SQL 20221128-1202

신래은·2022년 12월 25일


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DAY 25-29


-쿠팡 페이지 데이터 구조 분석 및 데이터 베이스 생성
-데이터 분석 sheet (정규화 과정)
-테이블 명세, ER 다이어그램 (relationship unit : table or data)
-카테고리(최상위 카테고리만-하위제외)
-상품정보,주문옵션,배송관련, 장바구니
-상품상세정보, 상품평, 상품믄의 - 답글, 이미지, 신고하기(신고 기록 테이블), 도움돼요 등등 고려
-판매자 정보

  • SQL- 각 테이블 별 insert 구문
    select 구문 : 상품명 검색, 판매자 검색, 카테고리 선택, (할인된 가격 계산), 가격 범위, 날짜 범위, 총 카운트, 페이지 카운트 , 페이징 처리(limit, offset)
    if we need view, create view

Create Table Sql문

-- create database coupang;
-- use coupang;

create table if not exists  product_brief_info  (
  pbri_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key	,
  pbri_pbi_seq	int	not null		,
  pbri_content	text	not null		

create table if not exists category_info (
  cate_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  cate_parent_seq	int	 null	,
  cate_name	varchar(20)	not null		

create table if not exists product_basic_info (
  pbi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  pbi_name	varchar(250)	not null		,
  pbi_price	int	not null	default 0	,
  pbi_increase_price	int	not null	default 0	,
  pbi_discount_rate	int	null		,
  pbi_wow_discount_rate	int	null		,
  pbi_point	int	null		,
  pbi_max_point	int	null		,
  pbi_status	int	not null	default 0	,
  pbi_manu_seq	int	not null

create table if not exists manufacturer_info (
  manu_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  manu_name	varchar(255)	not null		

create table if not exists mandatory_notice (
  mn_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  mn_manu_seq	int	not null	,
  mn_prod_dt	date	not null		,
  mn_origin	varchar(50)	not null		,
  mn_capacity	varchar(255)	null		,
  mn_counsel_num	varchar(255)	not null		,
  mn_caution	text	null		,
  mn_pbi_seq	int	not null

create table if not exists mandatory_electronics_detail_info (
  medi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  medi_warranty_standard	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_pc_seq	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_voltage_power	varchar(30)	null		,
  medi_energy_rating	varchar(30)	null		,
  medi_extra_fee	int	null		,
  medi_prod_comp	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_prod_size	varchar(50)	not null		,
  medi_prod_area	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_pbi_seq	int	not null		

create table if not exists manadatory_food_detail_info (
  mfdi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  mfdi_import_phase	int	not null	default 1	,
  mfdi_prod_comp	varchar(255)	null		,
  mfdi_expiration_dt	datetime	not null		,
  mfdi_detailed_item_note	text	null		,
  mfdi_pbi_seq	int	not null	

create table if not exists mandatory_cosmetic_detail_info (
  mcdi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  mcdi_main_facts	varchar(255)	null	,
  mcdi_expiration_dt	date	not null	,
  mcdi_ingredients	text	null	,
  mcdi_relevant_laws	text	null	,
  mcdi_warranty_standard	varchar(255)	null	,
  mcdi_pbi_seq	int	not null	

create table if not exists seller_info (
  si_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  si_name	varchar(50)	not null	,
  si_id	varchar(50)	not null	,
  si_pwd	varchar(50)	not null	,
  si_address	varchar(255)	null	,
  si_phone	varchar(50)	null	,
  si_business_num	varchar(50)	null	

create table if not exists product_detail_info (
  pdi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  pdi_content	text	not null	,
  pdi_type	int	not null	,
  pdi_order	int	not null	,
  pdi_pbi_seq	int	not null	

create table if not exists product_cover_images (
  pcimg_seq	int	not null auto_increment primary key,
  pcimg_file_name	varchar(255)	not null	,
  pcimg_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  pcimg_order	int	not null	

create table if not exists review_info (
  ri_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  ri_mi_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_score	int	not null	,
  ri_reg_dt	datetime	not null	default now(),
  ri_si_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_pbo_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_content	text	not null

