leetcode note (23/01/01)

wonderful world·2022년 10월 30일
DP?medium4Sum IIWIP. O(n^4)?
DPmediumjump game IIWIP
DPeasycounting bitsdp[n]=dp[n//2]+n%2
greedymediumincreasing triplet subsequenceWIP
backtrackingmediumcombination sumno backtracking but recursion
linked listhardmerge-k-sorted-listsnode->list, use sorted, list->node. complexity?
stackmediumremove k digitsstack? but recursion with subproblems
math?mediummaximum split of positive even integersmake a increasing numbers for target sum
fenwick treehardcount good triplets in an arrayWIP, fenwick tree
gcdhardcount array pairs divisible by kWIP.
hashtablemediumconstruct string with repeat limitdecrease value until hashmap not empty
hashtablemediumsubarray sum equals kWIP
graph,dfsmediumclone graphdfs with maintaining visited
binary searchmediumminimum time to complete tripsno equation!, just do binary search over time t. that's it.
bfsmediummaximum width of binary treebfs with node numbering for width
greedy?mediumdelete and earnwip
?mediumappend K integers with minimal sumWIP
hashtablemediumcount-artifacts-that-can-be-extractedusing all and set exists
greedymediumremove duplicate lettersWIP
greedymediummaximize-number-of-subsequences-in-a-stringbiweekly-contest-74, count < in two arrays
?mediumfind-palindrome-with-fixed-lengthWIP, weekly-contest-286
binary searchhardsplit array largest suml,r 을 max(nums), sum(nums) 로 설정
?mediumnumber of ways to select buildingsWIP
?hardencrypt and decrypt stringsWIP, weekly-contest-287
heapeasykth largest element in a streamheapq
heapmediummaximum product after k incrementsusing heapq.heappop(), heappush()
prefix summediummaximum trailing zeros in a cornered pathWIP, 구간합
DPeasymaximum subarrayDP basic
kruskalmediummin cost to connect all pointsgraph, minimum spanning tree, WIP
union findmediumsmallest-string-with-swapsWIP
BFS, union findmediumis graph bipartitePASS but repeat yourself
BFS, union find, floyd warshallmediumevaluate divisionWIP, repeat yourself
stackmediumremove all adjacent duplicates in string IITimelimit, repeat yourself
treemediumcount-nodes-equal-to-average-of-subtree다르게 풀기, 파마리터 쓰지않고 반환값으로 축적
DPmediumcount sorted vowel stringsWIP 데일리릿코드
heapmediumnetwork delay timeWIP heappush, heappop
math, bitmediumlargest combination with bitwise and greater than zeroWIP, 제약사항에서 24bit 로 표현됨을 파악.
DPmediumcoin change점화식. DP[n]
DPmediumones and zerosmemo:(index, zeros,ones), best=max(best, go(i+1,zs,os)+1)
sliding windowmediumminimum-operations-to-reduce-x-to-zeroWIP, daily/06/11
hashtablemediummatch substring after replacementOK. cache twice
bisect,binary searchmediumsuccessful pairs of speels and potionsOK. bisect.bisect_right() instead of BN
DPmediumtriangleOK. memo[(row,col)] = min_value
sliding window, greedy?mediumLongest Binary Subsequence Less Than or Equal to KDP 적용 불가? it doesn't say continuous subsequence so it can't be DP. i realize it a bit too late as well
DPmediumcount-number-of-ways-to-place-housesWIP, dp[i][k] += dp[i - 1][j]
union find, count pairmediumcount unreachble pairs of nodes in an undirected graphWIP, ufind, count pair: total += counts[k] * (N - (counts[k]))
binary indexed treemediumrange sum queryWIP
?mediumcount number of bad pairsWIP
dfsmediumreachable nodes with restrictionssolved but need to practice
greedymediumlongest ideal subsequenceWIP
combinatoricsmediumconstruct smallest from di stringOK. itertools.permatations
modulo divide, combinatoricsmedium?긴 케이크 나눠주기LGE 코드잼 B번문제. modulo 연산의 성질 divide
bitmediumminimize xorWIP
sliding windowhard2444. Count Subarrays With Fixed Boundswip
sortmedium2453. destroy sequential targetstuple sort
binary searchhard2454. next greater element IVwip
graph, dfsmediummost-profitable-path-in-a-treeWIP
dequeeasynumber-of-distinct-averagesdeque.popleft(), pop() for min, max after sort
mathmedium6279. distinct prime factors of product of arrayWIP. too much time to solve
greedy2522. Partition string into substrings with values at most KWIP. see the solution

