도시 조달품들에 대한 작은 변화로 CO2 방출량이 줄어든 방법.

LONGNEW·2020년 12월 28일


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TL,DR : Cities across Europe have an arsenal of tools in this fight against climate change and one of the tool is procurement. Cities collaborae with others and it successed. It gives a messege: supply must move to meet this demand. the experience shows that unwavering political support was a key factor in the success of their pilot sites.

procurement : N. (정부, 기관의 물품) 조달
neutrality : N. 중립.
coalition : N. 연합, 연립 정부
Daring : ad. 대담한, 위험한
excavator : N. 굴삭기
unwavering : ad. 변함없는, 확고한

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