create table if not exists review_by_item  (
  rbi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  rbi_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  rbi_name	varchar(100)	not null	,
  rbi_order	int	not null	

create table if not exists review_by_item_choice (
  rbic_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  rbic_rbi_seq	int	not null		,
  rbic_name	varchar(200)	not null		,
  rbic_order	int	not null		

create table if not exists review_by_item_customer_choice (
  rbicc_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  rbicc_mi_seq	int	not null		,
  rbicc_rbi_seq	int	not null		,
  rbicc_rbic_seq	int	not null		

create table if not exists member_info (
  mi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  mi_name	varchar(255)	not null	,
  mi_id	varchar(20)	not null	,
  mi_pwd	varchar(64)	not null	,
  mi_birth	date	not null	,
  mi_reg_dt	datetime	not null	default now(),
  mi_email	varchar(100)	not null	,
  mi_gen	int	not null	default 0,
  mi_phone	varchar(20)	not null	,
  mi_mg_seq	int	not null	default 0,
  mi_address	varchar(255)	not null	,
  mi_coupay	int	not null	default 1

create table if not exists product_buy_option_category (
  pboc_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  pboc_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  pboc_title	varchar(255)	not null	

create table if not exists  product_brief_info  (
  pbri_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key	,
  pbri_pbi_seq	int	not null		,
  pbri_content	text	not null		

create table if not exists category_info (
  cate_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  cate_parent_seq	int	not null	,
  cate_name	varchar(20)	not null		

create table if not exists product_basic_info (
  pbi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  pbi_name	varchar(250)	not null		,
  pbi_price	int	not null	default 0	,
  pbi_increase_price	int	not null	default 0	,
  pbi_discount_rate	int	null		,
  pbi_wow_discount_rate	int	null		,
  pbi_point	int	null		,
  pbi_max_point	int	null		,
  pbi_status	int	not null	default 0	,
  pbi_manu_seq	int	not null

create table if not exists manufacturer_info (
  manu_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  manu_name	varchar(255)	not null		

create table if not exists mandatory_notice (
  mn_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  mn_manu_seq	int	not null	,
  mn_prod_dt	date	not null		,
  mn_origin	varchar(50)	not null		,
  mn_capacity	varchar(255)	null		,
  mn_counsel_num	varchar(255)	not null		,
  mn_caution	text	null		,
  mn_pbi_seq	int	not null

create table if not exists mandatory_electronics_detail_info (
  medi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  medi_warranty_standard	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_pc_seq	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_voltage_power	varchar(30)	null		,
  medi_energy_rating	varchar(30)	null		,
  medi_extra_fee	int	null		,
  medi_prod_comp	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_prod_size	varchar(50)	not null		,
  medi_prod_area	varchar(255)	null		,
  medi_pbi_seq	int	not null		

create table if not exists manadatory_food_detail_info (
  mfdi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  mfdi_import_phase	int	not null	default 1	,
  mfdi_prod_comp	varchar(255)	null		,
  mfdi_expiration_dt	datetime	not null		,
  mfdi_detailed_item_note	text	null		,
  mfdi_pbi_seq	int	not null	

create table if not exists mandatory_cosmetic_detail_info (
  mcdi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  mcdi_main_facts	varchar(255)	null	,
  mcdi_expiration_dt	date	not null	,
  mcdi_ingredients	text	null	,
  mcdi_relevant_laws	text	null	,
  mcdi_warranty_standard	varchar(255)	null	,
  mcdi_pbi_seq	int	not null	

create table if not exists seller_info (
  si_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  si_name	varchar(50)	not null	,
  si_id	varchar(50)	not null	,
  si_pwd	varchar(50)	not null	,
  si_address	varchar(255)	null	,
  si_phone	varchar(50)	null	,
  si_business_num	varchar(50)	null	

create table if not exists product_detail_info (
  pdi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  pdi_content	text	not null	,
  pdi_type	int	not null	,
  pdi_order	int	not null	,
  pdi_pbi_seq	int	not null	

