugging and demonstration
- cluster mode: set of pre-defined machines
- workflow: local -> clusters
- no code change necessary
PySpark: Spark with Python

What is Spark shell?
- interactive environment for running Spark jobs
- Helpful for fast interactive prototyping
- Spark's shells allow interacting with data on disk or in memory
- Three different Spark shells:
- Spark-shell for Scala
- PySpark-shell for Python
- SparkR for R
Understanding SparkContext
rdd = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4,5])
rdd2 = sc.textFile("text.txt")
Review of functional programming in Python
Lambda functions are anonymous function in Python
very powerful and used in Python. Quite efficient with map()
and filter()
Lambda functions create functions to be called later similar to def
it returns the functions without any name (i.e anonymous)
lambda x: x*2
filter(function, list)
map(function, list)
Abstracting Data with RDDs
What is RDD?

ref: https://bomwo.cc/posts/spark-rdd/
ref: https://bcho.tistory.com/1027
- RDD는 여러 분산 노드에 걸쳐서 저장되는 변경이 불가능한 데이터의 집합.
- 각각의 RDD는 여러개의 파티션으로 분리가 된다. - 서로 다른 노드에서 분리되어 실행됨
- 스파크 내에 저장된 데이터를 RDD라고 하고, 변경이 불가능하다. 변경을 하려면 새로운 데이터 셋을 생성해야 한다.
- RDD에는 Transformation과 Action 오퍼레이션을 지원함.
- Transformation: 기존의 RDD 데이터를 변경하여 새로운 RDD 데이터를 생성해내는 것. 예를 들어 filter와 같이 특정 데이터만 뽑아내거나 map함수로 데이터를 분산 배치할 수 있음
- Action: RDD 값을 기반으로 무언가를 계산해서 결과를 생성해 내는 것으로 count()가 예시
- RDD의 데이터 로딩 방식은 lazy 로딩 컨셉을 사용함.
- sc.textFile("file") 을 로딩하더라도 실제로 로딩이 되는 게 아니라, action을 이용할 때 그때만 파일이 로딩되어 메모리에 올라감.
ref: https://bomwo.cc/posts/spark-rdd/
Decomposing RDDs
- resilient distributed datasets
- resilient: ability to withstand failures
- distributed: spanning across multiple machines
- datasets: collection of partitioned data e.g.Arrays, Tables, Tuples etc.,
Creating RDDs. How to do it?
- parallelizing an existing collection of objects
- External datasets:
- files in HDFS
- Objects in Amazon S3 bucket
- lines in a text file
for creating RDDs from python lists
numRDD = sc.parallelize([1,2,3,4])
helloRDD = sc.parallelize("Hello")
- From external datasets :
fileRDD = sc.testFile("README.md")
Understanding Partitioning in PySpark
- A partition is a logical division of a large distributed data set
, textFile()
numRDD = sc.parallelize(range(10), minParitions = 6)
fileRDD = sc.textFile("README.md", minParitions = 6)
- flatMap() transformation returns multiple values for each element in the original RDD

RDD = sc.parallelize(["hello world", "how are you"])
RDD_flatmap = RDD.flatMap(lambda x: x.split(" "))

pair RDDs in PySpark

SQLs and DataFrames
PySpark DataFrame
- for Structured and Semi-structured data
- immutable distributed collection of data with named cols
- Dataframe API is available in Python, R, Scala and Java
- support both SQL queries or expression methods(ex.

- create a DF from reading
- csv: spark.read_csv("data", header=Boolean, inferSchema=bool)
- json: spark.read_json("data", header=Boolean, inferSchema=bool)
- txt: spark.read_txt("data", header=Boolean, inferSchema=bool)
Operating on DF in PySpark
- select()
- show()
- filter()
- groupby(), count(), orderby()
- dropDuplicates()
- printSchema(), describe()
Interacting with DF using PySpark SQL
df = spark.sql("SQL QUERIES")
query = '''SELECT ~ '''
df = spark.sql(query)
PySpark MLlib

from pyspark.mllib.recommendation import ALS
from pyspark.mllib.classification import LogisticRegressionWithBFGS
docs: https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.0.0/api/python/pyspark.mllib.html