commons-io_npe-5 (FuseFL Function Lev)

준혁·2024년 7월 1일

Faulty Code:

112.    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
113.    public RegexFileFilter(final Pattern pattern) {
114.        this(pattern, (Function<Path, String> & Serializable) p -> p.getFileName().toString()); 
125.        public RegexFileFilter(final Pattern pattern, final Function<Path, String> pathToString) {
126.        Objects.requireNonNull(pattern, "pattern");
127.        this.pattern = pattern;
128.        this.pathToString = pathToString; 

182.    @Override
183.    public FileVisitResult accept(final Path path, final BasicFileAttributes attributes) {
184.        return toFileVisitResult(pattern.matcher(pathToString.apply(path)).matches()); 

Task Description:

     * Constructs a new regular expression filter for a compiled regular expression
     * @param pattern regular expression to match.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the pattern is null.
     * Constructs a new regular expression filter for a compiled regular expression
     * @param pattern regular expression to match.
     * @param pathToString How convert a path to a string.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the pattern is null.
     * @since 2.10.0
     * Checks to see if the file name matches one of the regular expressions.
     * @param path the path
     * @param attributes the path attributes
     * @return true if the file name matches one of the regular expressions

Test Results:
The provided code is producing incorrect results. For examples:

  • Running the function as follows filter.accept(path, null) generate a NullPointerException in line 184
                 "Filter(Path) " + filter.getClass().getName() + " not " + expectedFileVisitResult + " for " + path);```

Spectrum-based Fault Localization (SBFL) Techniques Results:
We have used SBFL techniques to identify potentially faulty lines. Here are the results of top-[X] suspicious lines sorted in descending order of the score:
1. Line 184 return toFileVisitResult(pattern.matcher(pathToString.apply(path)).matches()); , SBFL
Analyze the provided code and utilize task description, test results, and SBFL techniques results to help in identifying potentially faulty lines. Provide the results following this JSON template:

  "faultLoc": [    {      "faultyLine": (indicating the line number of the suspicious code),      "code": (displaying the actual code),      "explanation": (step by step reasoning on why this location is considered potentially faulty)    },    ...  ]


  "faultLoc": [
      "faultyLine": 184,
      "code": "return toFileVisitResult(pattern.matcher(pathToString.apply(path)).matches());",
      "explanation": "This line is indicated as suspicious by SBFL techniques. The NullPointerException occurs here, suggesting that either `pattern` or `pathToString` might be null, or `pathToString.apply(path)` is returning null. Since `pattern` is validated in the constructors, the issue likely lies with `pathToString.apply(path)`, which could return null if `path` is null."
      "faultyLine": 126,
      "code": "Objects.requireNonNull(pattern, \"pattern\");",
      "explanation": "Although this line checks for a null `pattern`, it does not validate `pathToString`, which might be null. Including a null check for `pathToString` can prevent potential issues."
      "faultyLine": 125,
      "code": "public RegexFileFilter(final Pattern pattern, final Function<Path, String> pathToString) {",
      "explanation": "While this constructor initializes `pathToString`, it does not validate whether `pathToString` is null. Adding a null check for `pathToString` would ensure that it is not null, preventing NullPointerException in `accept` method."
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