왜 Microsoft의 자율 주행차에 대한 전략이 똑똑한가

LONGNEW·2021년 1월 28일


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Every company running on AI algorithms must bring together a few key pieces to have a viable business model:

  • Algorithms
  • Data
  • Compute resources
  • Talent

Microsoft’s Azure cloud has specialized hardware to both train the models and deliver them at scale and in a cost-efficient manner.

When it comes to self-driving cars

  • Autonomous driving hardware
  • Vehicle

Microsoft has a program to support self-driving car startups by providing them engineering support and discounted access to cloud services.

Interestingly, the one thing that will likely remain constant is data, cloud, and software, the three areas where Microsoft already excels at.

purpose-built : 특별히 만들어진. viable : 실행 가능한, 성공할 수 있는 tardiness : 느림, 완만함 culpability : (잘못에 대한)책임

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