Types of sorting
Complexity of types of sorting
def bubble_sort(array):
n = len(array)
ans = []
for i in range(n-1):
# For i = 0 and n = 5, n-i-1 = 4
# Last element does not need to be evaluated,
# then the second to last element, and so on
for j in range(n-i-1):
# Evaluate the current element and the next element
if array [j] > array[j+1]:
# If the next element is smaller, then swap
array[j], array[j+1] = array[j+1], array[j]
return array
def selection_sort(array):
n = len(array)
for i in range(n-1):
minIndex = i
# The ith (1st, 2nd, etc.) element
# does not need to be evaluated
# after switching elements
for j in range(n-i):
# If i = 0 and j = 1, evaluate if array[1] is smaller than [0]
# If i = 0 and j = 2, evaluate if array[2] is smaller than [0]
# So i+j evaluates all values after ith element
if array[i+j] < array[minIndex]:
# Swap values if array[i+j] is smaller than array[i]
# Swap occurs once, so this determines the index of the smallest value
# then swap outside the for j loop
minIndex = i+j
array[i], array[minIndex] = array[minIndex], array[i]
return array
def insertion_sort(array):
n = len(array)
# The first element does not need to be evaluated
for i in range(1, n):
# Loops through all elements to the
# left of the element i
for j in range(i):
# If i = 2, then j is 0 or 1
# i-j = 2 or 1 and i-j-1 = 1 or 0
# This is because the current element must
# compare each element to the left and swap one by one
if array[i-j] < array[i-j-1]:
array[i-j], array[i-j-1] = array[i-j-1], array[i-j]
# If the current element is bigger, break
# and evaluate the next element to the right
return array
Merge and sort two sorted arrays.
def merge(array1, array2):
array = []
array1Index = 0
array2Index = 0
while array1Index < len(array1) and array2Index < len(array2):
if array1[array1Index] < array2[array2Index]:
array1Index += 1
array2Index += 1
# If there is a leftover element in array 2
if array1Index == len(array1):
while array2Index < len(array2):
array2Index += 1
# If there is a leftover element in array 1
if array2Index == len(array2):
while array1Index < len(array1):
array1Index += 1
return array
Uses the concept from the merge function above to sort an array.
Merge Sort uses the concept called Divide and Conquer (분할 정복).
For an array of length N, MergeSort(0,N) should run Merge(MergeSort(0, N/2) + MergeSort(N/2,N)).
This behavior is recursive.
def merge_sort(array):
# 탈출 조건
# A single array is already "sorted"
if len(array) <= 1:
return array
# Get the middle index of the array
mid = len(array) //2
# Recursively run merge_sort
leftArray = merge_sort(array[:mid])
rightArray = merge_sort(array[mid:])
return merge(leftArray, rightArray)