Point in polygon

wonderful world·2021년 9월 26일


This topic is inherent from https://codingcompetitions.withgoogle.com/kickstart/round/0000000000435bae/0000000000888d45#analysis

In computational geometry, the point-in-polygon (PIP) problem asks whether a given point in the plane lies inside, outside, or on the boundary of a polygon. It is a special case of point location problems and finds applications in areas that deal with processing geometrical data, such as computer graphics, computer vision, geographical information systems (GIS), motion planning, and CAD.

An early description of the problem in computer graphics shows two common approaches (ray casting and angle summation) in use as early as 1974.[1]

An attempt of computer graphics veterans to trace the history of the problem and some tricks for its solution can be found in an issue of the Ray Tracing News.[2]


hello wirld

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