[기타] Riot API 02- dev portal web api

KIM Jongwan·2024년 3월 15일


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Web APIs

Your product might depend on the Riot Games API. If it does, you'll need to be sure you understand some basic concepts about your Riot Games API key.

라이엇 API를 사용하기 위해서는 라이엇 API Key에 대한 기본적인 개념을 이해해야 합니다.

API Keys

Anyone who signs into the developer portal will automatically be granted an API key that will be associated with their account. Your API key allows you to start using the API immediately, and allows us to generate API usage metrics for your key. In all, we manage several types of API keys. See the differences below.

개발자 포털에 가입하면 자동적으로 계정에 연결된 API key를 부여받게 됩니다. 몇몇 타입의 API Key들을 볼 수 있는데 자세한 차이는 아래에서 확인해봅시다.


The API key that was generated for you when you signed into the developer portal is a development API key. These interim API keys are temporarily granted for products that are not meant for public consumption but benefit from temporary access to the API. The purpose of a development API key is for you to tinker with the Riot Games API and potentially develop a prototype for a product that you can make available for the community to use. They also deactivate every 24 hours. You'll need to regularly reset yours to keep it live.


You may apply for a personal API key by registering your product. Personal API keys should be used for products that are intended for just the developer or a small private community. These products can be registered without the verification process, but won't be approved for rate limit increases. You may request access to the Standard APIs, but not the Tournaments API. Personal keys require a detailed description of the product.

Acceptable uses for a personal API key include:

bots for streaming sites, boards, voice com servers, etc.
to display your own personal stats for your personal website
personal projects to gather your own stats
personal research
projects meant for personal usage and not production
The rate limit for a personal keys is by design very limited:

20 requests every 1 second
100 requests every 2 minutes
Note that rate limits are enforced per region. For example, with the above rate limit, you could make 20 requests every 1 second to both the NA and EUW League of Legends endpoints simultaneously.

You may not run your application for public consumption using a personal key, regardless of how long the approval process for your production key takes. Note that public consumption includes open alpha/beta tests.


If you have developed an application using the Riot Games API that you would like to open up to players, you should apply for a production API key. You may not maintain a public product with a development API key. Production API keys have a much higher rate limit suitable for sustaining a public product's traffic.

Production API keys should be used for products that are intended for large communities or the Internet as a whole. You may request access to the Standard APIs and the Tournaments API. Typically requires a working prototype before receiving an API key.

The starting rate limit of a production API key is much larger than the development key:

500 requests every 10 seconds
30,000 requests every 10 minutes
Remember that this rate limit is enforced per region.

To apply for a production key with an expanded rate limit, click "Register Project" on your dashboard. The process and length of time required to obtain an approved production key can vary depending on your project and the application's target region(s).

Note that the standard production rate limit will meet the needs of the large majority of developers, but it can be expanded if the developer is in good standing, has demonstrated a strong community benefit, and has steadily outgrown the standard production limit.

If you are working on multiple projects, you should register each one separately and each one needs to be individually approved for a separate production API key.

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