Codecademy | Career Path : Code Foundations

Joy·2020년 7월 5일


1. Code Foundations: Introduction
2. Learn How to Code : Baics of Programming
3. Computer Science
4. Web Development
5. Data Science

1. Code Foundations: Introduction

2. Learn How to Code : Baics of Programming

  • programming ? giving a set of instructions to a computer to execute.
  • Programming is the mental process of thinking up instructions to give to a machine (like a computer).
  • Coding is the process of transforming those ideas into a written language that a computer can understand.


data types

  • Primitive data types: num, string, boolean
  • "num" -> string



  • sequence of task
  • Parameters and arguments are both inputs to a function.

    Parameters refer abstractly to a function’s inputs
    arguments are the actual values inputted

Control Flow

  • Control flow : the order in which instructions are executed.
  • conditional, loop, exception


  • list : ordered sequence of information


  • structure in programming where the instructions are written once, but a computer can execute them multiple times
  • for / while

3. Computer Science

  • Programming is the act of telling a computer what to do

Computer Science

  • Algorithms : sequential. conditional, generalizable.
  • A function : a specific set of repeatable instructions that takes an inputand produces an output
  • Optimization
  • Abstraction

careers in CS

  • DevOps Engineer : deploying and maintaining existing software. making automated systems to deploy code and bringing organizational changes that increase collaboration between development and operations teams
    Machine Learning Engineer
    Robotics Engineer
    Quantum Computing Researcher

4. Web Development

front / back-end

Browsers and Servers

  • browswer : initiates a requests to the server and renders websites files

  • server: stores data and send to the browser upon request

  • HTTP : standard role for B~S to transfer data

  • The server is the device or program in that network that waits for incoming requests and sends back data.

  • HTTP : protocol used for communicate betw. browser - server to transfer data

HTTP statuses


HTML — structures website content
CSS — applies styling to websites
JavaScript — adds interactivity to websites
SQL — allows your web application to store and retrieve data

5. Data Science


  • the practice of applying mathematical calculations to sets of data to derive meaning
  • Descriptive statistics describe a dataset using mathematically calculated values
  • inferential statistics are statistical calculations that enable us to draw conclusions about the larger population


  • mathematical study of what could potentially happen
  • data science, probability calculations are used to build models


Domain Expertise

  • particular set of knowledge that someone cultivates in order to understand their data

Data Science Process


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