favorite contestants
https://leetcode.com/veraci/ https://leetcode.com/contest/weekly-contest-283/
https://leetcode.com/numb3r5/ https://leetcode.com/contest/biweekly-contest-72/
https://leetcode.com/wisest/ https://leetcode.com/contest/biweekly-contest-74
https://leetcode.com/LarryNY/ https://leetcode.com/contest/biweekly-contest-74
https://leetcode.com/Tlatoani kotlin user


[math] 6279. distinct prime factors of product of array

6279. distinct prime factors of product of array

by https://leetcode.com/nyu_ldf/

class Solution(object):
    def distinctPrimeFactors(self, nums):
        :type nums: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        m, a = [False] * 1001, 0
        for n in nums:
            i = 2
            while i * i <= n:
                while not n % i:
                    n, m[i] = n / i, True
                i += 1
            m[n] |= n > 1
        for v in m:
            a += 1 if v else 0
        return a

[greedy] 2522. Partition string into substrings with values at most K

2522. Partition string into substrings with values at most K
by https://leetcode.com/nyu_ldf/

class Solution(object):
    def minimumPartition(self, s, k):
        :type s: str
        :type k: int
        :rtype: int
        c, p = 0, 0
        for i in range(len(s)):
            if int(s[i]) > k:
                return -1
            p = p * 10 + int(s[i])
            if p > k:
                c, p = c + 1, int(s[i])
        return c + 1

[deque] number-of-distinct-averages

by https://leetcode.com/LarryNY/

class Solution:
    def distinctAverages(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        q = collections.deque(nums)
        s = set()
        while len(q) > 0:
            s.add(q.popleft() + q.pop())
        return len(s)

[dfs] most profitable path in a tree

by https://leetcode.com/LarryNY/

class Solution:
    def mostProfitablePath(self, edges: List[List[int]], bob: int, amount: List[int]) -> int:
        N = len(amount)
        e = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for u, v in edges:
        parent = [None] * N
        time = [None] * N
        def dfs(node, par, t):
            parent[node] = par
            time[node] = t
            for v in e[node]:
                if v != par:
                    dfs(v, node, t + 1)
        dfs(0, -1, 0)
        btime = [None] * N

        current = bob
        t = 0
        while current != 0:
            btime[current] = t
            if btime[current] < time[current]:
                amount[current] = 0
            elif btime[current] == time[current]:
                amount[current] //= 2
            current = parent[current]
            t += 1
        INF = 10** 20
        best = -INF
        def dfs2(node, par, current):
            down = 0
            for v in e[node]:
                if v != par:
                    dfs2(v, node, current + amount[v])
                    down += 1
            if down == 0:
                nonlocal best
                best = max(best, current)
        dfs2(0, -1, amount[0])
        return best

[binary search] 2454. next greater element IV

by https://leetcode.cn/u/shawnxi/

class Solution:
    def secondGreaterElement(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        from sortedcontainers import SortedList
        tmp = defaultdict(list)
        for idx,i in enumerate(nums):
        q = SortedList()
        res = [-1]*len(nums)
        for k in sorted(tmp.keys(),reverse=True):
            for i in tmp[k]:
                idx = q.bisect_left(i)
                if idx+1<len(q):
            for i in tmp[k]:
        return res

[sort] 2453. destroy sequential targets

by https://leetcode.cn/u/shawnxi/

class Solution:
    def destroyTargets(self, nums: List[int], space: int) -> int:
        tmp = defaultdict(list)
        for i in nums:
        return sorted((-len(v),min(v)) for v in tmp.values())[0][1]

