Network Layer
Internet Control Message
ICMP is used for communicating with hosts and router.
There are two types of usage.
- error report
- query message for dianosing network problems

Error report
- discard packet
- destination is not in routing table
- time exceeded; TTL is equal 1
- source quench
- parameter issue
- redirection
- 8bytes is transport layer header
- IP header following ICMP header is datagram received by router
prior IP packet
- IP header + data(8bytes + rest)
add ICMP header
- ICMP header + IP header + data(8bytes + rest)
and then, add IP header
- IP header + ICMP header + IP header + data(8bytes + rest)
Query message
- echo request and reply; Ex> ping command
- etc..
ICMP type and code table

There are two application, ping and traceroute using ICMP packet.