create table if not exists product_cover_images (
  pcimg_seq	int	not null auto_increment primary key,
  pcimg_file_name	varchar(255)	not null	,
  pcimg_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  pcimg_order	int	not null	

create table if not exists review_info (
  ri_seq	int	not null	auto_increment,
  ri_mi_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_score	int	not null	,
  ri_reg_dt	datetime	not null	default now(),
  ri_si_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_pbo_seq	int	not null	,
  ri_content	text	not null

create table if not exists review_by_item  (
  rbi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  rbi_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  rbi_name	varchar(100)	not null	,
  rbi_order	int	not null	

create table if not exists review_by_item_choice (
  rbic_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  rbic_rbi_seq	int	not null		,
  rbic_name	varchar(200)	not null		,
  rbic_order	int	not null		

create table if not exists review_by_item_customer_choice (
  rbicc_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
  rbicc_mi_seq	int	not null		,
  rbicc_rbi_seq	int	not null		,
  rbicc_rbic_seq	int	not null		

create table if not exists member_info (
  mi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  mi_name	varchar(255)	not null	,
  mi_id	varchar(20)	not null	,
  mi_pwd	varchar(64)	not null	,
  mi_birth	date	not null	,
  mi_reg_dt	datetime	not null	default now(),
  mi_email	varchar(100)	not null	,
  mi_gen	int	not null	default 0,
  mi_phone	varchar(20)	not null	,
  mi_mg_seq	int	not null	default 0,
  mi_address	varchar(255)	not null	,
  mi_coupay	int	not null	default 1

create table if not exists product_buy_option_category (
  pboc_seq	int	not null	auto_increment primary key,
  pboc_pbi_seq	int	not null	,
  pboc_title	varchar(255)	not null	

create table if not exists product_certification (
	pc_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
	pc_num	varchar(50)	not null		,
	pc_pbi_seq	int	not null,		
	pc_ci_seq	int	not null		

create table if not exists certification_info (
  pc_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
	pc_num	varchar(50)	not null,		
	pc_pbi_seq	int	not null	,	
	pc_ci_seq	int	not null			

create table if not exists point_info (
 	pi_seq	int	not null	auto_increment	primary key,
	pi_pbi_seq	int	not null,		
	pi_member_type	int	not null	default 0	,
	pi_point	int	null		,
	pi_nax_point	int	null				

Insert Value Sql문

INSERT INTO coupang.category_info
(cate_parent_seq, cate_name)

INSERT INTO coupang.category_info
(cate_parent_seq, cate_name)
(1,'여성패션'),(1,'남성패션'),(1,'남녀 공동 의류'),(1,'유아동패션'),
(3,'어린이 건강식품'),(3,'수유용품'),(3,'이유용품/유아식기'),(3,'매트/안전용품'),(3,'유모차/웨건'),

INSERT INTO coupang.category_info
(cate_parent_seq, cate_name)
(4,'유기농/친환경 전문관'),(4,'과일'),(4,'견과/건과'),(4,'채소'),(4,'쌀/잡곡'),
(5,'주방잡화'),(5,'일회용품/종이컵'),(5,'보온/보냉용품'),(5,'수입주방'),(5,'1인가구 주방용품'),
(7,'크리스마스용품'),(7,'방한용품'),(7,'F/W 침구샵'),(7,'싱글하우스'),(7,'홈데코'),

INSERT INTO coupang.manufacturer_info

select * from manufacturer_info where manu_name like '%레노%';
select * from category_info where cate_name like '%노트%';

INSERT INTO coupang.product_basic_info
(pbi_name, pbi_price, pbi_discounted_price, pbi_wow_discounted_price, pbi_status, pbi_manu_seq, pbi_si_seq, pbi_cate_seq)
VALUES('레노버 2021 V14 GEN2 14', 449000, null , null, 0, 12, 1, 179);

select * from product_basic_info;