[sliding window] count-subarrays-with-fixed-bounds

by https://leetcode.cn/u/981377660LMT/

class Solution:
    def countSubarrays(self, nums: List[int], minK: int, maxK: int) -> int:
        n = len(nums)
        res, left = 0, 0
        pos1, pos2 = -1, -1
        for right in range(n):
            if nums[right] == minK:
                pos1 = right
            if nums[right] == maxK:
                pos2 = right
            if nums[right] < minK or nums[right] > maxK:
                left = right + 1
            res += max(0, min(pos1, pos2) - left + 1)

        return res

[bit] minimize xor

by https://leetcode.cn/u/asdfasdfasdf123123/

class Solution {
    int minimizeXor(int num1, int num2) {
        int ans = 0;
        int cnt = __builtin_popcount(num2);
        for (int i = 30; i >= 0 && cnt; --i) {
            if (num1 & (1 << i)) {
                ans ^= (1 << i);
        for (int i = 0; i <= 30 && cnt; ++i) {
            if (!(num1 & (1 << i))) {
                ans ^= (1 << i);
        return ans;

by larryny

def minimizeXor(num1, ,num2):
    while num2>0:
        if num2&1==1:
        num2 >>= 1

[bit] bitwise xor of all pairings

by numb3r5

class Solution:
    def xorAllNums(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> int:
        a = 0
        if len(nums2)%2:
            for i in nums1:
                a ^= i
        if len(nums1)%2:
            for i in nums2:
                a ^= i
        return a

[modulo property] LGE codejam B

Albert는 길이가 nn인 길다란 케이크를 구웠다. 이 케익은 nn등분 할 수 있도록 총 nn개의 칸으로 미리 나눠져있고, 일부 칸에는 과일 토핑이 올려져있다.

예를 들어 아래 그림은 n=8n = 8인 케이크이고 00은 토핑이 없는 칸, 11은 과일 토핑이 있는 칸을 나타낸다. 이를 정수 배열로 나타내면 A=[0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0]A = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]로 표현할 수 있다. 구체적으로, A[i]A[i]ii번째 칸에 토핑이 있으면 11, 없으면 00이다.

Albert는 이 케이크를 정확히 k1k-1번 잘라 kk개의 조각으로 나누고 싶은데, 아래 조건을 만족하도록 자르고 싶다:

조건 1: 각 케이크 조각에 포함된 토핑이 올라간 칸의 개수가 모두 동일해야한다.
조건 2: 버려지는 칸이나 조각이 생겨서는 안된다.
예를 들어 k=2k = 2 인 경우 버려지는 칸이나 조각 없이 위 케이크를 자를 수 있는 방법은 총 77가지 존재한다. 그 중 조건 1을 만족하는 경우는 아래와 같이 세 가지 방법이다. 각 케이크 조각에는 토핑이 올라간 칸이 두 개씩 있다.

다른 예로, 아래 그림은 n=5n = 5, A=[0,1,0,1,0]A = [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], k=2k = 2인 경우 위 조건들을 만족하면서 케이크를 자를 수 있는 두 가지 방법을 나타낸다.

입력으로 nn, kk, 그리고 토핑의 유무를 나타내는 배열 AA가 주어졌을 때, 조건을 만족하며 케이크를 자를 수 있는 방법이 총 몇 가지 있는지 구해보자. 단, 답이 매우 클 수 있으므로 109+710^9+7 로 나눈 나머지를 출력한다.

MAX = 10**9 + 7

def mod_inverse(b,m):
    g = math.gcd(b, m)
    if (g != 1): return -1
    return pow(b, m - 2, m)

def mod_divide(a,b,m):
    a = a % m
    inv = mod_inverse(b,m)
    if(inv == -1): return -1
    return (inv*a) % m
def ncr(n, r, limit=MAX):
    r = min(r, n-r)
    if r == 0: return 1
    res = 1
    for k in range(1,r+1):
        res = mod_divide(res*(n-k+1), k, limit)
    return res

% 모듈로 연산을 divide 에 적용 시 그냥 적용하면 안 됨!
nCr combination 갯수를 구할 때 그 값을 MAX(10^9+7) 이내로 표현할 때 최종 결과에 % MAX 하면 실제 기대 값과 다름.

