Binary Gap

HyeonKi Jo·2022년 5월 19일

GO Language

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Task Description


package solution

func getBinary(N int) int { // get binary num to divede by 2
    return N % 2

func Solution(N int) int {
    var test = []int{}		// save binary to int slice
    var count int = -1		// save the zero interval, when test slice start 0, count doesn't add 1.
    var maxval int = 0		// the max internal value

    for N>0 {
        test = append(test, getBinary(N))	// test get binary nums, but it's reverse
        N = N/2
        if test[len(test)-1] == 1 {			// if binary num is 1, then check maxvalue and set 0 to count 
            if maxval < count {
                maxval = count
            count = 0
        }else{								// when binary num is 0, count add 1. but, if count <-1 (slice started with 0) then count don't precess
            if count >= 0 {
                count += 1

    return maxval


  • If binary numbers end with 0, then last zero interval doesn't count. but, it's not meaning the answer is 0. The maximum interval value still can be answer.

get 100%


Talking Potato

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