→ Realm is a local database. All of the data you create, store, retrieve are all stored locally on the device.
→ How it's all stored and managed is done in one file: Realm file
[ Realm Studio ] → allows you to browse data stored, add etc
—> need to open a Realm file
how to find the realm file?
Run the app (simulator)
A file directory will be there
open terminal
open ///Users/kevin/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/37688EE4-2343-4EA5-8C78-0BE25E8706D0/data/Containers/Data/Application/084E7DBC-723B-47E9-9267-CE5B81163075/Documents/default.realm
(사용자에 따라 디렉토리가 상이함)
import RealmSwift
//make sure that any data or classes that you want to save into the realm
//file subclasses Object
class Cat: Object{
//to save it into the realm folder, make sure to put
//@objc dynamic -> these 2 keywords in front
@objc dynamic var name: String?
@objc dynamic var color: String?
@objc dynamic var gender: String?
let realm = try! Realm() //make a reference to the realm file
var myCat = Cat() //create new Cat object
myCat.name = "Moe"
myCat.gender = "Male"
myCat.color = "Orange"
//below is how to actually save the data to the realm file
//everytime you need to do something with the realm file, such as
//change, update, delete, etc, you need to realm.write { } (or realm.beginWrite())
try! realm.write{ //we put try! to ignore potential errors
→ If you're gonna use realm.beginWrite(), you must try! realm.commitWrite() as well
@objc func didTapSaveButton(){
if let text = textField.text, !text.isEmpty {
let date = datePicker.date
let newItem = ToDoListItem() //create new object
newItem.date = date
newItem.item = text
try! realm.commitWrite()
navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
print("Add something")
Retrieving Data from Realm file example:
let results = realm.objects(Cat.self) //returns an array
print(results[0].name) //구조체이기 때문에 . 으로 접근
Filter 기능 example:
let results = realm.objects(Cat.self).filter("name = 'Moe'")
print(results.count) //prints how many