[combinatorics] construct-smallest-number-from-di-string

by superluminal

from itertools import permutations
class Solution(object):
    def smallestNumber(self, pattern):
        :type pattern: str
        :rtype: str
        n = len(pattern) + 1
        for p in permutations(range(1, n+1), n):
            for i in xrange(n-1):
                if pattern[i] == 'I' and p[i] > p[i+1]:
                if pattern[i] == 'D' and p[i] < p[i+1]:
                return ''.join(str(v) for v in p)

[greedy] longest ideal subsequence

22/08/07 weekly contest
by nume3r5

class Solution:
    def longestIdealString(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
        x = [ord(i)-97 for i in s]
        res = [0]*26
        for i in x:
            cur = 0
            for j in range(26):
                if abs(i-j) <= k:
                    cur = max(cur, res[j])
            cur += 1
            res[i] = max(res[i], cur)
        return max(res)

[dfs] reachable nodes with restrictions

22/08/07 weekly contest
by numb3r5

class Solution:
    def reachableNodes(self, n: int, e: List[List[int]], restricted: List[int]) -> int:
        edges = defaultdict(list)
        for i, j in e:
        seen = [False]*n
        ok = [True]*n
        for i in restricted:
            ok[i] = False
        def dfs(x):
            seen[x] = True
            for i in edges[x]:
                if not seen[i] and ok[i]:
        return sum(seen)

[?] count number of bad pairs

08/06 biweekly contest
by numb3r5

class Solution:
    def countBadPairs(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        l = [nums[i]-i for i in range(len(nums))]
        d = defaultdict(int)
        res = 0
        for pos, i in enumerate(l):
            res += pos-d[i]
            d[i] += 1
        return res

by larryNY

class Solution:
    def countBadPairs(self, nums: List[int]) -> int:
        c = collections.Counter()
        total = 0
        matched = 0
        for i, x in enumerate(nums):
            matched += c[i - x]
            total += i
            c[i - x] += 1
        return total - matched

[union find, count pair] count-unreachable-pairs-of-nodes-in-an-undirected-graph

06/28 disjoint 셋을 구하기 위해 union find 알고리즘 적용. 구해진 disjoint 셋에서 조합가능한 pair 의 갯수를 찾는 문제로 해석
count unreachble pairs of nodes in an undirected graph
by https://leetcode.com/LarryNY/

class Solution:
    def countPairs(self, N: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        parent = [i for i in range(N)]
        def ufind(x):
            if parent[x] != x:
                parent[x] = ufind(parent[x])
            return parent[x]
        def uunion(a, b):
            ua = ufind(a)
            ub = ufind(b)
            parent[ua] = ub
        for u, v in edges:
            uunion(u, v)
        counts = collections.Counter()
        for i in range(N):
            counts[ufind(i)] += 1
        total = 0
        for k in counts.keys():
            total += counts[k] * (N - (counts[k]))
        return total // 2

[sliding window] Longest Binary Subsequence Less Than or Equal to K

Longest Binary Subsequence Less Than or Equal to K
by https://leetcode.com/LarryNY/

    def longestSubsequence(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
        s = s[::-1]
        N = len(s)
        best = s.count("0")
        current = 0
        for i in range(N):
            if s[i] == "1":
                current += (1 << i)

                if current > k:
                best += 1
        return best

subproblem 으로 나눌 수 있다고 생각하여 DP 를 생각했는데.. 적용불가??
아래는 DP 적용 전 recursive 형태

class Solution:
    def longestSubsequence(self, s: str, k: int) -> int:
        m2 = {}
        def lessthan(seq, k):
            nonlocal m2
            if seq in m2: return m2[seq]
            y = int(seq, 2) <= k
            m2[seq] = y
            return y
        def go(s, seq):
            if s == '' and seq == '': return 0
            if s == '': return len(seq) if lessthan(seq, k) else 0
            ans = max(
                go(s[1:], seq+s[0]),
                go(s[1:], seq)
            return ans
        return go(s, '')

TBD: 왜 DP 적용이 불가한지 정리할 것. 혹은 DP 적용가능함을 보일 것.

