def reverse(s):
str = ""
for i in s:
str = i + str
return str
def reverse(s):
if len(s) == 0:
return s
return reverse(s[1:]) + s[0]
# Python code to reverse a string
# using stack
# Function to create an empty stack. It
# initializes size of stack as 0
def createStack():
return stack
# Function to determine the size of the stack
def size(stack):
return len(stack)
# Stack is empty if the size is 0
def isEmpty(stack):
if size(stack) == 0:
return true
# Function to add an item to stack . It
# increases size by 1
def push(stack,item):
# Function to remove an item from stack.
# It decreases size by 1
def pop(stack):
if isEmpty(stack): return
return stack.pop()
# A stack based function to reverse a string
def reverse(string):
n = len(string)
# Create a empty stack
stack = createStack()
# Push all characters of string to stack
for i in range(0,n,1):
# Making the string empty since all
# characters are saved in stack
# Pop all characters of string and put
# them back to string
for i in range(0,n,1):
return string
def reverse(string):
string = string[::-1]
return string
def reverse(string):
string = "".join(reversed(string))
return string
*파이썬에 내장된 reversed() 를 이용하여 뒤집어ㅏ 비어있는 문자열에 조인하여 반환하는 방식입니다.