숫자 배열의 증가/감소 패턴을 인지하는 코드 생성
스택쌓기로 풀었는데, 잘 안됨..
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1. 투 포인터 사용
So, we can set 2 pointers left_max,right_max and check which side is greater,if one side is greater iterate on other side because at the min side the water will be filled at its limit. and iterate till pointer is lower than the other one.
2. 1번 성공 시, 스택쌓기 재도전
class Solution(object):
def trap(self, height):
:type height: List[int]
:rtype: int
if len(height) < 2 or min(height) == max(height):
return 0
water_left, water_right = [], []
top_height_left, top_height_right = height[0], height[-1]
for i in range(1,len(height)):
left_gap,right_gap = top_height_left-height[i],top_height_right-height[len(height)-i]
water_left.append(max(left_gap, 0))
top_height_left, top_height_right = max(top_height_left, height[i]), max(top_height_right, height[len(height)-i])
water = 0
for i in range(len(height)-1):
water += min(water_left[i], water_right[len(height)-1-i-1])
return water
Next what to do
좌우 포인터가 가운데로 점점 이동하여 만난다는 방향으로 코드 작성하기