[bisect] successful pairs of speels and potions

by https://leetcode.com/wwwwodddd

class Solution:
    def successfulPairs(self, a: List[int], b: List[int], d: int) -> List[int]:
        z = []
        for i in a:
            z.append(len(b) - bisect_left(b, (d + i - 1) // i))
        return z

[bit] largest combination with bitwise and greater than zero


각 비트마다 몇 개의 candidate 들이 1 이 되는 지를 세고 모든 비트에 대해 이 카운트 값이 가장 큰 수를 반환

by Tlatoani

class Solution {
    fun largestCombination(candidates: IntArray): Int {
        return (0 until 29).map { d -> candidates.count { it and (1 shl d) != 0 } }.max()!!

by lucifer1006

class Solution:
    def largestCombination(self, candidates: List[int]) -> int:
        ans = 0
        for i in range(30):
            ans = max(ans, len([c for c in candidates if (c & (1 << i)) > 0]))
        return ans

[DP] count-number-of-texts

by LarryNY

class Solution:
    def countTexts(self, pressedKeys: str) -> int:
        MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7                
        N = len(pressedKeys)
        dp = [0] * (N + 1)
        dp[0] = 1
        for x in range(N):
            k = int(pressedKeys[x])
            dp[x + 1] = dp[x]
            c = 3
            if k == 7 or k == 9:
                c = 4
            for i in range(c - 1):
                if x - i - 1 < 0 or pressedKeys[x] != pressedKeys[x - i - 1]:
                dp[x + 1] += dp[x - i - 1]
            dp[x + 1] %= MOD
        return dp[N]

점화식 방식으로 DP 적용.

[tree] count-nodes-equal-to-average-of-subtree

by LarryNY

class Solution:
    def averageOfSubtree(self, root: Optional[TreeNode]) -> int:
        ans = 0         
        def go(node):
            if node is None:
                return (0, 0)
            left = go(node.left)
            right = go(node.right)
            total = left[0] + right[0] + node.val
            count = left[1] + right[1] + 1
            if total // count == node.val:
                #print(total, node.val, count)
                nonlocal ans
                ans += 1
            return (total, count)
        return ans

[prefix sum]

by superluminal

class Solution(object):
    def maxTrailingZeros(self, grid):
        :type grid: List[List[int]]
        :rtype: int
        a = grid
        m, n = len(a), len(a[0])
        def _top(c):
            r = [row[:] for row in c]
            for i in xrange(1, m):
                for j in xrange(n):
                    r[i][j] += r[i-1][j]
            return r
        def _left(c):
            r = [row[:] for row in c]
            for i in xrange(m):
                for j in xrange(1, n):
                    r[i][j] += r[i][j-1]
            return r
        def _best(c2, c5):
            t2 = _top(c2)
            l2 = _left(c2)
            t5 = _top(c5)
            l5 = _left(c5)
            r = 0
            for i in xrange(m):
                for j in xrange(n):
                    v2 = t2[i][j] + l2[i][j] - c2[i][j]
                    v5 = t5[i][j] + l5[i][j] - c5[i][j]
                    r = max(r, min(v2, v5))
            return r
        c2 = [[0]*n for _ in xrange(m)]
        c5 = [[0]*n for _ in xrange(m)]
        for i in xrange(m):
            for j in xrange(n):
                v = a[i][j]
                while v % 2 == 0:
                    c2[i][j] += 1
                    v //= 2
                while v % 5 == 0:
                    c5[i][j] += 1
                    v //= 5
        r = _best(c2, c5)
        for row in c2: row.reverse()
        for row in c5: row.reverse()
        r = max(r, _best(c2, c5))
        r = max(r, _best(c2, c5))
        for row in c2: row.reverse()
        for row in c5: row.reverse()
        r = max(r, _best(c2, c5))
        return r

prefix sum 참고: https://www.crocus.co.kr/843

[?] minimum rounds to complete all tasks

by superluminal
y = 3a + 2b 에서 MIN(a+b) 를 구하기? y 는 주어짐. a, b 는 마음대로 정할 수 있음.
y+2 / 3 ==> MIN(a+b)

from collections import Counter
class Solution(object):
    def minimumRounds(self, tasks):
        :type tasks: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        c = Counter(tasks)
        if min(c.itervalues()) < 2:
            return -1
        return sum((v+2)//3 for v in c.itervalues())

