[stm32-drone] 아두이노 IDE 셋팅

jngeun·2021년 5월 13일


목록 보기

참고 링크 : 아두이노 IDE 설정

1. Install "Arduino SAM Boards"

[ tool ] -> [ 보드: ] -> [ board manager ] -> arduino SAM Boards (32nits ARM Cortex-M3) install

2. Download STM32 Drivers

$ git clone https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32.git

  • 다운 받은 폴더는 C:\Programs\Arduino\hardware\ 폴더로 이동
  • Arduino_STM32-master\drivers\win\install_drivers.bat 실행

3. Connect USB-serial with STM32

  • wiring

    • USB-serial Rx --> STM32 Tx1(PA9)
    • USB-serial Tx --> STM32 Rx1(PA10)
    • GND & 5V
  • Change BOOT0 from 0 to 1

4. Arduino Tool

  • Board : "Generic STM32F103C series"
  • Variant : "STM32F103C8(20k RAM 64k Flash)"
  • CPU Speed : 72Mhz
  • Upload method : Serial

5. Upload

error 발생

Failed to init device.
stm32flash 0.4
Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_w32: 115200 8E1

한 번 업로드한 뒤에는 Reset 버튼 눌러준 후 업로드 실행하니 해결

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