How does the Internet work?

g_choi·2022년 3월 26일


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This article is a summary of the excerpts from the MDN website.

2022-03-25 Today I learned how the Internet works.
Referred to

the Internet

  • Internet is the backbon of the Web, the technical infrastructure that makes the Web possible.
  • The Internet is a large network of computers which communicate all together.

A simple network

  • When two computers need to communicate, they have to link each other, either with an Ethernet cable or wirelessly.

  • Such a network is not limited to two computers. If you are trying to connect, say, ten computers, you need 45 cables.

  • Once, we add a router to the system, our network of 10 computers only requires 10 cables: a single plug for each computer and a router with 10 plugs

A network of networks

  • A single router can't scale that far, but, if you read carefully, we said that a router is a computer like any other. By connecting computers to routers, then routers to routers, we are able to scale infinitely.

  • Next, we are trying to send the messages from our network to the network we want to reach. To do that, we will connect our network to an Internet Service Provider(ISP).

Fiding computers

  • If you want to send a message to a computer, you have to specify which one. Therefore, any computer linked to a network has a specific address called an "IP Address".

  • To make things easier, we can alias an IP address with a human readable name called a domain. ( ->

Intranets and Extranets

  • Intranets are private networks that are restricted to members of a particular organization. They are commomly used to provide a portal for members to securely access shared resources, collaborate and communicate.

  • Extranets are very similar to Intranets, except they open all or part of a private network to allow sharing and collaboratin with other organizations. They are typically used to safely and securely share information with clients and stakeholders who work closely with a business.

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