[sqlite] 5일차

쥬쥬스·2024년 1월 31일


목록 보기

3-1. 복수 국적 메달 수상한 선수 찾기

select name
from athletes a join records r on a.id = r.athlete_id
    			join games g on r.game_id = g.id
    			join teams t on t.id = r.team_id
where g.year>=2000 and r.medal is not null
group by athlete_id
having count(distinct(team_id))>1
order by name

??이건 왜 안되는지...? IN 서브쿼리로는 안되는거임? 대체 왜...???

select distinct(name)
from athletes
where id in (select athlete_id
            from records
            where game_id in (select game_id
                              from games
                              where year>=2000)
                  and medal is not null
            group by athlete_id
            having count(distinct(team_id))>1)
order by name

3-2. 할부는 몇 개월로 해드릴까요

select payment_installments, count(distinct(order_id)) order_count, min(payment_value) min_value, max(payment_value) max_value, avg(payment_value) avg_value
from olist_order_payments_dataset
where payment_type = 'credit_card'
group by payment_installments

3-3. 지역별 주문의 특징 ❌

select region as 'Region',
  count(DISTINCT(CASE WHEN category = 'Furniture' THEN order_id END)) as 'Furniture',
  count(DISTINCT(CASE WHEN category = 'Office Supplies' THEN order_id END)) as 'Office Supplies',
  count(DISTINCT(CASE WHEN category = 'Technology' THEN order_id END)) as 'Technology'
from records
group by region

3-4. 배송 예정일 예측 성공과 실패
☁️ julianday를 사용해서 날짜 차이를 구할 수도 있다.

select strftime('%Y-%m-%d', order_purchase_timestamp) as purchase_date, 
   count(case when julianday(order_estimated_delivery_date)-julianday(order_delivered_customer_date)>=0 then order_id end) as success,
   count(case when julianday(order_estimated_delivery_date)-julianday(order_delivered_customer_date)<0 then order_id end) as fail
from olist_orders_dataset
where strftime('%Y-%m',order_purchase_timestamp)='2017-01'
group by strftime('%Y-%m-%d', order_purchase_timestamp)
order by order_purchase_timestamp

3-5. 쇼핑몰의 일일 매출액과 ARPPU

select strftime('%Y-%m-%d',order_purchase_timestamp) dt, count(DISTINCT(customer_id)) as pu, round(sum(payment_value),2) as revenue_daily, 
      round(sum(payment_value)/count(DISTINCT(customer_id)),2) as arppu
from olist_orders_dataset as o join olist_order_payments_dataset as p on o.order_id=p.order_id 
where order_purchase_timestamp>='2018-01-01'
group by strftime('%Y-%m-%d',order_purchase_timestamp)
느려도... 꾸준히.....🐌

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