218. The Skyline Problem

JJ·2021년 2월 11일


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class Solution {
   *  Divide-and-conquer algorithm to solve skyline problem,
   *  which is similar with the merge sort algorithm.
  public List<List<Integer>> getSkyline(int[][] buildings) {
    int n = buildings.length;
    List<List<Integer>> output = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();

    // The base cases
    if (n == 0) return output;
    if (n == 1) {
      int xStart = buildings[0][0];
      int xEnd = buildings[0][1];
      int y = buildings[0][2];

      output.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {{add(xStart); add(y); }});
      output.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {{add(xEnd); add(0); }});
      // output.add(new int[]{xStart, y});
      // output.add(new int[]{xEnd, 0});
      return output;

    // If there is more than one building,
    // recursively divide the input into two subproblems.
    List<List<Integer>> leftSkyline, rightSkyline;
    leftSkyline = getSkyline(Arrays.copyOfRange(buildings, 0, n / 2));
    rightSkyline = getSkyline(Arrays.copyOfRange(buildings, n / 2, n));

    // Merge the results of subproblem together.
    return mergeSkylines(leftSkyline, rightSkyline);

   *  Merge two skylines together.
  public List<List<Integer>> mergeSkylines(List<List<Integer>> left, List<List<Integer>> right) {
    int nL = left.size(), nR = right.size();
    int pL = 0, pR = 0;
    int currY = 0, leftY = 0, rightY = 0;
    int x, maxY;
    List<List<Integer>> output = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();

    // while we're in the region where both skylines are present
    while ((pL < nL) && (pR < nR)) {
      List<Integer> pointL = left.get(pL);
      List<Integer> pointR = right.get(pR);
      // pick up the smallest x
      if (pointL.get(0) < pointR.get(0)) {
        x = pointL.get(0);
        leftY = pointL.get(1);
      else {
        x = pointR.get(0);
        rightY = pointR.get(1);
      // max height (i.e. y) between both skylines
      maxY = Math.max(leftY, rightY);
      // update output if there is a skyline change
      if (currY != maxY) {
        updateOutput(output, x, maxY);
        currY = maxY;

    // there is only left skyline
    appendSkyline(output, left, pL, nL, currY);

    // there is only right skyline
    appendSkyline(output, right, pR, nR, currY);

    return output;

   * Update the final output with the new element.
  public void updateOutput(List<List<Integer>> output, int x, int y) {
    // if skyline change is not vertical -
    // add the new point
    if (output.isEmpty() || output.get(output.size() - 1).get(0) != x)
      output.add(new ArrayList<Integer>() {{add(x); add(y); }});
      // if skyline change is vertical -
      // update the last point
    else {
      output.get(output.size() - 1).set(1, y);

   *  Append the rest of the skyline elements with indice (p, n)
   *  to the final output.
  public void appendSkyline(List<List<Integer>> output, List<List<Integer>> skyline,
                            int p, int n, int currY) {
    while (p < n) {
      List<Integer> point = skyline.get(p);
      int x = point.get(0);
      int y = point.get(1);

      // update output
      // if there is a skyline change
      if (currY != y) {
        updateOutput(output, x, y);
        currY = y;

Critical point를 보면 되는 솔루션

Runtime: 10 ms, faster than 92.07% of Java online submissions for The Skyline Problem.
Memory Usage: 44.2 MB, less than 18.17% of Java online submissions for The Skyline Problem.

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