8. Graph Data Structure

임쿠쿠·2021년 11월 29일

1. What is a graph?

  • A data structure made up of nodes or vertices and edges or the connections between nodes

  • Typically, a visualization of a graph will be of nodes represented by circles and edges as lines between the circles

Trees vs Graph

  • Trees art just a special kind of graph with one root and only on unique path between any two nodes

  • A graph can go beyond that and have any number of root elements and multiple paths between nodes

2. How can we represent a graph in code?

1) Vertex list + Egde list

const vertices = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];

const edges = [
  ['A', 'B'],
  ['A', 'D'],
  ['B', 'C'],
  ['C', 'D'],
  ['C', 'E'],
  ['D', 'E']

// findeAdjacentNodes
const findAdjacentNodes = (node) => {

  // Loop through edges array
  // Is my node in the connection?
  // If yes, push the other node in pair, into adjacentNodes array
  // If no, keep looping
  const adjacentNodes = [];

  for (let edge of edges) {
    const nodeIdx = edge.indexOf(node);
    if (nodeIdx > -1) {
      let adjacentNode = nodeIdx === 0 ? edge[1] : edge[0]

  return adjacentNodes;

const isConnected = (node1, node2) => {
  return edges.some((edge) => {
    return edge.indexOf(node1) > -1 && edge.indexOf(node2) > -1

2) Ajacency Matrix

  • A 2-D array filled out with 1's and O's where each array represents a node and each index in the subarray, represents a potentail connection to another node
  • The value at adjacencyMatrix[node1][node2] indicates where there is a connection between node1 and node2
const vertices = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'];

const vertexIdxs = {
  'A': 0,
  'B': 1,
  'C': 2,
  'D': 3,
  'E': 4,

const adjacenyMatrix = [

// findAdjacencies
const findAdjacencies = (node) => {
  const adjacentNodes = [];

  // get the row in the matrix
  // loop through the row
  // if there is 1, push that node
  // otherwise skip
  for (let i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
    let nodeVertext = vertexIdxs[node];
    if(adjacenyMatrix[nodeVertext][i] === 1) {

  return adjacentNodes;

// isConnected
const isConnected = (node1, node2) => {
  const nodeIdx1 = vertexIdxs[node1];
  const nodeIdx2 = vertexIdxs[node2];

  return !!adjacenyMatrix[nodeIdx1][nodeIdx2];

3) Ajacency List

  • For every node, store a list of what nodes it's connecte to
class Node {
  constructor(value) {
    this.value = value;
    this.edgeList = [];

  connect(node) {

  getAdjacentNodes() {
    return this.edgeList.map(edge => edge.value);

  isConnect(node) {
    return this.edgeList.map(edge => edge.value).indexOf(node.value) > -1;

class Graph {
  constructor(nodes) {
    this.nodes = [...nodes];

  addToGraph(node) {

const nodeA = new Node('A');
const nodeB = new Node('B');
const nodeC = new Node('C');
const nodeD = new Node('D');
const nodeE = new Node('E');

const graph = new Graph([nodeA, nodeB, nodeC, nodeD, nodeE]);


// for (let node of graph.nodes) {
//   console.log(`Node ${node.value}`);
//   for (let connectedNode of node.edgeList) {
//     console.log(`Node ${node.value} is connected to ${connectedNode.value}`);
//   }
// }


참고: Graph Data Structure with 3 Javascript Implementations - codebyte

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