[heap] maximum product after k increments

by LarryNY

class Solution:
    def maximumProduct(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
        h = nums
        for _ in range(k):
            t = heapq.heappop(h)
            heapq.heappush(h, t + 1)
        MOD = 10 ** 9 + 7
        c = 1
        for x in h:
            c *= x
            c %= MOD
        return c

[hashtable] count-artifacts-that-can-be-extracted

by superluminal

class Solution(object):
    def digArtifacts(self, n, artifacts, dig):
        :type n: int
        :type artifacts: List[List[int]]
        :type dig: List[List[int]]
        :rtype: int
        ans = 0
        s = set((x, y) for x, y in dig)
        for r1, c1, r2, c2 in artifacts:
            if all((r, c) in s
                   for r in xrange(r1, r2+1)
                   for c in xrange(c1, c2+1)):
                ans += 1
        return ans


by superluminal

class Solution(object):
    def cellsInRange(self, s):
        :type s: str
        :rtype: List[str]
        a, i, _, b, j = s
        s = [chr(x) for x in xrange(ord(a), ord(b)+1)]
        t = [chr(x) for x in xrange(ord(i), ord(j)+1)]
        return [x+y for x in s for y in t]

[?] append-k-integers-with-minimal-sum

by https://leetcode.com/veraci/
why it works??

class Solution(object):
    def minimalKSum(self, A, K):
        ans = K * (K + 1) // 2
        level = K + 1
        for x in sorted(set(A)):
            if x < level:
                ans += level - x
                level += 1
        return ans

[greedy] maximumSubsequenceCount

by https://leetcode.com/LarryNY/

lass Solution:
    def maximumSubsequenceCount(self, text: str, pattern: str) -> int:
        nt = []
        for c in text:
            if c in pattern:
        nt = "".join(nt)
        def go(s):
            total = 0
            seen = 0
            for c in s:
                if c == pattern[0]:
                    seen += 1
                    total += seen
            return total

        if pattern[0] == pattern[1]:
            x = len(nt) + 1
            return x * (x - 1) // 2
        return max(go(nt + pattern[1]), go(pattern[0] + nt))

[hashtable] divide-array-into-equal-pairs

by me and https://leetcode.com/numb3r5/
Incidentally same!

class Solution:
    def divideArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        c = Counter(nums)
        return all([n%2==0 for n in c.values()])

class Solution:
    def divideArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> bool:
        c = Counter(nums)
        return all(i%2 == 0 for i in c.values())

[math] find-palindrome-with-fixed-length

by superluminal

class Solution(object):
    def kthPalindrome(self, queries, intLength):
        :type queries: List[int]
        :type intLength: int
        :rtype: List[int]
        k = (intLength + 1) // 2
        p = intLength % 2
        ans = []
        for v in queries:
            x = 10**(k-1) + v - 1
            if x >= 10**k:
            s = str(x)
            ans.append(int(s[:len(s)-p] + s[::-1]))
        return ans

2227. Encrypt and Decrypt Strings

by superluminal

class Encrypter:

    def __init__(self, keys: List[str], values: List[str], dictionary: List[str]):
        self.lookup = {}
        for k, v in zip(keys, values):
            self.lookup[k] = v
        self.dictionary = dictionary
        self.rlookup = collections.defaultdict(list)
        for word in self.dictionary:

    def encrypt(self, word1: str) -> str:
        ans = []
        for c in word1:
        return "".join(ans)

    def decrypt(self, word2: str) -> int:
        return len(self.rlookup[word2])
hello wirld

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