SQL> select last_name, salary*12 as annsal // 성과 연봉 column
2 from employees // 직원 table
3 where salary*12>=150000; // 연봉 만 오천 달라 이상인 직원
#주의할 점은 alais인 annsal은 먹히지 않음 실행 순서상 마지막이기 때문.
3 where d_id = 30, 90; => error
3 where d_id = 90; => okay
SQL> select first_name
2 from employees
3 where first_name like '%s'; => endswith s
3 where first_name like 'S%'; => startswith S
3 where first_name like '%s%'; => 중간에 s가 들었는지 확인
SQL> select first_name
2 from employees
3 where first_name like '%s_'; => 뒤에서 2번째 값이 s인 너석
3 where first_name like '_s%'; => 앞에서 2번째 값이 s인 너석
3 where job_id NOT IN('ac_account','ad_vp')
3 where salary NOT BETWEEN 10000 AND 15000
3 where last_name NOT LIKE '%a%'
3 where commission_pct IS NOT NULL
SQL> select last_name, job_id, salary
2 from employees
3 where job_id = 'sa_rep'
4 or job_id = 'ad_pres'
5 and salary > 15000;