INSERT INTO coupang.product_brief_info
(pbri_pbi_seq, pbri_content, pbri_order)
(11, 'CPU 모델 번호: 라이젠5-5500U', 1),
(11, 'GPU 모델명: AMD 라데온 그래픽스', 2),
(11, '화면크기: 35.56cm', 3),
(11, '그래픽카드 형태: 미장착', 4),
(11, '해상도 (해상도 등급): FHD', 5),
(11, '쿠팡상품번호: 5320085643 - 13564560035', 6);

INSERT INTO coupang.product_detail_info
(pdi_content, pdi_type, pdi_order, pdi_pbi_seq)
VALUES('Lenovo.jpg', 1, 1, 11);

INSERT INTO coupang.seller_info
(si_name, si_id, si_pwd, si_address, si_phone, si_business_num)
VALUES('', '', '', '', '', '');

INSERT INTO coupang.mandatory_notice
(mn_manu_seq, mn_prod_dt, mn_origin, mn_capacity, mn_counsel_num, mn_caution, mn_pbi_seq,mn_importer)
VALUES(12, '2021-02-00', '중국' , null , '쿠팡고객센터 1577-7011', null, 11,'LCFC (HeFei) Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. / 한국레노버 유한회사');

INSERT INTO coupang.manadatory_food_detail_info
(mfdi_import_phase, mfdi_prod_comp, mfdi_expiration_dt, mfdi_detailed_item_note, mfdi_pbi_seq)
VALUES(1, null, '2023-05-05', null, 8);

INSERT INTO coupang.mandatory_electronics_detail_info
(medi_warranty_standard, medi_voltage_power, medi_energy_rating, medi_extra_fee, medi_prod_comp, medi_prod_size, medi_prod_area, medi_pbi_seq)
VALUES('제품 이상 시 공정거래위원회 고시 소비자분쟁해결기준에 의거 보상합니다.', '220V, 38Wh' , '해당없음', null , null, null, null , 11);

INSERT INTO coupang.point_info
(pi_pbi_seq, pi_member_type, pi_point)
VALUES(11, 0, 4490),(11,1,22450);

INSERT INTO coupang.certification_info
(ci_name, ci_content)
VALUES('KC인증 전기용품 안전확인', '전파환경 및 방송통신망 등에 위해를 줄 우려가 있는 기자재와 중대한 전자파장해를 주거나 전자파로부터 정상적인 동작을 방해받을 정도의 영향을 받는 기자재에 대한 기술수준 및 전자파 인체보호기준 등에 대한 적합 여부 평가');

update mandatory_notice set mn_importer = 'Guangdong Fuxin Electronic Technology Limited Company/범용전자' where mn_pbi_seq = 9;

INSERT INTO coupang.product_certification
(pc_num, pc_pbi_seq, pc_ci_seq)

select * from product_buy_option_category;
INSERT INTO coupang.product_buy_option
(pbo_pboc_seq, pbo_title, pbo_price)
(4, '라이젠5 4세대 × 256GB × 8GB × Free DOS × 82KC0011KR', 0),
(4, '라이젠5 5세대 × 256GB × 4GB × Free DOS × 82KC0011KR', -20000),
(4, '라이젠5 5세대 × 256GB × 4GB × WIN10 Home × 82KC0013KR', 90000),
(4, '라이젠7 4세대 × 256GB × 8GB × Free DOS × 82KC0012KR', 584540);

INSERT INTO coupang.product_buy_option_category
(pboc_pbi_seq, pboc_title)
VALUES(11, 'CPU모델명 x 저장용량 x RAM용량 x 운영체제 x 모델명/품번');

Select Sql문

select * from product_certification;

-- select 구문 : 상품명 검색, 판매자 검색, 카테고리 선택				
	-- 가격 범위, 날짜범위, 총 카운트, 페이지 카운트,			
	-- 페이징 처리 (limit, offset), 정렬(가격 오름차순/내림차순)			
-- view 필요하다싶으면 생성하기

