Javascript Day2

Jisu Lee·2023년 2월 9일

Javascript 스터디 두번째 시간입니다. 오늘은 nomadcoders 강의를 3강까지 들었습니다. 벌써 50%나 완료했네용.

#3.0 (The Document Object)

• when you type 'document' in the console, it displays the html script, this means that 'document' is an object already built in the browser
• document.title : you can get the title written in the html script

<title> Title </title>

• when you type document.title="Hi", then the title changes to 'Title'
• you are able to read html from javacript, but you are also able to change html in javacript (refresh? then changed to the original value)

#3.1 (HTML in Javascript)

add a new line in html script

 <h1 id="title">Grab me!</h1>
 <script src="app.js"></script>   

to see the data of the object 'title'

const title = document.getElementById("title");

change and check html using javascript

//we've created an element in the html which is
<h1 class="hello" id="title">Grab me!</h1>
//grabbed it here
const title = document.getElementById("title");
//changed the name of the title
title.innerText="Got you";
//you can check the id 
//you can check the class

#3.2 (Searching for Elements)

html code with 5 lines of h1

 <h1 class="title">Grab me!</h1>
 <h1 class="title">Grab me!</h1>
 <h1 class="title">Grab me!</h1>
 <h1 class="title">Grab me!</h1>
 <h1 class="title">Grab me!</h1>
 <script src="app.js"></script>   

javascript code to display them

const hellos = document.getElementsByClassName("hello");


//hellos is an array so it doesn't have hellos.something
//it is get Element's', be careful of the s

the output

you try something new by changing the html code using div

 <div class="hello">
    <h1>Grab me!</h1>
 <script src="app.js"></script>   

getElementsByTagName in javascript

const title = document.getElementsByTagName("h1");
//still title is an array, it can't do title.something

the output

document.querySelector (grab something using the css selector)

const title = document.querySelector(".hello h1");
//inside the class "hello" get me the h1
//.hello because it is a css selector

the output

you only get the first element when using document.querySelector even though you repeat it in the html script

 <div class="hello">
    <h1>Grab me1</h1>
 <div class="hello">
    <h1>Grab me2</h1>
 <div class="hello">
    <h1>Grab me3</h1>
 <script src="app.js"></script>   

javascript with .querySelector

const title = document.querySelector(".hello h1");

the output is still

change to querySelectorAll and it gives you an array of 3 h1

const title = document.querySelectorAll(".hello h1");

the output

the two codes are the same thing

//in querySelector you don't know what you are searching for so you add # to indicate it is an ID
const title = document.querySelector("#hello");
const title = document.getElementById("hello");

everything using javascript on html is possible because we have

<script src="app.js"></script>

#3.3~3.5 (Events)

the following code will display "Grab Me 1"

const title = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

change color"blue";

event : when I click, when I press enter, when my mouse hovers over..

addEventListener(type, listener)
type: a case-sensitive string representing the event type to listen for
listener : the object that receives a notification (an object that implements the event interface) when an event of the specified type occures, this must be null, an object with a handleEvent() method, or a JavaScript function.

const title = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick(){
    console.log("title was clicked");

title.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);
//javacript will look when someone clicks on the title and they will press play of the function for me
//so do not do handleTitleClick() because the javascript will play for us

change the color whenever we press the sentence

const title = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick(){"blue";

title.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

to search for what events javascript can listen you can search for "h1 html element mdn -web api"
click on the link and search for "events"

mouse hover over and displays comments

const title = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");
function handleMouseEnter(){
   console.log("mouse is here");
title.addEventListener("mouseenter", handleMouseEnter)

when the mouse hovers then the text is changed, when the mouse is gone the text is also changed

const title = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleMouseEnter(){
    title.innerText="Mouse is here!";

function handleMouseLeave(){
    title.innerText="Mouse is gone!";

title.addEventListener("mouseenter", handleMouseEnter)

another way of listening to the events

title.addEventListener=("mouseenter", handleMouseEnter)
//they are the same
//the reason we use .addEventListener is that later we can do .removeEventListener

resize window to change background color

function handleWindowResize(){"tomato";


copy then show alert message

function handleWindowCopy(){

check wifi

function handleWindowOffline(){
    alert("SOS NO WIFI!");

function handleWindowOnline(){
    alert("WIFI CONNECTED!");

#3.6~3.8 (CSS in Javascript)

get and set color

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

change color using if statement

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {
    } else {"blue";

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

using const and let to change color

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {
    const currentColor =;
    let newColor;
    } else {

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

change style using css
css script


h1 {
    color: cornflowerblue;


javascript code

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {
//javascript will modify html and css will be looking at the html

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

if not active then the original color, when the class name is set to active then change the color indicated in css

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {
    if(h1.className ==="active"){
    } else {

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

transition in css - the color fades in and fades out when you click on it

h1 {
    color: cornflowerblue;
    transition: color .5s ease-in-out;

to prevent making mistakes when using id names we can use const to make a variable to repeat

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {
    const activeClass = "active";
    if(h1.className ===activeClass){
    } else {

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

classList helps you work with the list of classes

if I want to add a new css but wants them to stay

    font-family: 'Franklin Gothic Medium', 'Arial Narrow', Arial, sans-serif;

I can use classList so that the sexy-font would stay and the active would be added or removed everytime I click

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {
    const activeClass = "active";
    } else {

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

toggle does the same thing with the whole if statement in javascript
if "active" is in the classList, toggle will remove "active" and if "active" is not in the classList, toggle will add "active" to the classList

const h1 = document.querySelector("div.hello:first-child h1");

function handleTitleClick() {

h1.addEventListener("click", handleTitleClick);

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