Mock Interview: Amazon

JJ·2021년 7월 16일


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1268. Search Suggestions System

class Solution {
    public List<List<String>> suggestedProducts(String[] products, String searchWord) {
        int begin = 0;
        int end = products.length - 1;
        List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<List<String>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < searchWord.length(); i++) {
            List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>();
            char c = searchWord.charAt(i);
            while (begin <= end && (products[begin].length() <= i ||
                   products[begin].charAt(i) != c)) {
            while (begin <= end && (products[end].length() <= i ||
                   products[end].charAt(i) != c)) {
            int howfar = Math.min(end+1, begin + 3);
            for (int l = begin; l < howfar; l++) {
        return result;

Runtime: 6 ms, faster than 99.85% of Java online submissions for Search Suggestions System.
Memory Usage: 44.7 MB, less than 78.10% of Java online submissions for Search Suggestions System.

처음에 sort를 해주면 uri가 봐야하는 부분은 한정되어 있다는 점을 이용해서
연관이 있는 첫부분과 끝부분만 조졌읍니다~~
처음에는 trie를 쓰려고 했는데..... 넘 어려울거 같더라구요

// Custom class Trie with function to get 3 words starting with given prefix
class Trie {

    // Node definition of a trie
    class Node {
        boolean isWord = false;
        List<Node> children = Arrays.asList(new Node[26]);
    Node Root, curr;
    List<String> resultBuffer;

    // Runs a DFS on trie starting with given prefix and adds all the words in the resultBuffer, limiting result size to 3
    void dfsWithPrefix(Node curr, String word) {
        if (resultBuffer.size() == 3)
        if (curr.isWord)

        // Run DFS on all possible paths.
        for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++)
            if (curr.children.get(c - 'a') != null)
                dfsWithPrefix(curr.children.get(c - 'a'), word + c);
    Trie() {
        Root = new Node();

    // Inserts the string in trie.
    void insert(String s) {

        // Points curr to the root of trie.
        curr = Root;
        for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
            if (curr.children.get(c - 'a') == null)
                curr.children.set(c - 'a', new Node());
            curr = curr.children.get(c - 'a');

        // Mark this node as a completed word.
        curr.isWord = true;
    List<String> getWordsStartingWith(String prefix) {
        curr = Root;
        resultBuffer = new ArrayList<String>();
        // Move curr to the end of prefix in its trie representation.
        for (char c : prefix.toCharArray()) {
            if (curr.children.get(c - 'a') == null)
                return resultBuffer;
            curr = curr.children.get(c - 'a');
        dfsWithPrefix(curr, prefix);
        return resultBuffer;
class Solution {
    List<List<String>> suggestedProducts(String[] products,
                                         String searchWord) {
        Trie trie = new Trie();
        List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>();
        // Add all words to trie.
        for (String w : products)
        String prefix = new String();
        for (char c : searchWord.toCharArray()) {
            prefix += c;
        return result;

Runtime: 146 ms, faster than 16.46% of Java online submissions for Search Suggestions System.
Memory Usage: 48 MB, less than 53.16% of Java online submissions for Search Suggestions System.

Trie & DFS 루션이

Trie를 만들어주고 (핵심: boolean isWord와 List children);

DFS로 단어를 찾아주는 방식...

보기만 해도 머리가 아파요;

1152. Analyze User Website Visit Pattern

class Solution {
    public List<String> mostVisitedPattern(String[] username, int[] timestamp, String[] website) {
        Map<String, HashMap<String>> m = new HashMap<String, HashMap<String>>();
        for (int i = 0; i < username.length; i++) {
            map.put(username[i], m.get)

2번 문제에 모든 열과성을 다했다는점...^^

아이디어는 String, HashMap 쉬맵이를 만들어 준 다음에
검색어 - 검색한 사람, 검색한 횟수를 잡아주려고 했는데
지금 생각해보니깐 이래저래 애로사항이 많네요^^..


class Pair {
    int time;
    String web;
    public Pair(int time, String web) {
        this.time = time;
        this.web = web;
class Solution {
    public List<String> mostVisitedPattern(String[] username, int[] timestamp, String[] website) {
        Map<String, List<Pair>> map = new HashMap<>();
        int n = username.length;
        // collect the website info for every user, key: username, value: (timestamp, website)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            map.putIfAbsent(username[i], new ArrayList<>());
            map.get(username[i]).add(new Pair(timestamp[i], website[i]));
        // count map to record every 3 combination occuring time for the different user.
        Map<String, Integer> count = new HashMap<>();
        String res = "";
        for (String key : map.keySet()) {
            Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
            // this set is to avoid visit the same 3-seq in one user
            List<Pair> list = map.get(key);
            Collections.sort(list, (a, b)->(a.time - b.time)); // sort by time
            // brutal force O(N ^ 3)
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                for (int j = i + 1; j < list.size(); j++) {
                    for (int k = j + 1; k < list.size(); k++) {
                        String str = list.get(i).web + " " + list.get(j).web + " " + list.get(k).web;
                        if (!set.contains(str)) {
                            count.put(str, count.getOrDefault(str, 0) + 1);
                        if (res.equals("") || count.get(res) < count.get(str) || (count.get(res) == count.get(str) && res.compareTo(str) > 0)) {
                            // make sure the right lexi order
                            res = str;
        // grab the right answer
        String[] r = res.split(" ");
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String str : r) {
        return result;

Runtime: 32 ms, faster than 29.05% of Java online submissions for Analyze User Website Visit Pattern.
Memory Usage: 40.1 MB, less than 50.37% of Java online submissions for Analyze User Website Visit Pattern.

제가 쉬맵이로 하려던걸 Pair로 하네요
저도 앞으로는 pair을 적극 활용해보겠읍니다...^^
근데 3중포문이 실화냐...

전씨를 위한 평이 좋은 이선이 루션~~

class Solution:
    def mostVisitedPattern(self, username: List[str], timestamp: List[int], website: List[str]) -> List[str]:
		# Create tuples as shown in description
		# The timestamps may not always be pre-ordered (one of the testcases)
		# Sort first based on user, then time (grouping by user)
		# This also helps to maintain order of websites visited in the later part of the solution
		users = defaultdict(list)
	    # It is not necessary to use defaultdict here, we can manually create dictionaries too
        for user, time, site in sorted(zip(username, timestamp, website), key = lambda x: (x[0],x[1])):    
            users[user].append(site)     # defaultdicts simplify and optimize code

        patterns = Counter()   # this can also be replaced with a manually created dictionary of counts
		# Get unique 3-sequence (note that website order will automatically be maintained)
		# Note that we take the set of each 3-sequence for each user as they may have repeats
		# For each 3-sequence, count number of users
        for user, sites in users.items():
            patterns.update(Counter(set(combinations(sites, 3))))     
		# Re-iterating above step for clarity
		# 1. first get all possible 3-sequences combinations(sites, 3)
		# 2. then, count each one once (set)
		# 3. finally, count the number of times we've seen the 3-sequence for every user (patterns.update(Counter)) 
		# - updating a dictionary will update the value for existing keys accordingly (int in this case)
		# An expanded version of the above step is given below.
    #         print(patterns)  # sanity check
		# get most frequent 3-sequence sorted lexicographically
        return max(sorted(patterns), key=patterns.get)

Runtime: 52 ms, faster than 66.84% of Python3 online submissions for Analyze User Website Visit Pattern.
Memory Usage: 14.7 MB, less than 62.58% of Python3 online submissions for Analyze User Website Visit Pattern.

TMI: 이거 루션이 쓰신 분도 백수시라네요

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