29. Divide Two Integers

JJ·2021년 1월 28일


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class Solution {
    public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {
        long n = Math.abs(dividend);
        long d = Math.abs(divisor);
        long result = 0;
        while (n >= d) {
            n = n - d;
        if (dividend * divisor < 0) {
            return (-1) * (int) result;
        } else {
            return (int) result; 

15 / 989 test cases passed.
overflow error..

if (dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE && divisor == -1) {
            return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

이거만 추가ㅏ하면 overflow는 고쳐지는데
time limit이 걸리네요^^...

private static int HALF_INT_MIN = -1073741824;

public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {

    // Special case: overflow.
    if (dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE && divisor == -1) {
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    /* We need to convert both numbers to negatives.
     * Also, we count the number of negatives signs. */
    int negatives = 2;
    if (dividend > 0) {
        dividend = -dividend;
    if (divisor > 0) {
        divisor = -divisor;

    int quotient = 0;
    /* Once the divisor is bigger than the current dividend,
     * we can't fit any more copies of the divisor into it. */
    while (divisor >= dividend) {
        /* We know it'll fit at least once as divivend >= divisor.
         * Note: We use a negative powerOfTwo as it's possible we might have
         * the case divide(INT_MIN, -1). */
        int powerOfTwo = -1;
        int value = divisor;
        /* Check if double the current value is too big. If not, continue doubling.
         * If it is too big, stop doubling and continue with the next step */
        while (value >= HALF_INT_MIN && value + value >= dividend) {
            value += value;
            powerOfTwo += powerOfTwo;
        // We have been able to subtract divisor another powerOfTwo times.
        quotient += powerOfTwo;
        // Remove value so far so that we can continue the process with remainder.
        dividend -= value;

    /* If there was originally one negative sign, then
     * the quotient remains negative. Otherwise, switch
     * it to positive. */
    if (negatives != 1) {
        return -quotient;
    return quotient;

Runtime: 1 ms, faster than 99.98% of Java online submissions for Divide Two Integers.
Memory Usage: 36.1 MB, less than 57.17% of Java online submissions for Divide Two Integers.

log^2 n

private static int HALF_INT_MIN = -1073741824;// -2**30;

public int divide(int dividend, int divisor) {

    // Special case: overflow.
    if (dividend == Integer.MIN_VALUE && divisor == -1) {
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    /* We need to convert both numbers to negatives.
     * Also, we count the number of negatives signs. */
    int negatives = 2;
    if (dividend > 0) {
        dividend = -dividend;
    if (divisor > 0) {
        divisor = -divisor;

    ArrayList<Integer> doubles = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList<Integer> powersOfTwo = new ArrayList<>();

    /* Nothing too exciting here, we're just making a list of doubles of 1 and
     * the divisor. This is pretty much the same as Approach 2, except we're
     * actually storing the values this time. */
    int powerOfTwo = -1;
    while (divisor >= dividend) {
        // Prevent needless overflows from occurring...
        if (divisor < HALF_INT_MIN) {
        divisor += divisor;
        powerOfTwo += powerOfTwo;

    int quotient = 0;
    /* Go from largest double to smallest, checking if the current double fits.
     * into the remainder of the dividend. */
    for (int i = doubles.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (doubles.get(i) >= dividend) {
            // If it does fit, add the current powerOfTwo to the quotient.
            quotient += powersOfTwo.get(i);
            // Update dividend to take into account the bit we've now removed.
            dividend -= doubles.get(i);

    /* If there was originally one negative sign, then
     * the quotient remains negative. Otherwise, switch
     * it to positive. */
    if (negatives != 1) {
        return -quotient;
    return quotient;

Runtime: 2 ms, faster than 34.65% of Java online submissions for Divide Two Integers.
Memory Usage: 35.7 MB, less than 97.34% of Java online submissions for Divide Two Integers.

이건 logn이라는데 왜 더 느리지???

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