-- 제품 간략 정보
select * from product_basic_info a inner join product_brief_info b 
on a.pbi_seq = b.pbri_pbi_seq
join seller_info c 
on a.pbi_si_seq = c.si_seq 
where a.pbi_name like '%%' and c.si_name like '%%'
order by pbi_seq desc
limit 10 offset (1-1)*10;

-- 검색 (상품명)
select a.* , b.cate_name  from product_basic_info a inner join category_info b 
on a.pbi_cate_seq  = b.cate_seq 
where pbi_name like '%%';

-- 검색 (날짜 범위)
select * from review_info  where 
ri_reg_dt between '2020-05-05' and '2020-10-01';

-- 검색 (카테고리)
select * from product_basic_info where pbi_cate_seq = 4;

-- 검색 (가격범위)
select * from product_basic_info where pbi_price >=5000 and pbi_price <=10000;
-- 또는 
select * from product_basic_info where pbi_price between 5000 and 10000;

-- 검색 결과 수 (총 개수)
select count(*) as totalCnt  from product_basic_info pbi 
where pbi_name like '%%';

-- 총 페이지 수
select ceil(count(*)/5) as pageCnt from product_basic_info; -- 올림 사용

-- 페이징 처리 + 검색
select  *  from product_basic_info 
order by pbi_seq desc -- 최근 등록순으로
limit 5 offset 0; -- (offset =  (page-1)*5)

-- 가격 내림차수 정렬
select * from product_basic_info 
order by pbi_price desc;

-- 가격 오름차수 정렬
select * from product_basic_info 
order by pbi_price;

-- 할인율, 와우 할인율 출력
select round((1-(pbi_discounted_price/pbi_price))*100) as discount_rate ,
round((1-(pbi_wow_discounted_price/pbi_price))*100) as wow_discount_rate
from product_basic_info;

-- 상세페이지 정보출력 뷰 생성
create view product_detail_page_show as
select a.pbi_name as name, a.pbi_price as price, -- 제품이름, 가격
round((1-(pbi_discounted_price/pbi_price))*100) as discount_rate ,-- 할인율
round((1-(pbi_wow_discounted_price/pbi_price))*100) as wow_discount_rate,-- 와우 할인가
a.pbi_discounted_price as discounted_price , --  할인가
b.pi_point as point, d.pboc_title as option_name, -- 적립포인트, 옵션이름
e.pbo_title as option_choice, (a.pbi_discounted_price + e.pbo_price) as option_price, c.pbri_content as brief_explain, -- 옵션 선택지, 옵션가, 간략설명 (순서대로)
adddate(now(),interval f.di_arrival day)as delivery_arrive_dt, -- 배송완료 예정일
dc.dc_name as delivery_company ,b.pi_member_type 
from product_basic_info a left outer join point_info b
on a.pbi_seq = b.pi_pbi_seq 
inner join product_brief_info c
on a.pbi_seq = c.pbri_pbi_seq
left outer join product_buy_option_category d 
on a.pbi_seq = d.pboc_pbi_seq 
left outer join product_buy_option e 
on d.pboc_seq = e.pbo_pboc_seq 
left outer join delivery_info f
on a.pbi_seq = f.di_pbi_seq 
left outer join delivery_company dc
on f.di_dc_seq = dc.dc_seq 
order by a.pbi_seq, b.pi_member_type, e.pbo_title, c.pbri_order; 
-- 제품순서대로 정렬 후,
-- 일반멤버에게 보여줄 정보 출력 후 와우 멤버에게 보여줄 정보 출력
-- 옵션종류에 따라 정렬
-- 간략 설명 순서에 따라 정렬

select * from product_detail_page_show;

-- 상품목록페이지 조회 뷰 생성
create view product_list_page_show as
select b.di_price , a.pbi_name, a.pbi_price, -- 배송비용, 상품이름, 가격,
round((1-(pbi_discounted_price/pbi_price))*100) as discount_rate , -- 할인율
a.pbi_discounted_price as discounted_price, b.di_type as delivery_type,-- 할인된 가격, 배송종류
adddate(now(),interval b.di_arrival day)as delivery_arrive_dt,-- 배송완료 예정일
c.pi_point as points
from product_basic_info a join delivery_info b 
on a.pbi_seq = b.di_pbi_seq
left outer join point_info c 
on a.pbi_seq = c.pi_pbi_seq ;

