Application Programming Interface (API)
→ A set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that programmers can use to create SW or interact with an external system
It provides developers with standard commands for performing common operations so they do not have to write the code from scratch
ex. API's to create software: Apple Developer Documentation
ex. API's to interact with an external system: Tinder asking Facebook for access to friends to show some related info
→ it's like a contract between the developer and the provider.
→ If we make the API call within the browser by passing in the parameter appid with our API key and city name, we get the above JSON data. (JSON Viewer download needed from Chrome Extension Store)
The parameter order can be in any order
add &units = metric for Celsius temperature
How do we implement this using Swift?
struct WeatherManager{
//Deliberately deleted "q=London" within the url, because it needs to be customizable with a different city
let weatherURL = ""
func fetchWeather(cityName: String){
let urlString = "\(weatherURL)&q=\(cityName)"
var weatherManager = WeatherManager()
func textFieldDidEndEditing(_ textField: UITextField) {
if let city = searchTextField.text{
weatherManager.fetchWeather(cityName: city)
searchTextField.text = ""