Elastic Beanstalk 배포 방법 정리

yo·2021년 3월 25일

Elastic Beanstalk Deploymemt Modes

All at once(deploy all in one go)

  • fastest, but instances aren't available to serve traffic for a bit(downtime)
  • Great for quick iterations in development environment
  • 가장 빠르다. 잠깐 서버 다운타임이 생긴다.


  • update a few instances at a time(bucket), and then move onto the next bucket once the first bucket is healthy
  • Application is running below capacity
  • can set the bucket size
  • Application is running both versions simultaneously
  • no additional cost
  • long deployment

Rolling with additional batches

  • like rolling, but spins up new instances to move the batch(so that the old application is still available)


  • spins up new instances in a new ASG, deploys version to these instances, and then swaps all the instances when everyting is healty

Blue / Green

각 배포 방법들의 차이 from AWS Doc

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