-- 각제품별 최대 포인트데이터만 출력
select * from product_list_page_show group by pbi_name;

-- 제품 qna 질문 출력
select b.mi_name as id, a.pq_reg_dt as dt, pbo.pbo_title as option_name, -- 질문자 아이디, 날짜, 선택한 옵션
d.si_name, a.pq_content as content -- 판매자, 질문내용
from product_qna a join member_info b 
on a.pq_mi_seq = b.mi_seq
join product_basic_info c
on c.pbi_seq = a.pq_pbi_seq 
join seller_info d
on c.pbi_si_seq = d.si_seq
left outer join wish_list e
on e.wl_pbi_seq = c.pbi_seq 
left outer join order_status os 
on os.os_mi_seq = b.mi_seq
left outer join product_buy_option pbo
on pbo.pbo_seq = e.wl_pbo_seq 
left outer join product_qna_answer pqa 
on pqa.pqa_pq_seq = a.pq_seq ;

-- 제품 qna 답변 출력
select b.si_name, a.pqa_reg_dt, a.pqa_content 
from product_qna_answer a 
left outer join seller_info b
on a.pqa_si_seq = b.si_seq ;

-- 제품 qna 질문과 답변 동시출력 뷰 생성
create view product_qna_and_answer as
select b.mi_name as id, a.pq_reg_dt as dt, pbo.pbo_title as option_name, -- 질문자 아이디, 날짜, 선택한 옵션
d.si_name, a.pq_content as content, -- 판매자, 질문내용
d.si_name as answer_writer, pqa.pqa_reg_dt , pqa.pqa_content as qna_answer -- 판매자, 답변 날짜, 답변내용
from product_qna a join member_info b 
on a.pq_mi_seq = b.mi_seq
join product_basic_info c
on c.pbi_seq = a.pq_pbi_seq 
join seller_info d
on c.pbi_si_seq = d.si_seq
left outer join wish_list e
on e.wl_pbi_seq = c.pbi_seq 
left outer join order_status os 
on os.os_mi_seq = b.mi_seq
left outer join product_buy_option pbo
on pbo.pbo_seq = e.wl_pbo_seq 
left outer join product_qna_answer pqa 
on pqa.pqa_pq_seq = a.pq_seq 
order by a.pq_seq;

select * from product_qna_and_answer;

-- 리뷰 카테고리별 리뷰
select c.rbi_name, d.rbic_name, count(e.rbicc_seq) as cnt, b.pbi_name 
from review_info a join product_basic_info b 
on a.ri_pbi_seq = b.pbi_seq 
left outer join review_by_item c
on c.rbi_pbi_seq = b.pbi_seq 
left outer join review_by_item_choice d 
on d.rbic_rbi_seq = c.rbi_seq 
left outer join review_by_item_customer_choice e
on e.rbicc_rbic_seq = d.rbic_seq
where d.rbic_seq  = 1 -- 카테고리 번호에 따라 몇명이 선택했는지 출력
group by d.rbic_name;

select *, count(*) from review_by_item_choice  group by rbic_name;

-- 리뷰 출력
select mi.mi_name , a.ri_score , a.ri_reg_dt , si.si_name 
, a.ri_content , b.pbi_name  , d.*
from review_info a join product_basic_info b 
on a.ri_pbi_seq = b.pbi_seq 
join review_by_item c
on c.rbi_pbi_seq = b.pbi_seq 
join review_by_item_choice d 
on d.rbic_rbi_seq = c.rbi_seq 
join review_by_item_customer_choice e
on e.rbicc_rbic_seq = a.ri_mi_seq 
join member_info mi 
on mi.mi_seq = a.ri_mi_seq
join seller_info si
on si.si_seq = b.pbi_si_seq ;
where a.ri_mi_seq = e.rbicc_mi_seq ;

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