Le wagon Prep work : Terminal 101

MinsooΒ·2021λ…„ 7μ›” 5일

prep works

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β˜„οΈ Terminal

The Terminal is an interface in which you can write lines of text (commands) to interact with your computer’s system.

🎈 Why do we use Command Line Interface?

  • 우리의 언어와 같은 λ§₯락이라고 ν•  수 μžˆλ‹€. λ²„νŠΌ(mouse clicking,GUI)으둜 μ˜μ‚¬μ†Œν†΅ν•˜λŠ” κ²ƒλ³΄λ‹€λŠ”ν’λΆ€ν•˜κ³  μ •ν™•ν•œ 의미λ₯Ό 전달할 수 μžˆλŠ” κΈ°λŠ₯성이 있기 λ•Œλ¬Έ.

  • 반볡적인 μž‘μ—…μ— 유용.

🎈 Basic Command

pwd πŸ‘‰ prints the filepath of the current directory (print working directory)
/ πŸ‘‰ root directory μ ˆλŒ€κ²½λ‘œ
./ πŸ‘‰ current directory
ls πŸ‘‰ lists files and directories in current directory (list)
ls -R πŸ‘‰ Show the all the file under the directory
cd πŸ‘‰navigates from one folder to another (change directory)
mkdir πŸ‘‰ creates a new directory (make directory)
touch πŸ‘‰ creates a new file
. πŸ‘‰ refers to current directory μƒλŒ€κ²½λ‘œ
.. πŸ‘‰ refers to parent directory μƒλŒ€κ²½λ‘œ
cat πŸ‘‰ read the content
mv πŸ‘‰ move the file to other folder
(ex : mv hello.txt terminal_101folder you wanna move to/hello.rb )
(ex : mv dummy2 dummy) : changed the directory name
rm πŸ‘‰ remove (ex file only: rm hello.txt) (ex directory : rm -r dummy)
cd ~ πŸ‘‰ "~" stands for moving to home dierectory
ls -l πŸ‘‰ list in long format
ls -a πŸ‘‰ show all files
-help πŸ‘‰ simple manual
^c πŸ‘‰ cancel
Note: always name your files and folders in lower_snake_case
In the posix system, the file names begin with a dot(.), it hides the file right away
Put semicolon(;) between every command

🎈 How to use

  • create new folder named "Minsoocho" in your Home directory
  • Create a first_script.rb file in "Minsoocho".
  • Create a terminal1o1 folder in "Minsoocho" and
    move the first_script.rb file
  • Create a second_program.rb folder in terminal_101
Hello all πŸ‘‹πŸ» πŸ“London

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